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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. “Consequence” only enters the conversation if one fails to find ones purpose in life, the consequence of that is often depression because it's the first step on life’s yellow brick road to contentment?
  2. Meaning, in this context, needs a reason; there’s no reason for life (it just happened) but there’s a reason to live; so meaning of life becomes meaning to life.
  3. Not all life forms are capable of thought ergo not equal. You’re right that’s not a valid definition of thought, so let’s use this one:
  4. You’re missing the point, there’s no need to hate anyone unless you’re physically fighting them (that’s why hatred evolved in people), then it’s very useful. So unless you’re being attacked, tolerance of those on the other side of the room is the only logical stance to adopt; just because they’re on that side they still have good ideas from time to time and if you hate them you hate the idea and learn absolutely nothing, however good the idea, tolerance gives you the chance. You’ll have to back this up, please quote the post and/or phrase.
  5. tar: Do you know that you have yet to provide any sort of reasonable argument? You instead, in almost every post, just reiterate your OP; I’m going to notch this as a win unless you actually address several points, I and others have raised that show your premise to be flawed.
  6. Reality is especially subjective, I suggest you read ‘Alice in wonderland’; no-one’s thoughts at present, or at any time, could possibly inform existence but they do provide a reason to exist.
  7. Risky, if the Donald weathers the storm, then he gains huge momentum and then all bets are off. Not to mention a broken party.
  8. The stars. Copper is copper wherever it’s found or created.
  9. The place that had most fun. The point is, you required a helping hand from the start of your career or did you give you the job?
  10. If by that you mean which restaurant gets to say, na na na na na, yep you’re right and that hatred would be happy to see you suffer; remove the hatred/fear and the successful restaurant feeds the other (because they can).
  11. Remember ‘tar’ with just a little misfortune you could be the guy you despise the most; that hobo on the corner alternating between mumbling and chugging on a hidden bottle. If you want an excuse to ignore them, don’t come here for validation.
  12. You have WAY more than you actually need, did you achieve that alone? Did you build your house/car/phone, or did you rely on others? Selfishness creates the poverty, co-operation creates the wealth.
  13. No argument here. That’s demonstrably not true nor does it relate to the OP.
  14. Any thought's I, or any being, may have, changes nothing about why we're here; my thoughts only give meaning to my life.
  15. Are you looking for the meaning of life or life's meaning?
  16. Nor is poverty. It’s not the poor that will make you poor, it’s the bank that forecloses despite the knowledge that the dept is payable, that could be you BTW and if it did happen to you, you’d better hope to find a, more, tolerant stranger.
  17. This answers my question quite well; basically you’d be happy for the starving man to die, as long as you don’t have to witness the pleading eye’s as the life seeps away or hear the whimpering get weaker until the final rattle. Edit/ added the coma for emphasis. That's my point. What about your neighbours?
  18. What if that somebody was starving and you just get to the cake first, because you’re not, would you still enjoy your treat?
  19. The best way to protect yourself from poverty is to make it disappear, because if nobody is poor then neither can you be. I sometimes get angry at your persistence but I don’t hate you for it, why would I? Hate only happens when we forget or fail to understand the value of tolerance; did you forget?
  20. You're more than welcome to have your cake and not eat it, although I prefer to just eat cake.
  21. dimreepr


    Just a comment on the choice of forum.
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