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Everything posted by jorge1907

  1. Some questions - why do you think you have diminished immunity? How would doc's check communities for this or any microorganisms - they've no such authority. Klebsiell oxytoca i a common environmental bug - esp. in households - so you may not have acquired it from another person..
  2. There are more microbial cels in and on our body than human cells. The numbers in/on respective parts are more likely to be functional than concerning.
  3. Thanks - probably assumed its was from our friend sammy and jumped to a negative interpretation. I need to read more carefully.
  4. How would he make more money if there were fewer people in the world and why do you think he desires more money? I think you betray your bias in the assumption of both points.
  5. Sure. It's not uncommon in fungal studies, esp. as one can't sample readily s mycelial culture without taking the whole mat. You could do a side-by-side comparison with your previous method to see if they're equivalent. Here's one ref - tho it used a smaller quantity of medium. http://aem.asm.org/content/49/1/101.short
  6. Interesting - the dishonest person continues to defend such an obvious lie. Did you or did you not claim Gates said "lets kill/sterilize people with vaccines" or are you ignorant re. use quotes and the word blatantly (note corrected spelling)? You have to wonder at the motivation of the author of the initial post. The initial video was at best tangential to his apparent anti-vaccine agenda. The ill-considered 1/2-assed speech of Gates he managed to find is dishonestly qouted. Grow up kid - if you have a point - state it.
  7. I see honesty is your short suit. He did not say "lets kill/sterilize people with vaccines".
  8. Are you really that dishonest? That he is not logical re. lowering population with better health care and vaccines - except for reproductive health care - is not the issue. These were not his words.
  9. Ringer - perhps Bill Gates isn't as immoral and you would presume to be if you had his wealth.
  10. Liberties? It's techncial garbage. Don't try to find rationale for the silliness from television, technical accuracy is not considered in their effort. Sulfur compounds are not per se harmful any more than odor response is necessarily harm avoidance. Sulfur is an essential element to life and makes up a signficant part of our bodies. We eat garlic and cabbage and skunk oil has been used in perfume. Studies, esp. with sludge amendments, showed that viruses (viral infectivity of a population) do not survive well in soil. That doesn't mean they all go away - the studies didnt have the sensitivity to confirm zero survival and infective doses can approximate a single virus.
  11. Why do you "believe" the (text of) the above video?
  12. So you interest is in the efficacy of vaccines?
  13. This is a lecture by an unknown speaker - not a peer rviewed paper and the bias here is obvious in "religious fanatics", funvac fr religius fundamentalism, etc - terms that he did not define. We don't know sample size, controls, how confounders were addressed, blindinging, power. He offered "individual" examples rather that statisticlly-based findings. And the speaker offers the sophomoric error or presuming coincidence establishes cuasality. For the presentation - he did not offer compelling data to his hypothesis.
  14. I detect sophomoric individual wthout much knowledge of the subject - or will you answer these questions for us. Please read the context offer, my sophomoric freind.
  15. Innumerable species have disappeared and life has accomodated well enough. Loss of mosquitoes (and there are multiple species) or even the emotionally-appealing polar bear may indeed have effects not anticipated, but neither seems obviously of great impact. In any case, I'd stick to "effect" rather than the subjective "benefit". The polar bear policy is as much political as technical (remember the weeping little girl "testifying to congress) and to this point is based more on anticipated loss of habitat rather than population data.
  16. It's not clear that enrichment was perfomed here at all and you shouldn't confuse these plated media with that effort. Though some Gram postive microorganisms can gorw on the stuff, I'd say EMB is more than slightly selective for Gram negative bacteria. In any case, you should streak for isolation on nonseletive medium in preparing your pure culture slant as viable cells of the other bug may be present om EMB but not growing. Why are you dismissing the "yellow dots" as contamination? There are Gram positive bacteria that produce yellow colonies. You could culture again on PEA (phenylethyl alcohol) agar if you can fnd some - this stuff inhibits Gram negative bacteria - esp. enterics.
  17. Then you can't perform an "MIC." You could plant some on an inoculated agar surface and look for diffusable antimicrobial activity - a zone of inhibition. But even a detectable capacity probably would be of only temportary benefit with constant salivary rinsing and chemical deposition in the mouth. I assume you'd like to know if it provides a surface in the mouth of ongoing resisitance to microbes - esp. to biofilm establishment. You could look for drop some into a culture of mouth strep along with a hydroxyapetite control and compare for biofilm after a few days. If it has activity, soak for an extended period in water and test again to determine if it's sustained.
  18. Probably all good bets but not enough info to be assured. #1 - might also be Geobacillus or Brevibacterium #2 - could be alot of Gram neg nonfermenters #3 - good bet but could be another enteric - e.g. Enterobacter agglomerans #4 - real gooc bet - but could be E. agglomerans and some of the other Escherichia sp. if you have singe islates - describe as "sp." - "spp." is plural.
  19. Probably not - colony morphology might work but "Helminthosporium" spp. have multicellular conidia Also, Think the term is obsolete - former Helminthorpsorium spp. are classified in genera Exserohilum, Dreschlera and Bipolaris.
  20. Why ndo you propose efficacy if you have no data?
  21. Perhaps a Cladosporium sp. or some other dematiaceous fungus. What was its origin of isolation?
  22. Don't see attempt to control confoundng factor that these folks had reason to go to ER - so were certainly more compromised that those not neding medical attention. Doc's often make poor scientists.
  23. Please - let's look for real data and not Wikipedia.
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