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Everything posted by zombieSquirrel

  1. Well, I'll give it a shot. It would have a blue color scheme that's a little darker than this forum is. The background would be a simple picture or art that also is mostly blues. Maybe the background picture could also be the logo. It would be an art and music forum, and I would eventually try to get some kind of online class or tutorial going for each subject, along with a questions section for each of the classes/tutorials. Above each class/tutorial I would have a "What you need and how to get started" thread. I would also try to set up areas that are dedicated to linking to other good resources, and probably some links to recommended stuff to buy for whatever you're working on. There would also be a bunch of general discussion forums for each subject, and a "water cooler" forum for chatting. The moderation and rules would be pretty much the same as they are here, with a few tweaks and changes. I would probably have any email addresses posted on the forums deleted. Any talk about doing something illegal like pirating music would be a major no-no. The moderators would have a hidden moderator's forum. I might try giving some of the older, more trusted and cool-headed members of the forums the ability to pull a Houdini on really offensive posts until one of the mods could check it out. Members would have user names, just like most other forums. Avatars would be an earned privilege, but it wouldn't be too hard to earn. A member could have that privilege temporarily or permanently removed if they intentionally use an offensive picture, depending on what the moderators decide after discussing it. Edit: There would also be an official "Welcome newbies! Come introduce yourself here" thread.
  2. I like them both equally. Yet another reason I'm going to wait on buying that game.
  3. Wow, we're getting pretty far in that area of research. Thanks. The philosophy forum isn't available to me yet.
  4. I have a couple of questions. First one. How far along are we in the development of a "silicon brain", and how long do you think it will be before we are capable of bonding a computer to a human brain in a way that it acts as a part of the brain? Second one. If we do bond a person's brain to a computer of similar capabilities, and then during a decade or two of living like this, his/her biological brain slowly dies off, until it's just the artificial brain. Will she/he be the same conscious being, or will it be a different consciousness that took over as the previous one failed?
  5. I downloaded Dwarf Fortress. The original graphics were just a little to much, so I got a graphical patch. That, along with some game music I got from iTunes, has made it a pretty good game. I also ordered KOTOR II, the Sith Lords for the pc. Should be here tomorrow. Hopefully it'll work on this machine.
  6. Sort of. I had a horrible nightmare when I was a kid that woke me up a couple of times. A couple of the scenes in my dream had an uncanny resemblance to the Mist, particularly the last scenes of the movie.
  7. A little of both. I didn't play enough to get good at either, because it was a one year class in grade school, but it was fun.
  8. Yeah, it was supposed to be for BattleTech's 25 anniversary, but that was last summer. They've had various issues with overhauling the game, and I believe some lawyers have now gotten involved. The new one looked pretty cool. I can hardly wait!
  9. Ever been to their forum? It's amazing how many people believe that stuff might be possible. IMO, it's not so much a science show as it is a show about the basics of reality.
  10. Nothing much right now, just the occasional round of Supreme Commander F.A. I'm waiting for a free version of Mechwarrior 4 to come out, but they're having some issues. Lol at the D.F. story. I'm really tempted to try it, but I don't know if I should right now.
  11. Kind of hard to choose between solar and nuclear power, but I went with solar.
  12. Merry Christmas and/or happy holidays!
  13. I just finished reading "Mad Science" by Theodore Gray. Good book for someone like me, full of different science related projects that he did, and it comes with pictures of them. I'm also starting on "The Road To Reality". They were both Christmas gifts.
  14. Just to clarify, the curving bullet is just a curiosity, not an idea for the military. Also, the range enhanced sniper rifle idea is independent of the curving bullet idea, so the sniper rifle bullet wouldn't curve. I hadn't thought about that, but maybe it could be designed more like a rocket, which are designed to not tumble, despite it lacking a stabilizing spin.
  15. I was thinking it would have reduced recoil because either A) you increase the range of a smaller rifle, so you don't have to use a bigger one, or B) use less powder, and let the jet provide the rest after the bullet leaves the barrel. I agree that a curving bullet like this one would be pretty useless as a weapon, but where would we be if we didn't invent stupid things for the fun of it ?
  16. I agree. Besides firing missiles, which do all the work and leave you with a small puff of smoke in the distance, I like flight simulator games too.
  17. Basically, but because the engine turns and pushes the bullet in a new direction instead of the magnus effect. Right, a smooth bore gun is what I had in mind.
  18. I was just thinking about the curving bullet episode on mythbusters, when I thought about the possibility of making a ram jet bullet, using a phosphorous coated magnesium core, or something like that. The friction of air passing through would ignite the phosphorous, and that would ignite the magnesium. If this ram jet bullet were to eject the exhaust at an angle, do you think it could be a working curving bullet? Obviously the curve wouldn't be as extreme as the ones in the movie. I'm also curious as to if a ram jet bullet (non curving) could have a place in the military or in sporting. Perhaps long range sniping or reduced recoil?
  19. I'll second that. The multi player was great! I wasn't too fond of how they ended the game though.
  20. Why do you want to know? Do you want to obtain some potassium nitrate discretely, or are you just curious? It's perfectly legal to buy (at least where I live, anyway), though it can get the government's attention, because it could be used in making explosives. I could order some on the web or go to a drug store to buy some, no problem.
  21. So it covers the entire physics spectrum? Hot dog, I'm gonna have me self a edurcation, er I mean it's sounds like something I could use. I'll have to check it out I've always liked the Something or Other for Dummies books. You don't necessarily have to be a dummy.
  22. I wanted to be a scientist or inventor. I also wanted to be a military pilot. Edit: Wanted to be someone who won 120 million dollars in the lottery too.
  23. That's what I've read. There's a discussion on it somewhere around here. Here it is. http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14640&highlight=H2SO4+H2O2&page=3
  24. I'm waiting for the next Elder Scrolls game to show up (whenever that will be), the next Halo game, and I'm really looking forward to Starcraft II.
  25. I still need the portability. Can't get video on the phone, and can you really surf the web without speed? Thank goodness for free wifi at the library. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI found an HP pavilion that's almost identical to the Acer, only with a better graphics card and free shipping, for the same price. It doesn't have a fingerprint reader, but that's no big deal. Thanks again.
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