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Everything posted by kisai

  1. Your mesh circuit is reporting every amperage as positive. The sum of the currents entering a node is equal to the sum of the currents leaving. Some quick adding shows me that this holds for the center line.
  2. Urgh. Please pardon my mistakes.
  3. Both are chains of long polysaturated and monosaturated fatty acids.
  4. In addition to sweating, the spicy food causes dilation of the blood vessels, bringing more towards the skin, where it is cooled.
  5. How would you go about testing your hypothesis?
  6. Those would have to be some pretty gosh-darn long and strong wires.
  7. Part of the project is researching what you need/want to do and deciding if you can do it. There are an abundance of projects online and books that can start a beginner. I suggest you find out which microprocessors you have access to and go from there.
  8. T is sometimes used in matrix notation as a transformation matrix (like say you wanted to skew or shear a plane spanned by some linearly independent vectors). I would be very explicit.
  9. It's pretty easy to create a unique language that nobody speaks. You could have a computer generate strings for you, and make sure those strings aren't related to anything in any other dictionary. You invent some grammatical rules that nobody thought of (probably because they are inconvenient... like you could have to have sign language incorporated into your speech, or hopping). The problem is that no one else is going to use it. Language is a cultural expression of a social group. No social group means no real way the language can be alive and change over time.
  10. I find myself without anything constructive to say.
  11. Unfortunately, you can only learn scientific concepts superficially without learning the mathematics behind it. That's what's stopping everyone from suddenly becoming a scientific genius. You can try Susskind's lectures at http://theoreticalminimum.com/ I've only been casually watching the first one and he does a lot to try to smooth over the math involved.
  12. Randomness and entropy are NOT equivalent. You have to very carefully define your terms.
  13. I am extremely grateful for the stricter rules on what constitutes scientific discussion and especially about the rule about not be allowed to use logical fallacies to back one's argument. The last forum I frequented became a haven for trolls because, by lauding free speech, a troll's remarks had the same value as an intelligent discussion. So the intelligent people left and the trolls stayed.
  14. kisai


    The lack of any sort of alien architecture on Earth is a serious detriment to the speculation of previous or current colonization. If it was a military type of alien, you'd think they'd build an enormous structure, visible from space, that symbolized "We own this planet. Do not touch" or "We own you plebians and we'll kick your bottoms if you get unruly". If it was an alien species concerned with our well-being, you'd think a university, run by an AI, to assist humans into civilization would be helpful. But no, creatures with unimaginable resources and concerns about our species can't be arsed to do anything.
  15. Reviewing Linear Algebra is Kind of Dull. It lacks the fun factor that Discrete Maths have, and the descriptive awesomeness which is Calc and statistics.

    1. ajb


      Still, linear algebra is the basis of a lot of more advanced mathematics. But I agree, it can be dull.


    2. kisai


      Well, I am reviewing it for a Quantum Mechanics and Computing Course. I may be raving about how useful it is once I see its applications.

    3. ajb


      In quantum mechanics, one is usually interested in infinite dimensional spaces, so really that is functional analysis. But, in quantum information theory people usually consider a finite number of states, usually 2. Here you really do use linear algebra. And amazingly, there are still open question in linear algebra that come from quantum information theory!


  16. I conjecture he had a penis, and a desire to use that penis, both of which are caused by genetics.
  17. Claiming that "Ancient Wisdom" all points towards some ubiquitous truth is a Theosophist claim.
  18. It is an extrapolation of what you quoted. The Akashic Record is a Theosophist invention. One of the key tenets of Theosophy is that current day scientific discovery is really just a re-discovery of a scientific-mystical blend that they practiced in Atlantis and Lemuria hundreds of thousands of years ago[1] by ascended masters with large pineal glands for telepathic communication. And of course they have a secret society which leaks out these secrets (not Theosophy! Someone else!) when society is right for them. [1] I'm glossing over details, but the details aren't interesting.
  19. The concept of akashic records was invented in 1884 by Theosophists. Theosophists would really, really like it if Albert Einstein got his ideas from Blavatsky, but there is no evidence that this is the case. Mixing the theories of the forefront of science with ancient mysticism and selling it to people is nothing new. Unless Einstein jotted down some ideas that his lines of thinking was towards the OP's quote, it is most likely bullshit.
  20. No, he wasn't actually beaten up. When he recounted his story, it seemed cartoonish. The policeman had a strong Southern accent (we were living in New York) and he told the story from the point of view of the officer ("Don't come around, here, BOY! *WHAM*" As Marius made broad striking motions that the policeman would have made even though at this point of the story, Marius would have been in a fetal position on the ground from being hit 6-8 times.). Marius never appeared harmed. It didn't seem realistic at all. Marius is such a strong introvert, and a little slip of a guy, being 5'2" and 120 lbs. soaking wet, that he would never get in trouble.
  21. I had a roommate once who was a great guy. Nickname of Marius. Archaeologist major. Neopagan Druid priest. We all loved him. He would mutter and have conversations with himself a lot. What we didn't know was that Marius had paranoid delusional fantasies often, but he was very good at not letting them slip. If he walked down the street by himself, he'd have these very vivid fantasies that strangers were out to get him. Once in a while, we'd get a story from him about being cursed out on the bus, or a police officer beat him up. Now, I'm not trying to do something as silly as diagnose you over the internet. I am completely unqualified. I'm just saying it is possible to be a great person and have a mentality that's different from other people.
  22. What if I ran a goat and a chatbot with a database containing the last two hundred years of the best political speeches and quips? Then I decide on the most popular platforms to have at the time. My chatbot slaughters during the debates. I grab some feasible economic and foreign policy plans, but nothing too radical and present that as my goat's models for its term. At the end of the election, I present the goat.
  23. I thought studies of the effects of porn on the brain were stymied because they couldn't find a control group (people who don't watch porn). It's nice to find 'neurologists, therapists, et al who are concerned with any causal relationships', but you really need case studies if you want to say anything definite about the health of a population. Alarmist entertainment television is insufficient for scientific discourse.
  24. You can pick up strong AM transmissions on your fillings or braces. That's a few millivolts that can be enough to vibrate your teeth as a speaker and use your mouth as a sounding board. I am reading that the material in your mouth has to act like a diode for a one way transmission, and I'd like to delete this post so I can think things through a bit more, but it is late and I am not seeing a deletion button...
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