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Status Updates posted by Arete

  1. My grad student made a documentary - check it out!

  2. The only place to buy coffee with all the construction on campus only has decaf. Considered cancelling my 8.30am lecture in protest. 

    1. CharonY


      That is an atrocity and will only lead to an black market beans. I think it is time to get an espresso machine.

  3. "But I am very poorly today & very stupid & hate everybody & everything." Charles Darwin

    1. Moontanman


      Great minds evidently think alike!

  4. A paper accepted and another submitted, and it's not even lunch time! on a roll today!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ajb


      Sometimes rejections can come quick, if the paper is rejected at stage one by the editorial staff. The problems start when referees get involved!

    3. Theoretical


      I'd like to know their analysis criteria. I'd imagine controversy is a big one.

    4. hypervalent_iodine
  5. going for a record in "umm ahh". My evolution 2016 talk is online https://goo.gl/YTTxlu

    1. CharonY


      I have you beat in the "rush through slides and skipping explanation until you realize half-way through that this is audience actually needed the explanation"-section.

  6. I probably a little too happy with myself for writing a perl script to turn a giant csv into a giant fasta file. Now on with the local BLAST searches...

  7. Just welcomed my first postdoc to my lab!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. imatfaal


      And similar to what I said to ajb - they are lucky to have such a generous mentor

    3. Arete


      I have 2 PhD students already, and thank you for the kind words.

    4. CharonY


      Here's to a mutually beneficial relationship.

  8. My first ever graduate student defended today - fake it until your grad students make it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. imatfaal


      Arete has reached such a grand old age that he has now acted as a supervisor to a PhD candidate who has defended their thesis. You start having to "fake it" (ie pretend a/o hope you are good enough) when you embark on research - if you can nurture a second talent to a PhD then you have pretty much shown you know your stuff.

    3. imatfaal


      Joking about the "grand old age" bit of course ;-)

    4. CharonY


      It is the circle of taking.

      And it moves us all

  9. New lab website launch! https://sistromlab.wordpress.com/

    1. hypervalent_iodine


      Looks great (and a belated congrats, by the way)! Good luck with everything come July.


      Also, I think I spotted a small typo on the home page.


      "...however our primary focus on RNA virus populations in... "


      Should have an, 'is,' in there:


      "...however our primary focus is on RNA virus populations in... "

    2. fiveworlds
  10. Spent the night evacuated in Merced from the Detwiler fire in the central Sierra. May not have a house anymore but at least the family is safe

    1. Daedalus


      Sorry to hear that Arete. I almost lost my house to a fire back in 2010. So, I know what you are going through. I'm glad you and your family are safe, and I hope that your home and all of your belonging are safe too.

  11. Today's new year labfail - never lift an Eppendorf 5804 centrifuge on your own if you don't enjoy back pain. By the power of Greyskull, that thing is heavy.

    1. CharonY


      Still better than to drop it it. Bloody thing is expensive, too.

    2. Arete


      Got home from holidays to find a ton of ordered equipment and consumables piled up in my lab space. Most of it is unpacked, the BSC is certified, now I just need reagents and samples to do some of my own science instead of just analyzing other peoples data... exciting times.

  12. Turns out we're a lot less microbe than we first thought: taking a poop might be all it takes to change you from mostly microbial cells to mostly human cells! http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/01/06/036103

    1. imatfaal


      And there goes one of my favourite odd scientific facts. Although it is many other peoples and now I can counter it with references :)


  13. we got some science in the news! Glad to have this paper out: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/05/160526091959.htm

    1. StringJunky


      High five! May there be many more.

  14. We have a new paper out on phage resistance in Pseudomonas http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0144514

    1. ajb


      Great. It is always nice to get work published.

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