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Everything posted by iNow

  1. If he's looking to avoid gold diggers, why are we all suggesting he go see a lawyer? Seems contrary to the premise of the OP, does it not?
  2. Greater than what? Solar can be scaled up to nearly any application or wattage requirement. I fail to see the problem you are suggesting. Can you do it with the solar that goes on a wrist watch? No, of course not. Can you do it with a large collection of high-efficiency panels directed to a central storage medium? Absolutely. No problem. Next challenge? Again, why not? You've simply asserted your opinion here, and I happen to disagree with it. It's a matter of scale. Your comment is equivalent to someone in the early 1900s saying that it would be impossible to make more than 10 cars a week. Guess what? Then came the assembly line method of manufacturing. No problem. Next challenge? That's a good idea, and I definitely agree that it would help. Many people use those drip systems here in Texas, and they're phenomonal. I'm not sure what you're talking about. Nobody has cited any predictions here. We've identified a problem, and proposed some ideas on fixing it. Some challenges to those ideas are under discussion, but I'm still not sure what you're referring to with your "most do not" comment above, nor how that even comes close to the threshold of relevance. I guess we'll all have to wait and see, eh?
  3. I sure hope you posted that as comic relief, and not a serious reprsentation of your views on the subject.
  4. I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while. Thanks for sharing the story.
  5. We seem to be approaching this from different "reference frames." I won't argue your points against mine, because we are both saying slightly different things, and I agree with both.
  6. Pop some solar panels on top of them. Next challenge?
  7. I'd ammend the thread title somewhat. Bad guys get laid, confident and intelligent guys get loved AND laid.
  8. That's all well and good, but I proposed one possible solution, and you supplemented my point by offering numerous others. This is not going to happen... why exactly? Neither one of us is saying, "it will just be solved somehow." We know precisely what it will take. What's the next step?
  9. You tard. I'm not actually arguing in favor of killing people. I'm using that as leverage for my comments that it's well past time for us to get smarter about this whole thing. It's called "Vapor compression distillation." I first heard of it here: Interview - Dean Kamen | The Colbert Report | Comedy Central
  10. Here's a good one considering the context: And another just for fun: Alright... one more. This one had me in tears I was laughing so hard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LdFKYADp94&feature=related
  11. Lance, Sorry mate, but you can doubt all you want. There has never ever in all eternity been a scale such as that we are forced to consider today. Population grows exponentially. You are correct that the limited availability of water resources is not a new problem, but you are mistaken to suggest that today's issue is no worse than at times previously in human history. That said, you are quite correct that we do have the means to prevent it from becoming worse. This would be a two step solution. One, technology to increase the availability of fresh water en masse. Two, to hinder further unconstrained population growth.
  12. You think things will be bad when oil runs out? Just wait until fresh water is in short supply. Wars will be fought to stave off dehydration and death of crops. Oil will seem like a silly childhood concern. We don't have enough fresh water to support the population as it stands. The population either needs to decrease or more fresh water needs to become available. For more fresh water to become available, we need more desalination (also, toxin removing) technology.
  13. Grab a beer and pop some corn. It's worth the watch. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7023586193707783714&q=dawkins+liverpool&ei=B9ReSJ_XGJD6qQPqrPDoCw
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSSwKffj9o
  15. Where specfically are you stuck? What have you done already on your own?
  16. Then you have to accept this as evidence that Bush is a chimp: I can provide a few audio clips to support that picture is not fake if you need me to.
  17. Now THAT is an interesting observation for sure. We are so damned backward sometimes as a culture. Ditto on the thanks to DH for sharing the useful graphic.
  18. We need more clean and desalinating water technology... Or, less people.
  19. I disagree. It's not "throwing them a bone," it's pissing on them. I also don't think it's showing anyone "that the Democrats care." I think it's showing them that they don't take us seriously enough to make REAL changes for the better. It's showing that they are willing to treat us all like stupid children instead of respecting our intelligence and doing the right thing. This idea of drilling off of Florida isn't even a bandaid for the issues we are facing with energy right now. So, which is it? 45 miles, or 201? Let's try to be consistent so as to avoid confusion. [EDIT: Looks Bascule already noticed this. ] I think it's possible that Pangloss has realized that it's far easier to try to make those who disagree with him look stupid instead of supporting his own arguements.
  20. Thanks for the clarification. Doing some more reading, I see that again we're talking about a piddly amount. 5B barrels at the high end? That's like 1/3 of ANWR, which we agreed was itself too small to have any significant impact. Here's a useful page: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/international/reserves.html
  21. Yeah. He was totally brilliant, and histerical. He would start talking about government or corporate america with the seething venom that could make your hairs curl and your appreciation of logic sensors go off the charts, all while making you wet yourself from laughing so hard. Hopefully they will re-air much of his work. He was a very insightful dude, and it's too bad he's gone.
  22. So, are you suggesting this is some sort of property rights issue? That nobody technically owns this area so it's going to be first come, first served? If so, that seems strange. I can't image our navy would consider waters off of our coast to be "shared by all earthlings."
  23. You click the link in post #1 and answer their questions.
  24. spartagus, It's good that you were able to offer an answer to the question. However, moving forward, you may want to take a peak at the posting dates before deciding whether or not to offer a response. If this person is still waiting for an answer 3 and a half years later, then they have bigger problems than insufficient knowledge of chemistry.
  25. Your mother's basement, dateless on a Friday night, in front of a computer usually. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klingon
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