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Everything posted by iNow

  1. Please, for the love of Thor, learn to spell and stop using txt spk. This forum has many readers where English is not their first language, and it's very difficult for them to understand your posts. Hell... I'm exceptional with my English, and I can't figure out what you mean half the time. Thanks.
  2. http://www.autoblog.com/2009/03/26/tesla-model-s-50-000-ev-sedan-seats-seven-300-mile-range-0-6/ The car fits seven people and their luggage: five adults and two children in rear-facing seats under the hatch inside, with luggage in the boot up front. If not people, it can fit a mountain bike with its wheels still on, a surfboard and a 50-inch television at the same time.
  3. Don't worry... Many of the US citizens don't trust the US government either.
  4. Why would you think that "somebody else" is doing this to you from afar... in some paranoid way... instead of you just being implicitly prone to vertigo?
  5. Ermm... The specific car GDG referenced seats seven (7) people. http://www.teslamotors.com/buy/buyshowroom.php
  6. Yes, but more often than not I read the blogs they host, scienceblogs.com. http://scienceblogs.com/
  7. I'm okay with it. When you break it down, ALL breeding is selective. Across animal-based life forms, mates must choose their partner. In the circumstances you describe, we're just choosing for them. This has allowed us to have wonderful meats, and chickens with gigantic breasts... dogs which can help save lives and organisms which improve health, for example. Selective breeding is perfectly ethical. I think it's what you ultimately decide to do with the bred animals themselves which is an area on which we should focus and heavily question.
  8. Yeah, I think I was in middle school myself, except I was more often using Basic... not even quickbasic or Qbasic.
  9. I'm not even sure if computers have this anymore, but you could do something like you posted in QuickBasic... That's what I did back in the day when I was a young lad pounding away on my dad's computer... except, I made mine play sounds out of the tiny little speaker our 286/AT system had.
  10. iNow

    Great Porn Names

    I actually encountered a fellow from Asia a few years back who was named: Miracle Wang Yes, folks, that is a true story.
  11. http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/member.php?u=2842 Favorite Area of Science Herpetology / paleobiology / biomechanics Biography PhD student studying frog jumping and muscle biomechanics
  12. iNow

    Rep Question

    So, how come the green boxes are all swollen now? Is there a virulent strain of rep flu in the house?
  13. iNow

    Great Porn Names

    Outstanding... You guys rock! Keep 'em cu coming. Phil Layder
  14. So... Pretty self-explanatory. From Colbert tonight: Rusty Tang. Your turn. Keep it clean, folks. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedThrus Tarder
  15. I tend to learn most from reading the responses. Somebody makes a dumbshit claim, and I learn why it's wrong (and further... what is correct) when the heavy hitters come in and respond to it. That's one reason, anyway. EDIT: Mokele beat me to it.
  16. The church demonstrated for us all that this approach was far too limiting to the advancement of human knowledge and civilation, and that it's generally a good idea to try to remain open to new ideas and alternative views whenever possible.
  17. Probably off-topic. Maybe that can be explored in another thread, mate? So... is it the fact that it causes terror and/or sends a message, or the fact that it's directed against the government which matters? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged You know... The definition of terrorism itself seems to support your point. Check this out: http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3A+terrorism Practically every single one of them references the goal of political change or religious motivation, which also ties in well with Mokele's mention of "sending a message." The killing of Dr. Tiller, an abortion doctor, by a Christian fundie was without a doubt to send a message, it was to impact political change, and it had religious motivations. That meets the definitions shared in my link. Why is that not considered terrorism? How is that different from Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, who killed army recruiters? The only differences I see are a) the target, and b) the underlying religious group motivating the action taken. You mention neo-McCarthyism... Terrorists are, in fact, the new communists... The big bad boogyman which catalyze our acceptance of moving away from our values and reason... our collective rationality. I seem to recall one of the Sunday shows last weekend... one of the guests... stating exactly that... Terrorism is the new communism.
  18. Consistency in the application of our laws... Avoidance of bias... Making sure that we are not religiotic ideologues when prosecuting criminals. Or, I could have just said... Yes. It does serve a useful purpose, especially considering how the laws for terrorists are different than the laws for non-terrorists. Now, how DO we define it?
  19. Isn't terrorism whatever the government officials tell us it is? I mean, what possible reason would they have not to be authentic with us? Kidding aside, it's a tough question. Can someone be "sort of" a terrorist, or is it a boolean state with a clear demarcation somewhere? ... you're not a terrorist until you've crossed this line... I don't think it can be contingent on the actions of the person, because sometimes those actions haven't yet been taken... or, can it? Maybe plans and thoughts and ideas can be considered actions... Interesting question. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedLooking more closely at your article, I'm inclined to believe that we're rather biased against labeling fundie Christians as terrorist, and perhaps too likely to label fundie Muslims as terrorist, as per your suggestion.
  20. iNow

    Force over distance

    Basically, as mentioned above, there's no such thing as a perfectly rigid object. No matter what you use... rope, pipe, buckyball tubes... when you pull on one end, it causes a wave (of sorts) to travel down that object. You pull, and the molecules closest to your hand will tug at the molecules just a little further away from your hand. Then, those molecules which just experienced the tug will begin to tug at the molecules on the other side... the molecules even further away from your hand... and those molecules then tug at the molecules further away from them, and then they tug at the molecules on their other side (the side further away from you)... until finally those last few molecules at the other end of your object tug for the last time and there is no more rope... no more tugging... the reaction is essentially done (although, there would likely be some bounce back until an equilibrium was re-achieved, but that's not relevant for the purposes of this example). That tugging of molecules takes time, and each tug is a single event with a non-zero amount of time taken for it to happen... Add them all together, and THAT's how long it takes for the other end to move.
  21. If I may criticize, that wasn't a very helpful reply, granpa. Cameron - There is a lot to the make-up of the brain. As discussed above, there are a series of neurons, and connections among those neurons (synapses). There is also blood vessels and what some call brain matter. Depending on where in the brain you are, the make-up will be different. You have glial cells which provide structural stability and perform other functions like electrically insulating neurons and helping to buffer ion flow. There is gray matter, and white matter, and different cortexes and convolution. It's a pretty big question you asked. You might spend some time exploring this... I think it will educate you on a lot: http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/introb.html Also, it looks like the wiki page on the brain is pretty well done, and robust with information such as that you keep requesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain Enjoy.
  22. Oh, come on, Mokele... Don't aim so low. I'm sure we could do it in far fewer posts than that if we tried. Knowing you, I imagine you already know about this, but the stimulus package will help you with 30% of the cost (plus, whatever local rebates/programs are available to you in CO): http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_tax_credits
  23. Isn't that what you are supposed to tell your teacher?
  24. No. You can change your time zone and which day starts your week, but not the format. This is most likely a VB code thing, and nothing particular to this site (in other words, the infrastructure on which this forum is built may not even offer that as an option). Date/Time settings which are available are here: http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/profile.php?do=editoptions EDIT: Of course, it figures Cap'n could do it... He's the man.
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