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Everything posted by iNow

  1. At what altitude will this precipitation fall? What percentage of the precipitation will land at high altitudes, and what percentage will not? What is the average temperature at those altitudes? Inquiring minds want to know.
  2. It speaks to the slightly bigger issue of her authenticity and integrity, which are the two primary concerns I personally have with her presidential bid.
  3. Hi Obelix, It was a television show. http://www.3rdrock.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lithgow Also, any chance you could start posting in regular forum font? Right now, it feels like you're yelling at me, and I get a headache reading your posts (and strangely, it has zero to do with the content of your posts and everything to do with the formatting). Thanks in advance!
  4. Curvature? Warpage? Dimpling (not to be confused with dumpling)? Basically, any mathematical term which describes shapes and change in non-Euclidean geometry would be appropriate.
  5. TDS, I think you have seriously underestimated lucaspa's understanding of the subject matter based on the tone of your response to him above, and I also completely agree with his point that the panspermia hypothesis only pushes the problem elsewhere. The thread title does not say "orgin on life on earth," it just says, "origin of life." Lucaspa's point is that, if life came from elsewhere (ala the panspermia hypothesis), then where and how did THAT life begin? Panspermia is not so much an "answer," but more a displacement of the original question.
  6. No worries. Your intentions were clear and I'm not concerned. I can tell what you intended... It is most certainly because your post had an earlier date... Agreed. It's a bit strange, actually, that we've heard so little. Stupid conservative bias in the media! It is distressing, and I think it might show that McCain is becoming fatiqued by the whole process... even though he hasn't been "battling" with other candidates for quite a number of weeks now.
  7. I think you've presented a false dichotomy, as was explained clearly by the links in my post immediately prior to yours. The very "cliff's notes" summary is that the ice will melt, but there will also be increased precipitation adding new ice to the upper altitudes.
  8. I'm willing to give it a try though, if you're ever interested. The only way we get through such issues is to discuss them like mature adults. Sweeping such profound and chronic concerns under the rug only allows them them to perpetuate indefinitely. Cheers, mate.
  9. What about McCain's gaff in Jordan this week? Not only is he running as the voice of experience, not only is the central tenet of his campaign his foreign policy knowledge and expertise, not only does it show that he is myopic as pertains to Al-Quada and that he can miss specifics, it also shows that he really is parallel in many ways with the current Bush/Cheney mindset which is so fundamentally disagreed with in the US and internationally. Further, it calls into question the state of his mind, and issues with aging. Not sure what I'm talking about? Check here: Let's be clear, I have a very profound respect for John McCain, his service to the US, and his abilities both as a man and as a leader, but had Obama made this same mis-step, it would have been a game ender for him. How's that for PC?
  10. That definition seems pretty arbitrary, tvp. I see no reason "power" have should anything whatsoever to do with a definition of racism. You can be the lowliest son of a bitch with no money, no friends, no nothing... and still be a racist if continue to judge people solely on the color of their skin and not the content of their character. Mooey is quite right, and she gave excellent supporting examples. Either way though, we should either start a new thread to hash this out or stop altogether (I'm fine with both), but this thread is not about definining the various bigotted "isms" we encounter in the world. It's about one man's bid for presidency and how stupid comments caught on tape from the leader of his church impact that bid.
  11. It's made pretty straight forward here. I've pulled one tiny comment from many. Folks should launch the link and read the rest for themselves. http://www.realclimate.org/index.php?p=129 http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2005/05/tropical-glacier-retreat/
  12. Shouldn't one first demonstrate the existence of a "life force" before they waste a whole lot of time and energy trying to describe it and where it comes from?
  13. Lol... Go get some rest, gramps... you seem over emotional.
  14. I see Bascule's post as pure parody, trying to illuminate how silly we all are for caring about such things... but, I could very well be mistaken.
  15. He probably believed you already, but do you really think his hormones and his attraction to his girlfriend are going to be beaten by logic and pure information? I remember being 15. I never wanted to hang up that phone with the girls. He's got his whole life to sleep. I think a better solution would be to have his girlfriend sleep over.
  16. Since you called me out specifically above, I will say that intention was not hard to understand. I cite the following: http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showpost.php?p=397451&postcount=53 http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=31891 http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=31786 It's not exactly like Physia is a first time poster who I'm railing against randomly because "I feel icky." I laugh at your suggestion, as I'm very open minded to abrasive ideas if they are presented intelligently and for the purpose of making things better. I've read his posts, and I have a good sense of what he means when he says: We're talking about someone running for the President of the United States of America and the best topic of conversation we can come up with is "are they muslim, are they black, or are they female?" It's absolutely disgraceful.
  17. Haha... Good response, mate. Now, I finally think all of us are on the same page. If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit.
  18. I'm iNow. I chose my username because I live by the premise that all we have is the present, in which both past and future are contained. I studied psychology, but I am not about counseling. My strength was in the research, where I worked in 5 different labs prior to graduating, honing my skills and my ability to form questions. My first job was on a research project about smoking at the American Cancer Society. I then worked briefly for a pharmaceutical research firm doing phase 1 through 4 clinical trials, but I had a boss that rubbed me wrong and I told her off. Shortly after she fired me for my insolence, I began then working at my current company involved in various nanomanfacturing activities, from chips to thin films, and I've been involved in training for several years. I have a passion for learning, and I thrive on sharing that passion with others. The project I'm on now is one of 3 major corporate initiatives in my company, and the scope of my work is downright disconcerting, but I relish the challenge and the risk. I have a black belt in kung fu, where I am trained in 6 different weapons and 7 different animal systems, and a brown sash in tai chi. I've been skydiving twice, and I am an insulin dependent diabetic, and have been since I was diagnosed after going into a coma at the age of 10. I've taken care of myself and been independent since I was 17, and I have a good spirit, a kind heart, but a biting tongue and piercing rhetoric when it comes to people who lack integrity and academic responsibility. If you are honest and sincere with me, then you will earn my respect. It's simple really. I am open to change my mind in the face of contradictory information, but I attack with vigor and enjoyment bullshit arguments and regurgitated lies. Nice to meet you. Be well.
  19. This is relevant to Barack Hussein Obama's bid to the United States presidency, how? Painters who use broad brushes miss the important details of the scene they wish to portray. Hardcore jews, agentchange? Please. You're smarter than that and you know it.
  20. Aww... Please note that jryan's simply trying to move the goal posts. Instead of arguing the science, he's now attacking the policy. He can open a thread in Politics or General Discussion to go over how we respond, or even a post discussing the magnitude difference in human respiration versus industrial and transportational CO2 output... but, right now, his posts are really not much more than unsupported handwaving and I've never been accused of being a patient man. Btw... I still laugh at the n-dimensional filing system comment you made some months ago. I think it was at that point that I started seeing you as a human being and not one of the scores of denialist robots I've encountered frequenting science based fora. I hope the job and the family are well. I'm only a jerk to certain types. I often refer to them as liars and and sheep. The rest, I realize, are in this with me together, simply trying to learn and understand more before our respiration ceases indefinitely.
  21. Well, your last comment shows me just where your mind truly is on this issue, but for those who choose to be part of a mature society, I share these links to address your first point. Is it perhaps his middle name which scares you, or have you just been lied to with an email smear campaign and simply chosen to believe it blindly and regurgitate it to others?
  22. You can dislike me personally all you want... Your dislike of me will never support your suggestion that human contributions to atmospheric CO2 concentrations are not causing global average yearly temperatures to increase.
  23. Hi smooth, When I read your statement, it seemed to suggest that there must be some "puppet master" behind the scenes putting everything in place. I concede that I may be misinterpreting you, but my primary point is that these "laws" we've been discussing are a fundamental and inherent part of the universe itself. I do not personally ascribe to the idea that there must be a "ruling authority," nor that this assumed "authority" would ever expect anything. Does this help to clarify my position? Anyway, it's nice to meet you, too. Be well.
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