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Everything posted by Brainteaserfan

  1. ?? Are you saying that Obama has lower poll numbers than the Reps? As bad as Obama is, I have this feeling we're in for 4 more years. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/president_obama_vs_republican_candidates.html
  2. http://www.rogermwilcox.com/darksuck.txt https://www.msu.edu/user/dynicrai/physics/dark.htm
  3. Haha John, that's funny! I never introduced myself either. I am a home schooled high schooler who likes science, music, math, and writing. Oh, and politics and religion. I don't really like sports other than golf, and I enjoy the occasional chess game. One random area in which I have particularly strong beliefs is nuclear energy -- I think the world should use a whole lot more of it, and can't understand those who are against it.
  4. -print $$ -borrow $$ -use reserve $$ or, what I would like -- it could just SHRINK!!!
  5. I was thinking they'd be dead, whether they ate each other or not.
  6. That seems like a big leap to me. Could one not say that stricter views come from a government that WANTS to protect the people's rights (right to not be harmed by crime)? Edit/PS: Yes, I agree that the OP may have started with a rather faulty premise.
  7. Maybe because Sciduck was right he doesn't come back?
  8. I keep forgetting other countries are represented here. Sorry. Psst: I like my hw too.
  9. Who knows whether people wanted to learn then? Anyway, God was there, and since he has infinite knowledge, one could learn from him forever.
  10. Not endorsing the OP, but you want to spread the gospel to unbelievers, and bringing up children can help further that goal.
  11. Ottomh=off the top of my head. Aristotle. I'll put together a real reply when I get a chance.
  12. Ottomh, the same guy who came up with spontaneous generation donated many highly valued ideas to science. Besides, that's the fallacy of saying that because something bad came from an idea, the idea is bad.
  13. So you are saying that there aren't individual cells? Hmm, might have to edit my biology book's definition for hypha--a filament of fungal cells.
  14. She's 13 and in high school? I hope her age doesn't disadvantage her too much by the time she gets to college. Or is she almost 14?? Anyway, so she mainly wants a biology and English supplement? What is she doing now in school for biology? Check out the write-at-home site. I realized I should have clarified why I randomly mentioned the extra curricular stuff. If she has extra time, she might want to make sure she has a few extra-curricular things that she is good at.
  15. True, that is practically the same thing though, but I see how mine was slightly charged. Right, although maybe you should define "normal life." Since when was having children abnormal? I used some language that in retrospect probably should have been edited. Why do you want me to make "the emotional and ethical argument"? By using language like that, you are also making it very clear that you would not be influenced in the slightest, and would probably post a reply which I would not want to read. It doesn't "fail," it is still a valid argument, but I see what you are saying. It certainly still stands for treating STD's though, and why the two are different. Quite rarely.
  16. (italics added) I don't understand how. Maybe I would need to go to a public school to find out. I mostly just get my stuff done and report to my parents what I have done, and as long as I am getting A's in my classes, they don't really "control." I do not know all of the people at most of the activities, or if I do, it has only been since the start of the year. Church and band are the two exceptions. Some may be "overly sheltered," but I don't believe most are. I suppose I can't very easily say anything if I am still in an "overly sheltered" state however. Thanks! I guess it doesn't count as a way to find out what I am missing to sometimes play in (and help) various local high school bands, but from the little time there, I am quite glad I don't go to public school! You can't get much done in their short band sessions, there is only a brief time to warm up, so frustrating to me, and I am confident that more gets done in 120 min a week of my band then the 225 min a week (I think I calculated that right, maybe only 200...) of most public schooled bands. Not having been to the other classes I don't know, but if other classes are like that, I can see why friends have said that it is a waste of their time.
  17. You mean she wants to homeschool but use online classes? Here are some I use and recommend: http://www.aphomeschoolers.com/ http://writeathome.com/ -- pretty easy, only really a supplement, but still good. I've always done math at home, Chalkdust is good for prealgebra-geometry. (I limit to pre.-geometry because I haven't done past that yet) There is a video for each lesson, and an online help component. Math-U-See IMO is wonderful for the lower grades. Or maybe you were just looking for supplements? Online (and physical) community college classes are worth checking out. Tell her you really want to make sure she has an extracurricular or two that she is in the top 1% in that category (music, martial arts...). Colleges like that.
  18. The major question, rather obviously, is whether the baby is a person. However, I'll see if I can stick with the Roe v Wade case guidelines We would agree that 95% of babies are productive, and overall a net plus for the economy? If so, then with killing the baby, you are hurting the economy. Similarly, if you have an STD, and were not treated, you would likely not come to your full potential as a human, potentially wasting some of the resources invested in your schooling and care when you were younger. So, from an economic position, you would not want to allow abortions (unless mentally retarded; I don't see a good secular argument for that), and you would want to treat STD's. JMTC. Could you elaborate? I'm not sure I understand.
  19. Phi, I do have a huge interest in learning about evolution, and learning about the evidence for it. How does the statement reflect no interest? I believe (for now) there is more evidence for a God and creationism. I am NOT brainwashed. My parents wouldn't require me to learn about evolution from secular books if they were trying to brainwash me.
  20. http://scioly.org/wiki/Helicopters http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CDkQtwIwBA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DuDhcxS_OTv8&ei=nx-yTpr0NYfy0gH_z42hAQ&usg=AFQjCNHlAmwiO1F7lo8E70X3QIxSbVKvPA Use a commecially available blade, 'cause you aren't in the competition. Lots of info can be found online as to how to design. Or something a little easier:
  21. Wanna go get a piece of sun to examine under a microscope so we can see the cells?
  22. I want to clarify that this isn't a problem I have to do What divides a non-septate fungus into cells?
  23. Arete, I just wanted to let you know that I did find your post fascinating on the other page (hence the +1). I didn't think I had enough to say (that was well backed up) to warrant responding, that's all. But we would still end up a totally different species, and I believe that God had some level of adaption "built in." Yes, but again, I believe that resistance already existed. In the same way, bacteria don't really evolve resistance to antibiotics, I believe that they gain it from other members of the same species. Or maybe I have a really scientifically screwed up view?
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