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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Problem solved! It's the new Doppler radar blike had installed on top of his condo in West Palm Beach! He didn't want to be surprised by the weather this summer like he was last summer.
  2. God, I hope that's not true. I took one look at it and got it. : P
  3. Thank you all very much. You lot rock hard. Dak, gimme a present and make your way home so you can switch avatars. That's one laugh that has really backfired on me (it is giving me the willies--the eyes, those dead eyes, like twin black holes sucking the matter from my universe....)
  4. It could be a government installation. They usually prefer not to give too much aerial recon over the web for security reasons. Or it could be a Wal-Mart. I hear those places give off bad vibes.
  5. This is actually a large part of my overall plan to decrease Earth's population while increasing mean intelligence when I take over. I even call it my Overall Plan. Having bullets hit at the same time you hear the sound is very popular... and wrong. And I once saw a show where a sniper used a silencer on a rifle which was using high-velocity bullets. They even mentioned the fact. So why use a silencer when the bullet is going to be breaking the sound barrier?
  6. Did I not get the impression in another thread that -Demosthenes- has made the decision recently to take up smoking cigarettes? Could this be part of the problem as well?
  7. Since humans evolved, the answer has to be that the first human started as a baby, given birth to and taken care of by parents who were not-quite-human. Just as the the first chicken egg was laid by something that was not-quite-a-chicken.
  8. The War on Drugs is the perfect way to keep them illegal. It can never be won, which keeps ongoing efforts escalating. More drugs available illegally means more money changes hands to be skimmed without official records, more prisons need to be built, more law enforcement hired, more research funded by taxpayers, more congressional junkets overseas, more political clout by being seen as hard on drug use, and on and on. And playing the religious angle insures its longevity.
  9. I'll take things bitten off by a crocodile for 1000, Alex. Ouch. Talk about very short daggers.
  10. Arrrr, well matey, after I fell in the ocean and a shark bit off me hand and me leg, I was fitted for a pegleg and a hook. Then a seagull pooped in me eye and I tried to wipe it off and lost the whole damn eye. It was me first day with the hook. Arrrrrr.
  11. It's all so funny till someone gets hurt [/fatherly homily]. Another unashamed Friends fan, right on! Some people think Friends is the most painful thing you can put in your eye....
  12. Anyone with such an incendiary user profile should be well acquainted with flaming bits and pieces. Did the raisin rise out of the ashes?
  13. You have no kids, right? The Teletubbies take turns playing ballerina with a skirt. Thank God my daughter is too old for the Teletubbies now. They are the worst. Which is why I picked La-la for you! This is nothing. bloodhound once got Sayo to change the title of a thread after members had posted. It started out as a poll for something most people were in favor of, then Sayo changed the title to something like, How many of you are cross-dressers? Some people's responses were absolutely hysterical.
  14. What a hoot! I assumed you'd have this avatar for about 10 seconds. Eh-oh, Dak! Where skirt? Where cred... credib... credibil... where skirt?
  15. Changing your user title would mean leaving the permission open so you could change it to whatever you, like, want. Can't have that you know. I notice you're not typing in pink anymore. My work here is done. Ta-ta, La-la.
  16. He tasks me and I shall have him. --Khan Noonian Singh A custom title would mean he could change it himself later. This is better.
  17. Firstly, Dave does so many hoopy, froody things behind the scenes here at SFN that it was inevitable he be made an admin (it also helped to have compromising photos involving blike, a Hollywood starlet, rubber sheets and a large can of creamed corn). Secondly, the changes to the Religion sub-forum will all be explained to you... when you die. And third, Dak if you ever post in pink again, you're going to get your own custom user title, and odds are you won't like it. <insert evil, non-constipated smiley>
  18. Be careful what you wish for... over and over and over.
  19. If swansont gets to use his quantum Heisenbugs. You may know how fast they fly, but then you you'll never see 'em coming.
  20. They'll never be made legal, because it's not only the drugs that are profitable, it's laundering the hundreds of billions annually in drug money as well. Many US banks have been caught, but realistically, if they keep books like Enron did, the paper trail is a labyrinth. What better way to capitalize any business than with the cheapest money there is! How's that for "pop"?
  21. If you win a cage match between you and Dr. Swanson.
  22. It is an economic problem, or will soon lead to one. As more large corporations consolidate through merger, they create unfair advantages that can't be stopped by normal market means. Government regulation are the only way to curb this, but the mega-corporations can afford to throw millions at lobbying, disinformation, propoganda and other tactics to derail legislation. Add media ownership into the mix and the voter voice gets pretty hard to hear.
  23. I think they squash competition while disguised as a down-sizing method. What I meant was Church & State-like problem, not type. My bad. Mega-corporations have so much money and such specific interests that they are able to unfairly influence political endeavors.
  24. Oh, now you're just sucking up to Pangloss. I would love to have someone go through the White House with no corporate agenda, owing no one for getting elected, and put a stop to some of these mega-mergers.
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