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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Here, here, well said. Thanks blike! Now go check out Sciforums so you can see what happens when the Moderators don't care.
  2. I didn't want to mention this before, but there is actually scripture about the Flying Spaghetti Monster in the Bible! There they call him Leviathan: Psalms 74:14 "Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat[balls] to the people inhabiting the wilderness." Psalms 104:26 "There go the [pirate] ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein."
  3. English + math + theater + general studies + ICT = "Would you like fries with that?" j/k
  4. As you say, the pain of depression is mental, not physical. I was trying to show how medicating a symptom without addressing the cause was detrimental in the long run. I think many who take anti-depressants do so without adequate counseling, just as I know many people who take cholesterol medication without changing their the habits that caused it in the first place. This same pill-cure mentality leads them to take the easy way out when their blood pressure becomes too high, they start retaining salt and their cardiologist starts talking about bypass surgery. Most of the cause of these problems could have been taken care of with adequate behavior modification through exercise & better diet.
  5. But if your cholesterol is too high, perhaps changing your diet, exercise habits and behavioral thinking styles might correct a more fundamental cause better than taking a pill simply to correct the symptom of high cholesterol.
  6. I chose 3 & 4, because I feel that counseling is still most effective, but as YT2095 & Mokele point out, why suffer needlessly? So much of proper psychiatric evaluation is dependent on removing as many barriers to recovery as possible. Trying to counsel an alcoholic while they are still drinking is next to impossible. Their judgement is impaired by the effects of the alcohol. Similarly, if one is depressed, judgement about a corrective course is impaired. Controlling that depression even temporarily can be an aid to recovery. My reservations with the pill mentality is when it cures the symptoms and the cause is left untouched. This applies to physiological medication as well. Unfortunately, the thinking style of many people prone to depression is one where the easy solution of popping a Prozac is preferable to the hard work of behavioral counseling.
  7. Can you share some of these facts with us?
  8. EVERYONE needs to remember that we debate the stance here in the Politics forum, we do not denounce the person taking that stance. Let's leave the mud-slinging and ad hominem attacks for the elections. As many of you are experiencing, Flaming carries a warning penalty. No more name-calling, please.
  9. I am moving this to Modern/Theoretical Physics. I would also recommend that you watch this excellent PBS series made from Brian Greene's book, The Elegant Universe. This explains much about modern string theory, higher dimensions, parallel universes and the like. The physics are top-notch. Here's the link: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/program.html 3 hours of great science.
  10. What do you mean, a shadow of "ours"? The first three dimensions are length, width and height. They are interdependent on each other. There are no one or two dimensional objects in our world. Do you mean something like a parallel universe?
  11. Sounds like you not only spilled it, you left it there a while. The big problem is, it's not really a stain, is it? It's corroded and pitted. You might try a 3M Scotch Bright Pad, type A, Grade Fine. Just rub lightly but thoroughly or you'll leave scratch marks. Follow the grain of any brush marks in the sink (if it's brushed stainless). Can't say it will fix it, but it's a good cheap place to start.
  12. You... you mean you actually used the Search function and found this thread on glial cells and bumped it instead of creating a brand new one? You actually read the Forum policy and understood it, instead of just posting away indiscriminately? How... how... refreshing! As a Moderator, I think I'm in love! Welcome, welcome, welcome, Looker! http://www.mult-sclerosis.org/glialcells.html
  13. Hunter/gatherers lack the time to develop a more sophisticated culture. There is fossil evidence, I believe, that the earliest settlers in Australia killed off the largest animals that might have been later domesticated, which could have led to a more sedentary lifestyle and then to farming. These animals had never seen Man before and had no fear, therefore they were the easiest hunting targets. If clothing was not necessary for survival in the hot northern Australian deserts, why would they bother with it? I think this is a generalization. Not all have the same appearance. During one of the Ice Ages, the waters between the Australian continent and the Indonesian islands would have been much lower, but it still would have required ocean-going boats that Homo Erectus may not have been capable of building or navigating. It is more likely that Homo Sapiens living in isolation developed these traits.
  14. Or an appropriate science sub-forum if applicable. Again, we don't want to simply say, "Other scientists don't agree with you, you're a loon, hit the road. On the other hand, we get a lot of, "I've noticed something about this theory that doesn't seem right, so I've developed one that makes more sense to me" type of crap. I don't mind that it gets posted, but when they just won't listen to anyone tell them why they're wrong it's just bad scientific method. Making mistakes is part of good science. Realizing your mistakes is even more important. No. Most Extinguished Order of St. Combustible and St. Ignited, I believe.
  15. Threads merged and pruned. Good point, the tree. We had been discussing some convention where threads in the Trash Can could earn there way out with legitimate arguments and evidence. Your suggestion is not without merit.
  16. Phi for All


    So much of what the ninja did was designed to further the myth that they were sorcerors and magicians capable of hypnotizing their opponents. Some of the Kuji kiri techniques are still taught to this day with the idea that they will bring superhuman mysticism if done correctly. Normal martial arts can focus strength through proper breathing and release of energy, and I'm sure the ninja used this and a great deal of tricks and propoganda to make them seem above the rest of the disciplines. Many of their tricks were simply designed to buy them a few critical seconds to either escape or take advantage in combat. Wearing a hideous mask and revealing it at the last second often made an opponent gasp, throwing their breathing off and hindering their attack and defense. Another trick was to keep a small 2" blowgun hidden in the mouth and have it suddenly appear between the ninja's lips. Whether or not it actually had a dart in it or if the dart was poisoned was immaterial; if blowing on it made the opponent flich away it was effective. If there was a dart and the opponent thought it was poisonous and stopped to remove it, it was doubly effective.
  17. Phi for All


    I thought you borked it on purpose because you failed your math finals due to excessive amounts of Chopper Challenge.
  18. Truth?! You can't handle the truth! Buy organic whenever possible!
  19. If you have no Windex (not an endorsement) try using your fingernail to scrape it off. If you have no fingernails, the edge of a plastic (not rubber) spatula will do. Anything with a thin plastic edge might get under the dried ink blob without scratching the finish.
  20. "No man is justified in doing evil on the ground of expediency." Teddy Roosevelt I LOVE that! That should be your new sig.
  21. Did you watch the video in #7? There was no timing, no finesse, he's in the middle of talking about his new movie and they just squirt him in the face. He's laughing at first, and as he thinks about it more he gets more incredulous that the guy would do something like that. I think calling him a jerk was wrong because the guy admits he's doing it for a show, but it is a pretty lame stunt.
  22. If the floor has a heavy finish, chances are the ink hasn't soaked in. It's just sitting on top. If you don't want to try fine steel wool, the first thing I would use is Windex. I've had it remove Easter egg dye from a wooden table. Simple is good.
  23. Your request for car pranks was implicit by starting a thread about a car prank. So you'd rather put bologna on his paint job in order to leave big rings? I'd save that for my enemies. The banana(s) don't have to be wedged in too tightly. The car stalls pretty quickly and most people will think "engine" before they think "exhaust". A pair of pliers would get the banana out if your fingers couldn't. Bananas are easier to remove than a potato. I don't think the bologna would harm modern paint. This sounds like something that worked in the 50's but wouldn't effect a new paint job. I hear if you lick the end of a bunch of marshmallows and stick them to a car on a hot day it makes for a great visual effect, but I know you're not interested in hearing anyone else's pranks....
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