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Everything posted by rakuenso

  1. 1) Plants are the main producers of Oxygen as a byproduct through photosynthesis, rainforests have lots of plants, thus less rainforest = less oxygen 2) no clue, I've heard though that lots of carcinogens are from fertilizers
  2. ^bump^ and if anyone know where to find protocals/lab procedures online, please let me know.
  3. Gattaca reminded me of Brave New World as a movie
  4. We saw The Miracle of Life in our bio-class the funniest part was when sperms tried to fertilize any round shaped object they came across.
  5. Sry having a major brainfart but its when you use treated viruses to insert their only RNA into patients whose DNA has turn malignant in hopes of correcting the problem it has a pretty specific name... so any ideas?
  6. i surely hope humans can't be fed with a tube like the chicken... else someone's gonna start another schiavo case....
  7. I've a friend who has type O blood, and she recently has received many shots containing various antibodies, dead viral protein capsids etc etc.. So hypothetically speaking in the case of say a random epidemic, will I be able to take some of her blood and inject it into mine and thus giving me all of the immunities that she has?
  8. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/archive/index.php/t-9455.html
  9. Monsanto is the paragon of genetic engineering gone bad.. cough MRSA cough..
  10. Give them a false sense of security is evilest thing you can do.
  11. Vasopressin is a hormone released during sex... maybe thats why we can always remember sexual moments So maybe.. more sex = better memory?
  12. If i had a memory pill i can play all of the final fantasy games zillions of times without getting bored!
  13. way to broad of a question and topic
  14. I'm still curious as to if anyone has given then a call
  15. There is no set lab protocol book that you can really refer to, rather you should try and arrange an assortment of basic lab techniques first, then create your own protocols.
  16. Eating a dog and suffocating a dog is different People eat dogs to survive, which is a necessity, and is often done in a quick and efficient manner (I'm from China so I have experience in saying this) While your method of disposing the dog is a lot different, you didn't eat the dog nor put it to any good use after it died now did you? The point is, eating a dog and killing a dog have different objectives.
  17. random question... does meiosis start with a diploid cell or a haploid cell....
  18. nope, simply because some other creature will eventually evolve and become smarter than us and kill us ^-^
  19. http://www.adgame-wonderland.de/type/bayeux.php I killed off waay to many hours with this...
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