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Everything posted by Lance

  1. First Starwars movie to be rated PG-13...
  2. I can not figure out why you can no longer find gallium on US ebay. You used to be able to find many lots every week. Very strange.
  3. I get mine from http://stores.ebay.com/PilotVials
  4. Yes, I bought gold and palladium foil from ebay. I am happy with them. It would be nice to have a big chunk of gold though.
  5. I hate to be the one to mention this but considering you are an atheist you always have the option of outright lying. I would only use this as a last option and keeping quiet as a first. Of course this may not work if youre not very good at bull-shitting your way out of problems.
  6. I don't think I have spent a whole lot of money on samples that where solely for the element collection. I have about 30 elements and I think I have spent less than 100UDS. I think jdurg has spent waaaaaay more than me though, he always has a way bigger collection.
  7. I think now that I bought an ipod Im going to get back to element collecting. I have not bought any samples in a while.
  8. Lance

    Schiavo case

    The problem in my eyes is I don't believe she really wants to die. I believe her husband wants her to die. I also think its extremely cruel to starve her to death. They are not even letting anybody attempt to feed her with a spoon. Refusing food to death row inmates would be considered cruel and unusual. Hell, if you starved your dog to death you would be in trouble.
  9. Lance

    Schiavo case

    Those tapes were recorded several years ago. Right after that her husband decided not to allow any more tapes to be recorded.
  10. Lance

    Schiavo case

    Her "husband" has been living with another woman (and had kids with) for the past ten years. Death row inmates have more rights than this woman.
  11. Did you set that 10g chunk aside you were going to send to me?
  12. I stare to the left without focusing. What did you get phi?
  13. .120 fastest, .138 average
  14. Are we doing average or fastest time? My fastest was .128
  15. I tried this and came to the conclusion that it is impossible without an inert environment. Try searching for other threads.
  16. Is that an invitation?
  17. How many people have responded so far?
  18. I don't know exactly what causes the shut off. I only have two computer PSUs and I would rather not take either apart, one is used by a computer and the other is used for testing circuits. The size of a low voltage spark is determined by the current, not the voltage. I have seen a picture of a 1v, 800a arc that was over an inch long. Also, red is +5v which depending on your power supply could supply around 50 amps. Anyway, I hope that helps.
  19. http://xtronics.com/reference/atx_pinout.htm It sounds like there was a short. Computer power supplies will turn off if you short them and turn back on after a few minutes.
  20. What does not returning one of thousands of emails have to do with respect? I am surprised you didnt get an reply from sombody in the white house though. You would be much better off with a real letter.
  21. Lance


    Isopropyle is also highly flamable... I wouldnt want a saturated keyboard anywhere near the computer power supply.
  22. They are called Tridacna clams. It has nothing to do with electricity.
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