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Everything posted by swansont

  1. V=IR The sign is the convention for the direction of current flow, given a particular change in field
  2. As Severian has noted, people do believe in both, so the answer is trivially "yes." A poll to figure this out seems pointless — it's the wrong tool. The poll seems like an excuse to introduce a discussion of ID, and that's equally pointless.
  3. Twins don't have the same fingerprints — the pattern has non-genetic influences. I expect, for the same reason, clones would not have the same fingerprints. http://multiples.about.com/cs/funfacts/a/twinfingerprint.htm
  4. You can't use the vacuum energy in this way. It's not a reservoir you can tap into — if you have kinetic energy that came from the vacuum, the vacuum has less energy, and it has to remain the same.
  5. The mechanism,as you have already mentioned, is compression and rarefaction, producing a longitudinal wave. But you have to drive the system to do this; left on it's own and differences in pressure or density will dissipate. When you have the destructive interference, you are no longer coupling any additional energy into the system. It didn't "go" anywhere.
  6. And you can answer it if you know the Doppler shift equation, which was given in the link provided by RyanJ.
  7. Mass is the term in E=mc^2. Mass is a form of energy. Energy is attractive; it gets included in the equations in General Relativity. The increase in mass you get when a system is in an excited state (i.e. higher energy) has been experimentally observed, which runs counter to your proposal that the mass would decrease when something is hot.
  8. It shouldn't require weird thinking. A/B vs B/C can be narrowed by whether the frequency shifts up or down as the siren approaches. Within each pair, the location of the center frequency, as compared to the average, depends on the frequency shift — if it were a symmetric shift (i.e. the same amount up and down), they would be equal. Is the up-shift larger or smaller than the down-shift?
  9. Right. That's why this is PR run amok. This is the Vizzini effect — they keep using the term, but don't really know what it means.
  10. The goal is to provide you with the information to answer it yourself, rather than just answer it for you. Why do you think C is correct?
  11. A blackbody is a perfect absorber, but also a perfect radiator — it emits a true blackbody spectrum, by definition. So they meant black hole, in the sense that it eats up everything. Public relations run amok.
  12. I'm somewhat surprised that you can jump from algebra-based physics to modern physics; I'd have suspected you needed the calculus-based class as a prerequisite.
  13. That's the equation for Faraday's law of induction, with the substitution that V = IR, which holds in this circuit.
  14. http://demo.physics.uiuc.edu/LectDemo/descript/28/PIC00022a.jpg http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/fig_28-18.gif
  15. What you are describing is thermal energy. Heat, technically, is a transfer of energy, but this is high on the list of oft-misused terms in physics. If you heat something up, you will cause vibrations to increase, but the mechanism of heating may not involve atoms at all, e.g. in a microwave oven. Also: there are substance which contract upon heating. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_thermal_expansion#Materials
  16. Traveling a circular path that's oriented vertically
  17. Fox : News :: Velveeta : Cheese i.e. Fox is a "news-like, processed information" organization
  18. There's a particle physics maxim, "that which is not prohibited is mandatory," which means that (especially at the particle physics level) because you keep sampling the system, many, many times, even something with a small probability will end up occurring. Of course, this is balanced somewhat by Rabi's famous quote, "Who ordered that?" after getting news of the discovery of the muon.
  19. The speed at which your body/brain processes information does affect perception. For instance, the Pulfrich effect — dim light gets processed more slowly. http://blogs.scienceforums.net/swansont/archives/1246
  20. Yes, there is a funky equation. the relative speed is [math]\frac{u-v}{1-\frac{uv}{c^2}}[/math] http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/HBASE/relativ/einvel2.html#c2
  21. I don't think I've ever heard a sound wave in a gas referred to as a releasing of internal stress. It certainly doesn't require any energy input to "release" it.
  22. swansont


    Please refrain from the personal commentary. It's not appropriate to include in the discussion.
  23. GF has been suspended for 1 week for repeated rudeness and persistently disregarding moderator feedback.
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