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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Not by that convential meaning....but we could still find some repulsive force
  2. i got 14.4K nah just kidding, i live in NZ and safe to say out in the wilderness so i cant get anything above 64K damn it, which is what i have
  3. Is just the ordinary Photon responsible for this? or Photoelectron.....isint this effect due to the light(particle) moving so fast between objects it creates an attraction
  4. What about all the elementary particles that we dont know of......
  5. There are so many elementary particles to choose from to suppose a electromagnetic force........anyway ive heard of no force particle for magnetics
  6. Crash

    Spin Particles

    Just wondering if anybody can explain the true meaning behind the "spin" of particles e.g electrons are spin 1/2, while other particles have a spin of 0,1,2 I know that the word "spin" is only the name and not an actual description.....Cheers
  7. Crash


    Ugly little sucker, the french would have a circus [slap,slap] ops sorry for any offense I wonder if it can breed?
  8. My 5 would be( a bit outta date) -Eric Clapton,Layla -Led Zepplin,Stairway to Heaven -BBM,Waiting in the Wings -Metillica,Master of Puppets -Beetles/Eric Clapton,While my guitar gently weeps not in any particular order Oh love "cradle of filth" aswell(apart from the demonicness),But hey im a skull
  9. Why Lawrencium? I would have to say Thorium( Just thought, not fact)
  10. no fafalone sorry i dont have that catalog, but this was on their website "United States Sigma-Aldrich Corp. St. Louis, MO, USA Phone: 314-771-5765 Fax: 314-771-5757 E-mail: custserv@sial.com" http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/suite7/CustomerSupport/Customer_Support_Home/Worldwide_Offices/Worldwide_Offices2.html I live in NZ so i have a different Number i use when i cant over the internet hope this helps
  11. sweet as dude wish i could help more
  12. well from my humble view i thought is was when you get two electrons that do not spin oppiste were the spin 1/2 is not quite correct (like Fe) thus creating electrostatic repulsive or attractive forces, photons are virtual particles
  13. for the original question, i think it should(within reason)
  14. yea ive got several catalouges but you have to have ID to buy from most of the catalouges for most of these chemicals an Hades K is quite dangerous in pure form as well as Li sodium and chlorine arent to bad though, the only prob you would have is shipping the nitric acid and the other hazardous ones, im only dubious cause its worth more than my ass( and Job) if you get in any trouble so thats my only concern (and your safety) but if youve got honest intentions and can prove that i will be more than glad to help
  15. Um yes from what i know (could be completley wrong) what you said about radiation is true, but with cigerettes and other chemical carcingins they replace chemicals in the body which are used in cells completley changing the way the cell works, mutating it that way. the way i see cancer though is as a doctor explained to me in lamens terms its "the body attacking itself which is induced by various ways"
  16. well thery definetly arent cheap, so your looking for the more rare elements if your looking at the "extremely expensive ones" What do you need and what for, cause if its legal and you aint gonna blow anything up i might be able to help with my contacts....im a lab tech what exactly are you looking for?
  17. well MrL_JaKiri if were talkin superdense matter here, superdense enough to considerably raise the gravity of mars then F=(insert large # here)*acceleration, i take it then that 'F' stands for F**]<in heaps
  18. yes earth does have its on magetic field and now to the maglev trains and the rotating UFO's, this could be how they do it, although it dosent supply the force larger enough to lift something of a "considered" UFO ships weight they could have the technology to make this possible that we dont comprhend yet
  19. they are all equally long,but ;Physics-Quantum and theoretical is basically useless for applications of today E.g 6th form of matter etc. Chemistry-This divides into the more physical side of Chem like reaction kinetics etc, and divides into BioChem the bio side of chem Lastly Biology;-quite large due to all its fields overlapping and being relevant to one another but(not a real science, so some say)
  20. anyway........ do we know what causes this yet?
  21. its irrelevant to the story, but you have to manufacture it in the spot you wanted it to remain(remember this is to increase the overall gravity of mars) so its safe to say you wouldnt walk up to a star and pocket the superdense matter BTW what is the most dense stable matter at the moment
  22. are you a chick? (no offense) nails and all that sounds like a chickish thing (not a baby turtle either)
  23. yea well what if you speed up the speed of the mars orbit and make it gain gravity that way.......you would need some serious boost for this though.........it could be done by mars gettin pushed by a explosion like a supernova up its tail but that would through it of course and we only got one sun.........
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