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Everything posted by aman

  1. If I put a hydrogen atom with its proton directly between two equal black holes but at a distance that allowed it to keep its electron, wouldn't the orbit be eliptical and vacuum or space stretched on the line between the black holes? Just aman
  2. If you look at a quantum vacuum, the space between an electron in its orbital shell and the proton, then the space or vacuum can be compressed as in a neutron star by gravity. That is if you equate space and vacuum. If it can be compressed than why not stretched? Just aman
  3. The biggest difference that I see between democratic (all people are equal) and other Govts is the importance of the individual. In the democratic world a person in distress will have all the local govt or state or nations resources used to save the individual. That is the attraction of the US, Europe, Japan, and Australia. In other nations you aren't even a person until you have power or money. If your in trouble and aren't a citizen of the above, your on your own except for local and if your in trouble with the govt your dead meat. Do you think this is the key to getting a Star Trek future. A world where all individuals are important. A world where each citizen of the world will be searched for if lost or aided when suffering. I don't see why it isn't emphasized that, like in Iraq today, things are getting better because we count bodies now and care. The uncounted deaths before have progressed to being counted and will be accounted for. The more the world does this the closer we get to making the world a civilized place. Soon bodies won't be counted but will be walking around free. Just my opinion Just aman
  4. A genius for the time being knows the best answers. Maybe. Just aman
  5. Some things like tongue rolling seem genetic related but most can be accomplished with physical discipline. People with a lot of time on their hands like Yogis in India can alter their heart rate. pass cloth from in one nostril and out the other, and sit in a bowl of water and suck it up with their butt. It seems with enough discipline the autonomic reflexes can be controlled by mentally overiding them. She sounds like she has absolutely no discipline over her bodies reactions, not that that is a bad thing. Just aman
  6. I think the gov't could add that Narcan stuff that counteracts heroin to the local water supplies along with chlorine and flouride in drug areas. That way the users just toss away their money and shoot the sellers for bad stuff. Just aman
  7. Science is based on the ability to replicate experiments and arrive at the same results each time. Given the same components and the same external forces, the same result should be arrived at. We have an idea of a pathway from goo to man in our enviroment and the pathway should be just as valid anywhere else in the universe. We also have possible examples of parallel evolution in the fossil records. I'm inclined towards believing we will find lots of separate humanoid developments in the history of our universe. Just aman
  8. aman


    Are they all the same sex? Just aman
  9. I had a dream last night, The visual record in my brain had nothing to do with my retina, nor my hearing with my ears, or my physical senses with my body. I would say that these senses can be remotely stimulated from something else at this level. I would say it was self generated input to stay scientifically correct. I'm trying to understand if you mean input is registered somehow "bioelectromagnetically?" at points in space by the brain before reaching the actual sensors. Just aman
  10. I've been curious as to the memory effects of pot. Although it may seem benign at the time I wonder if it robs the person of the future memories of the incident. Maybe it is more enjoyable for a time but you forget it. It seems that way to me over the last 50 years, maybe. I can see why it would be thereputical to forget pain and suffering so it should be medicinally useful but it sucks forgetting some good stuff. Just aman
  11. As far as protection against the unknown, awareness is the best defense, and a fast pair of feet helps sometimes. Otherwise if you want to go into bad situations and be totally offensively defensive, I'd recommend a suit of armor with claymores on it. As a middleground as YT suggests, a little knowledge of self defense should allow anybody to go anywhere they wish, not without fear, but with confidence. It's a waste of time to meet imaginary dangers but is also a test of our humanity to be prepared for the real ones. I would suggest going to into a martial arts discipline to realize the greater power of the body in bad situations. Then peppers, gasses, and metals might help you more than them. Just aman
  12. If we look at different time frames also, we could have life at different paces, maybe even intelligent in a different phase. At high speed, coral can be seen over history scuttling around to the best warm feeding spots and look like a many celled organism oozing over the surface of the Earth. If the Earth was alive I think it would call Dr. asteroid belt to send a pill to stop it's terrible skin condition. Just aman
  13. I'm Gary but in South America they called me Goddy. Kinda boosted my ego.
  14. aman


    If we see the universe in more than our generally accepted dimensions like in string theory, it would make sense that a zero point energy in the dimensions we realize would not mean a zero point in all of them. There might still be a lot of things happening at incredible energies. Just aman
  15. If size was dependent on food available and energy used to get it we can understand the blue whale as a maximum for mammals but there is a source of food, bacteria on the bottom of the ocean that is so abundant that I would imagine there may be a lifeform down there that is also very very large. If it was cold blooded and ate bottom bacteria it would have the potential to grow large and live long. I find it hard to believe that all this food source is available and we haven't really discovered any major harvestor animals. Maybe tommorrow. Just aman
  16. I try to understand all the nuances of relativity but it seems to me that if an object is moving away from you at the speed of light you could imagine that it left a trail of photons stationary along its path as it travelled. They would never reach your eyes. Is that the way it is? Just aman
  17. I wouldn't classify all these as dimensions but infinities and I think #4 could be better described as direction. From each point is an infinite number of directions or radii. Just aman
  18. If a brane had 2 dimensions and was composed of evenly diffused energy that was equal to more than 50 percent of what is needed per unit area for matter to form, then colliding of branes which seem empty would cause a spot in space to have over 100% energy needed to create matter. I can visualize a brane with undifferentiated energy diffused since it would need energy to at least maintain the size of the 2 dimensions. Intuitively I can see three possibilities. Two branes collide at a point and spark, two branes collide as cones at their points and continue to express an expanding circular area of 100%+ energy to create matter as long as they touch, and two branes collide and one is sucked into the other. Time should start from the moment of collision since the existance would change in an ordered fashion relative to the collisions speed.. Just my thoughts Just aman
  19. If I had a 12 inch shaft that had to support a solid weight then I would put most of the concrete mass at the two sides of the shaft evenly divided to form a structure closest to a Roman arch but you did not say how the concrete would be anchored. An arch is a very efficient design for distributing weight between two points next to 90 degree angles. Just aman
  20. If you have the rod on an arm and release your payload, it will continue beside you. If you release it over a spot and have retro rockets attached to slow it to about 1,000 mph in the direction of the Earths spin, it should drop nearly straight down with no excess heat. It will drop intact. If you have it going counter Earths rotation and aim it into the atmosphere and change its orbit to hit the surface, it will come in at 17,000 mph+ and the acceleration added to change its course. It will generate a great deal of heat as it drops. Just aman
  21. If you mine it and put it in orbit around Earth then it's handy on a few minutes notice. Then as was taken for granted you would decelerate and drop it like a big load. I can't believe that my little PC could probably calculate the info needed. Is there a realative ratio so the moon has 1/6 the gravity would have 1/6 the escape velocity? That would be handy accelerating small projectiles towards Earth, like heat shielded UF6 pellets. Just aman
  22. I know it would be an expensive exercise but my interest is engineering a way to tackle a problem with existing technology. I love building crap or picturing that it could be built. The glass has to go. What other solutions until we have a EM+ force shield is an option other than something lethal? A rounded surface of blades, maybe with rollers would be a safe obstacle but other things like strobe lasers would be expensive and harmfull. Just aman
  23. What had me interested is the fact that depleted Uranium is targeted as being a filler for storage of other radioactive isotopes. I think it is UF6. It is poured between drums to act as a shield better than Lead for radiation and stops it better. I can't find a stabilty or radiation level for UF6 in my search as yet. Just aman
  24. Thank you MrL, There is an easy source of mass on the moon and I think the escape velocity from the equator there is less than 2,000 mph. I imagine we might be able to mine ore and park it in orbit for the future for a quick response but from the moon I was questioning the 200,000+ mile distance. Would a cable attached to the moons surface with a projectile attached to it's end be able to accelerate the mass to have a very lethal impact with a guidance system attached and a few minutes warning Just aman?
  25. What if they want to protect the Pieta or Lincoln Memorial statue of Lincoln or something else as big? It sucks having a lot of plastic in front of it and see it sitting in a big box. I want to see one on one, but I also want them to be safe. Just aman
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