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Leader Bee

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Everything posted by Leader Bee

  1. You're quite right. Please see the following link for further information on Dihydrogen Monoxide. http://www.dhmo.org/facts.html
  2. Do you not feel that such a readily accessible substance should not be banned, given how even children will have contact with it? DHMO can cause suffocation if inhaled? the risks are quite great.
  3. DHMO also known as hydric acid is a major component of acid rain and can cause severe burns. This same substance usually has a very high concentration in soft drinks and is readily available to many households. So you think there should be government controls restricting access to this chemical? Discuss. N.B: Should be under Inorganic Chemistry, sorry about that.
  4. John Pertwee was always my favourite doctor, there's just something not cool about this "remade" doctor though when you find daleks that can fly up stairs.
  5. Even if a woodchuck could chuck wood, and even if a woodchuck would chuck wood, should a woodchuck chuck wood?

  6. So, random thought of the day... Is there any situation in which it would be beneficial to humans having a proboscis instead of (or additional to) our usual mouth parts?
  7. Reading tea leaves, tarrot cards, throwing the rune stones etc... Mostly concerned with the alignment of the planets and how this affects you on a personal level (I think)
  8. Also, in the morning do you find it more difficult to walk in one direction than the other and then as the sun sets in the evening it becomes transposed and the direction you walked in the morning is now easier than walking in the direction opposite?
  9. Someone has set me up the bomb, main screen on! Release all Zigs!

  10. Sorry, are we to presume that mammals once did produce clones of themselves (do you mean Asexual reproduction?) or do you have some evidence that this was previously the case?
  11. 57% I don't know if that means i'm smart or not.
  12. This is true as evidenced by Operation: Starfish Prime. This was a nuclear test that took place in space and caused an EMP so powerful it caused a blackout over Hawaii. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starfish_Prime
  13. Perhaps i'm not grasping the question but wouldn't it be prudent to prove that God exists before we go about proving whether he/she/it/flying spaghetti monster is actually good or evil first?
  14. Yet they managed to put supreme commander on one...
  15. When it was first announced I was very excited about starcraft II, unfortunately since it's announcement (surely 5 years past now?) there has been a turning point in PC gaming whereby every single PC game i've played has been consolised. Now I remember growing up on the likes of the original Command & Conquer and loving the PC for it's unique RTS genre, i've played the original Starcraft and it was wonderful but I just cant shake the feeling this will be consolised some how too. I'll get it, just not right away while it's at full price or at least until PC gaming turns itself around and starts getting games made for the PC launched on it.
  16. I voted that our technology would be worse without war - Think about the stuff we have due to it; The internet, satellites, more effective medicine/operating procedures and related tech. Without the need to develop a technology then there is no motivation to do so. If there was never a need to instantly transmit the fact that the USSR had launched 50 ICBMs at the USA then we would probably not have developed the internet as soon. If we didnt have people shooting each other and blowing each other up I would imagine it would be more difficult to develop the kind of surgeries that can repair that kind of damage - of course you'll still have subjects from say, industrial accidents and a few other unlikely events but with war you have a steady stream of casualties with which to perfect your procedures. Furthermore, like I mentioned in another thread of mine, though not directly linked to war is the experiments conducted on PoWs at Auschwitz: The majority of medical knowledge we have today on hypothermia comes from the experimentation of these subjects. Without war then the V2 missile might never have been developed so where is your space program then?
  17. I seem to remember an initiative whereby prefabricated homes were developed from cargo containers in a modular design. I think prefabricated homes of this fashion would be much cheaper that jigsaw shaped bricks which will still require an amount of skill to put together. Heres a link: http://www.fabprefab.com/fabfiles/containerbayhome.htm Though they don't look particularly appealing to us it may be that these could be a great solution for third world countries. Further googling however indicates there are other pre-fabricated buildings that look more like something we would feel comfortable living in.
  18. Well tank you very much gentlemen; I'm at work currently so a minidump will have to wait - I've posted this problem at the tech support forums too and they've asked for the exact same thing, though a little more bluntly without any speculation on what it could be. I'd really like to just be a software problem because that means I won't have to worry about finding which piece of hardware has gone wrong and replacing it. I've heard this can be a nightmare to narrow down. You've both been very helpful.
  19. Hates stupid complicated computers

  20. For windows updates I let it do those automatically, as for GPU & Mobo updates (Which i've not done in a little while) I usually visit http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us and use option 2. I'm concerned that the random freezes are not related to the driver issue and have read that this could be related to heat. AI Suite says my internals are never reaching above 65 C though and would have expected this to be a reasonable temperature. Like I said, i'm not a techie so I didnt really see the need to post HDD specs assuming it was just a storage medium and didnt really affect anythign in a significant manner - HD1 = 300GB HD2 = WD Raptor 10,000 RPM with 60gb space ( I generally dont use this much) plus I have 8 gig of DDR2 in 4 sticks if that matters? Dual core I7 cpu i think, clocked at 3. something
  21. Is it possible that windows updates can interfere with the stability of your machine? Recently my computer has been experiencing random freezes (ctrl, Alt + Delete doesnt work and there is no cursor movement, basically no access to the system at all and forces me to shut down the computer manually) I also experience BSoD "Driver Power state failure" but only when my computer has been on for some time AND only when I run the shutdown sequence. The Machine will show the "shutting down" screen for about 15-20 minutes then go BSOD and reset itself - once the OS has loaded again a subsequent shutdown will happen almost immediately (about 10 secs) after i've told it to do so. Since this problem has begun occuring i've run a full system defragmentation, registry cleaner, virus scan and cleared temporary files. I've even run a version of Memtest 86 incase it was a RAM problem - though i'm not sure how accurate this was because my machine is a dual core and i dont think it's 100% designed for that and opened her up to scrape all the gunk out of the fans. Before I go last resort and do a format of the machine I came up with the idea that this may be a problem with recent updates and patches that windows automagically installs rather than a hardware issue ( I really hope it isnt cause i'm not all that tech savvy and wouldnt know how and what to replace) Do you IT guys reckon I could fix this problem with a rollback to the patches? Asus Striker II Formula MoBo 1010 Watt PSU 2 Nvidia GTX280 in SLI
  22. With the arrival of British summertime and all this rain it's becoming unbearably warm sometimes during the night. It would be uneconomical to install a dehumidifer for the short few weeks of each year i'd expect this to last so I was thinking of other options to do away with the unpleasently sticky nights. Would a large bowl of regular table salt sort this problem out for me? would it lower the humidity within a small room and how does it work?
  23. Thing with number 2 is that sending things to space isn't cheap and you'd need to ask yourself if the materials you are sending back can offset the expense of actually getting the reuseable container back up there.
  24. Extracting energy from humans is incredibly ineffcient and one would need to consider how much energy is used in creating and installing these tiles before it becomes viable - They would need to be in place for a very long time before they paid for themselves by eventually generating more energy than it took to produce them. (my wording there sounds a little dodgy, just to clarify i'm not suggesting that energy is created from nothing here and that conservation of energy is still adhered to)
  25. I guess your drilling equipment would melt?
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