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Everything posted by StringJunky

  1. He's not just a side-show fanatic though, is he? He's actually pulling on the the levers of power there and writing policy.
  2. I had an impish desire to re-post him with a notoriously-iconic mustache. He could sew this on his kippa and wear his heart on his head.
  3. A topical comment someone made: If they’re black it’s a gang. If they’re Italian its a mob. If they’re Jewish it’s just a coincidence and you can’t talk about it. Whoever gave you a minus, clearly isn't aware of him.
  4. They aren't a different species.
  5. Victors write the history books and point the moral compass in their own favour.
  6. The purpose of importing the diaspora was to alter the electoral balance against the Arabs. This was a deliberate policy aspiration.
  7. Yeah. I read a couple of English-language Russian news sites and local environmental news often shows up. in them. It's a big thing there because the current regime is basically in denial. The melting of the Arctic is an 'opportunity' for commercial, geopolitical exploitation, not a potential catastrophe. Short-termism; it looks good in elections
  8. If a homosexual man has a child, it doesn't suddenly make him straight.
  9. Invariance is when one calculates, say a transformation, and the observed parameter (constant) remains unchanged. Is that correct?
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Palestine_(region) They hadn't been dominant population-wise since the 4th century! 1890 the Zionists, which numbered up to 43000, conspired to displace 10x their number of Palestinians from their desired area, which hadn't been ruled by them for 1700 years.
  11. But the relevant starting point is when the Zionists decided to re-engineer the course of Late-19th century Palestine.
  12. It doesn't mean they aren't being thought of. The problem you seem to be having is viewing and judging Hamas's recent actions in a vacuum. This is exactly what Bibi et al wants. My purview of the situation takes the last 120-odd years into account when the Zionists started cooking up how to realize the 'Israel' idea.
  13. The behaviour of matter in biological systems has a large element of determinism. If a potassium ion collides with a water molecule, the end product is deterministic.. The incidence of collisions may be random, but after that the outcome is deterministic. The concept of 'design' is applicable because the outcomes of these are pre-determined by their predictable behaviour and we can see where it's going. In a purely stochastic process we can only guess. This is where the idea of evolution being a blind watchmaker came from. The problem is dichotomizing the subject to force a choice.
  14. Now that Biden has vocally taken sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it's going to be a shit-fest all the way now. Even my opinion of him has altered. His chances of getting re-elected look worse everyday.
  15. I think, by Biden explicitly chucking all his chips in with Israel is going to hamstring him and the administration later and reduce his options. He's no longer a useful mediator.
  16. 10000 Gazans killed so far and 4104 were children. Given that 50% are children, it looks like the Israelis are just blanket bombing where they think Hamas are, and, statistically, the odds are that half will be killed. The numbers are just about bearing this out. Avoiding collateral damage appears to be nowhere in their strategy.
  17. Landscape of Earth under the sea as if it were drained.
  18. The error he has made is painting the whole group with the idea.. sound familiar? Given that there are extreme nationalists in the governing coalition that welcome any opportunities to pursue their cause, it's probably correct regarding them.
  19. Not I. Look how different the area is now from what was conceived by the UN. You can see with my annotations that Israel chopped gaza conveniently to separate Islamic Jordan and Egypt by shrinking most of Gaza up to the line. All they have now is two Israeli controlled checkpoints into Egypt.: Looks like systemic suppression to me. I take it for granted now Netanyahu's MO in all this is 'burying bad personal news'.
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