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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. So you read that a free neutron decays to a proton and an electron in 15 minutes. You have also read that the nucleus of an atom is made up of protons and neutrons. Now for some reason you say you believe the first statement but you reject the second statement. You could have just as easily said you believe the second and not the first. Seems rather arbitrary to me. Why don't you investigate a little as to why these 2 seemingly contradictory statements are true instead of just arbitrarily picking one of the statements as true and the other as false based on nothing?
  2. Boric acid is of course an acid in the form: \[H_3BO_3\] Sodium bicarbonate is a base in the form \[NaHCO_3\] Sodium Bicarbonate is also known as baking soda. This is used in baking, in toothpaste and many other things. It can be used as and antacid when mixed with water. In general it is very safe. However doing something stupid like trying to eat a tablespoon of it could burn your throat, Boric acid is a poison. The most common use is in pesticides. There are home remedies that use boric acid; for instance athletes foot. Seems rather risky to use this product on or in your body in my opinion.
  3. I think he was saying that there are the same number of negative and positive ions, so the solution is electrically neutral. Not sure why he thinks that matters, it certainly doesn't have anything directly related to the pH or the disassociation of acids.
  4. Please don't hijack threads. If you have a speculative idea start your own thread in the speculation section.
  5. The only way the piston can move is if there is more fluid put into the cylinder. Does that make sense to you?
  6. Because that is how the movie Next was written. You are talking about the Nicolas Cage movie, right? I also think you meant go forward in time unless you are making a movie that is the opposite of the movie Next!
  7. Did you first write a balanced equation of this form (with the right coefficients)? \[ C_2H_2 + O_2 --> CO_2 + H_2O \]
  8. You need to use 2 ammonia cobalt molecules to get it to balance. Hope this answers your question. \[2Co(NH_3)_6^{2+} + H_2O_2 --> 2Co(NH_3)_6^{3+} + 2OH^-\]
  9. Perhaps there is a glaring error in your idea that you are not aware of? Why not present the actual idea and let the people here give you some feedback?
  10. Most of the people I associate with are believers and they take my advice (not about religion obviously). You would have to be pretty foolish to discount every piece of advice from someone because they are of a different faith or faithless. I knew a man who was religious, believed in aliens and all manner of woo-woo stuff. He was very reasonable and intelligent about the rest of the world. I found his advice on life (from his own experiences) to be rather enlightening. [shrug]
  11. Of course no one is listening to you. You say you have something great but you give no explanation as to what this great thing is. Why should anyone believe you?
  12. Aliens from another universe created an AI and this AI created our universe and everything in it. My flight of fancy has exactly the same amount of evidence as your conjecture. My point is, in a scientific discussion bringing in the supernatural is nugatory. PS: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to use the word nugatory.
  13. So basically if there was some way to advance technology way beyond what is currently possible we could have a fusion reactor? Can't argue with that. Hollow Earth? Uh, what?
  14. If in the future if a person could be dead for awhile and then could be brought back to life then there is a slight possibility it could happen. Doesn't seem likely at all.
  15. Are you talking about the President of the United States? Is that why he believes Putin over the US intelligence services? Hmmm, you may have a point!
  16. Bufofrog

    Fluid pressure 2

    Looks right to me.
  17. Weight is the force of gravity. The normal force is what keeps you from sinking to the center of the earth.
  18. So the title "Is Born's rule verified", should have been, "I think QM is wrong". I guess that is why you are not acknowledging the answer to your question - your mind is already made up. Got it!
  19. That is not accurate. Using hydraulic pistons to increase the force is completely in line with Newtonian physics. The work done by the 2 pistons will be equal. F1D1 = F2D2 The smaller piston will have a lower force but has a longer distance traveled that the larger piston.
  20. My suggestion is that you go to school obtain a PhD in neuroscience, a PhD in electrical engineering and a PhD in computer programming. i would also suspect that this endeavor would require at a minimum your entire life to accomplish. An alternative is to hire people with these degrees and create a team to work on this. The number of technological hurdles to accomplishing something like this is huge. If you manage to make this I would like to try it, though I am fairly certain I will be deader than hell before anything like this is made.
  21. That will work just fine there is no violation of the laws of conservation in that scenario.
  22. I do not think so. It all gets very murky when identifying a different subspecies or species. As 2 separated populations of a single species evolve towards different species there is no digital point at which we can say the 2 populations are separate species, it is instead a smooth transition and so it is very difficult to say with any clarity at which exact point along this smooth transition that the dividing line between species occurs.
  23. As studiot said a heat pump could do that, I do not think that is what you are asking though. I mean you could correctly say that the energy used to make a solar cell is less than the energy that the solar cell can collect over the lifetime of the cell. In the case of the heat pump or the solar cell the 'excess' energy is from a source separate from the device (hope that makes some sense). It seems like you are asking, is it possible to make a device who's energy output is greater than the input. Along the lines of having an electric motor that turns a generator that supplies energy to run the motor. This is not possible, it is a violation of the conservation of energy. Like I said before this should be obvious because both the motor and the generator would have to be at least 100% efficient, and friction alone will prevent that from being possible.
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