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Everything posted by Theredbarron

  1. I found this article to be interesting. http://www.electrostatics.org/images/Q2.pdf
  2. So do you think its possible to make my own little statically charged cloud using the right mix of stuff? I would put this in a chamber of course.
  3. ok I see. So the particles from the article appear to be from a collapsed magnetic field. Is this article saying that the movements between the charged particles (turbulence) are whats creating the magnetism of the galactic magnetic field as of right now? Sort of a self perpetuating cloud of charged particles maybe.
  4. So this turbulent fluid that this article is describing, When the friction is happening in between the particles that are involved in this turbulence could static electricity be generated to create this magnet field effect? Another question I have is in cars the spark has to increase in voltage to jump the resistance of the combustion pressures. As the pressure increases so does the resistance as far as I understand. Would space be less resistant due to the lower density or is that up to whats occupying the spaces near it as to how conductive it is?
  5. Oh. So pretty much all planets and moons do this? arrow up So totally off subject but I have to ask. One of the links is saying that our systems bowing out from the north of the sun and in from the south. Could this mean that our system is moving in a southern direction from the suns point of view?
  6. Awesome! I didn't even know to search for that stuff
  7. It didn't say anything about nitrogen. Why wouldn't nitrogen share over?
  8. OK. So between the moon and earth there is also some of these gases as well? solar winds and among other stuff? Formation like chemical reaction between gasses? Does this sound good? https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LADEE/news/lunar-atmosphere.html
  9. Ok so as far as I understand the moons gravity is holding the gas that it has but it is also possible that in part static is attracting and repelling some of this gas. Do this sound right?
  10. Thank you. I know what I say is pretty outstandingly ridiculous in many ways. I wanted to get this stuff out of the way before I jump into reality so I can get my dreams crushed. Joking. I wanted to see it out and get perspective of what things really are. Like I said I dont have anyone to bounce stuff off of so it can get out of control sometimes. Does this mean that I can bring other crazy stuff to you all? plus I get to build stuff
  11. Dr Watson Incredible Medicine? I was but nobody around me was. I took a bunch of electricity and electronic in school even if it doesn't sound like it. I have actually been looking into to some courses to see where it goes. I'm sure you can tell I'm like a kid saying whats that right now is how I think this is going down.
  12. I see. What I'm getting at is just telling me it doesn't work does not help me understand why nor does it argue or support itself. Why is it flawed? and what is flawed I'm trying to get information so again with the other subject and not this one. If vacuum or gravity gets brought up again then I will ignore all questions related and the person who keeps bringing it up. Would this help? if so then what words or jargon should I use in terms of attracting matter with static electricity? I haven't had time to look at the links that I have been given to me and I was asked to ask so can I have a few to understand some of this stuff. I'm am genuinely interested in this no matter what it is. I dont mean to be so contradictive. Its kind of hard to translate my questions to where people can understand when its not in person.
  13. I fail to see how this is appropriate or relevant. I'm a disabled vet that has to work odd job to odd job in order to financially support my family. What were you going to speculate again? spec·u·la·tion ˌspekyəˈlāSH(ə)n/ noun noun: speculation; plural noun: speculations 1. the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence. "there has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit" 2. investment in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss. "the company's move into property speculation" Thank you. What I had in mind was pumping the vacuum then filling it with argon and see what happens or is this just as likely to create static as oxygen or helium?
  14. So maybe argon gas could be a good one? it has 8 valence electrons is why and uses with insulating welds. What kind of material would be best for wheel? I had a plastic one but it exploded.
  15. What I'm going for is to make one possible to use static electricity as a force. For what I'm not sure yet but how can I find out how to use something like static electricity in low density environments? I'm not sure if this helps but if I were to add something to the mix in a low density environment in order to increase its effects, What kinds of element's could be used possibly to generate more efficiently. This is why I'm so interested in the moon. It would be a perfect scenario for a low density environment.
  16. Can anyone tell me what elements are not typically effected by static electricity?
  17. I have not rejected any of them. I only speculate to the possibility of something else. I never said anyone here is wrong. As a matter of fact I came here because of exactly that. Do you think I can get this type of information from people just hanging out? Just because I'm contradicting does not mean I'm not listening. A response with "your wrong and I'm right" logic does not make me understand things. I ask for links as to see what information it has so in can understand more and ask questions. What is it do you think I'm doing? Have I once said that all that's wrong? Maybe to know the whole picture you would have to see it so I'm trying to see it. Maybe I'm actually looking how it parallels with all of it. I heard it all. I do get how this all sounds. I'm not trying to disprove anything or prove anything. I'm merely speculating as to a possible method of application not that its a new thing either. What else is this forum for. I mean come on its speculations. No need to be so uptight about it all.
  18. So I have a job and cant answer everything to your liking. This is speculations and you dont allow it. I didn't say I was right I said I was speculating and looking for answers. answers that I can understand As soon as I bring up something that's argumentative to the norm you just act like you know everything. I did not say this was gravity on this thread. I did say im looking at static electricity and was curios as to the possibility of using it on the moon if the atmospheric conditions are up for it. so yes these are relevant questions even if you cant answer them. Just speculations. you guys are the ones that keep bringing up the comparison not me. Not all of you are but more then enough of you are Has anything ever been weighed at the poles of the moon? just curios
  19. Nature isn't perfect. Couldn't it be so that gravity is the matter and then as it moves and creates this static electrical energy that attracts matter as well thus amplifying the effects of gravity? Totally out on a limb here.
  20. This also explains how it can jump from cloud to cloud by each body having a great enough differential in polar charge. ok so the earth magnetic field is not what I'm going after here. I'm comparing the electrical properties of the moons surface and how it can attract by static electricity. Yes I understand they are different. It still doesn't take away that static electricity attract matter by its electrical properties. Like a balloon having an extra charge and sticking to someone's head. The static that is created on earth would have to overcome the atmospheric resistance to be strong enough for this. That would only show that the air has static electrical properties that surround earth. Now I want to compare as to how it gets it on the moon.
  21. Are you saying that there is no scientific explanation for lightning? I have one. Theses storm clouds are more dense matter in motion. While said matter is rubbing against itself in this cloud it creates static electricity. When the charge of the cloud or matter in the cloud becomes strong enough in opposition of a nearby polarity it would then discharge its accumulated static electricity as it passes or gets near the other polar charge. Much like when you rub your socks on the floor and you touch someone.
  22. The atmosphere varies on the moon as well doesn't it?
  23. Except in very special circumstances.
  24. The static is what I'm thinking may hold it there. Just a thought since the atmosphere is less dense that there would be more room for the magnetic attraction to get through matter. I think that the magnetic field around earth is what generates enough magnetic energy to make static electricity much higher as to cause lightning. Short circuit between polarities of matters static charge. So another question that I have is what elements are not susceptible to static electricity?
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