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Everything posted by Theredbarron

  1. Yes and so is gravity. The density or everything involved in a planet is a big factor. When I say atmosphere I mean gasses collected around the surface just like the moon. It has one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_field_of_the_Moon Its not even a planet. Mercury has one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury's_magnetic_field Asteroid's have magnetism but its assumed it captured it from whatever event it came from. Thats possible and so is a static electrical charge being absorbed by a conductor when it speeds past gasses in space or colliding with something else. The scientific method already has already been performed on the effect of density, static electricity, electricity, ventures, drafting, pressure, vacuum, temperature, and chemical reactions. I'm just piecing it all together since it looks obvious to me that density effects everything including movement and attraction in all aspect of physics which is everything. All testing based upon wind speed compared to the earth is incorrect due to not factoring in land speed in comparison to the earth. The scientific method missed that.
  2. Thats assuming that the field was there first. I thought they did measure our magnetic field. Your talking about it right now. Rotating faster could make it hold the air easier as well. Drafting more as speed goes up. Since we are going the same speed it stays the same. You cant honestly say that density is not a factor. Its applies to everything including the atmosphere resistance. When lightning strikes is when there a bigger differential of electron build up which is measurable and detectable. During all that. Yes it might keep things closer that only prove what I'm saying. The density of the matter around us has electrical properties. Everything has electrical properties. The changes in electrical properties causes a magnetic attraction. This looks like pressure differentials. Observations of this would do exactly what your describing. This is all happening at the same time. You cant have one without the other. You can measure this on other planets that do the same thing and have lighting just like we do. The common denominator even in electrical charge choose whats stronger. The build up of electrons is more density and its attracted to the opposite which is less electrons or less density. Then the lightning strikes. Density, Its what its made of. What does pressures and temperatures effect? Density of everything like the periodic table of elements. We cant go into certain density environments because of our own density. Like the bottom of the Ocean or Space. We physically have to protect ourselves from density even. An ampere or coulomb is the density of electrons in a given space I'm coming up with this as I go. Wind is measured at a point on the surface of earth. The surface is moving faster at the equator in a direction then half way up to the pole. If wind is the differential from land to air speed the its not the total air speed to the rest of the earths air. It does matter. So all information that is based upon wind is assumed information when trying to compare it to the entire planet. So it looks like the north pole has faster moving air in comparison to the equator. Its only going in a direction at a speed just faster or slower depending on the direction then the land that its compared to. The Coriolis Effect is drafting Our solar system does the same thing with density changes by solar wind. Density moving in a direction. Belief is the hardest thing to get over. So I dont believe anymore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drafting_(aerodynamics) The static exchanges are happening all the time between pretty much everything. In Motion
  3. So I was wondering if all the planets have magnetic fields. Then I noticed that the planets with the magnetic field have an atmosphere. As the density of the atmosphere increases so does the magnetic field. What if the movement of the planet and atmosphere are what causes this? Static electricity shows that when matter separates there is an attraction of the electrons and if the matter is correct it will give up an electron. This would be a magnetic attraction between none magnetic material correct? So when something is moving it creates a lower density behind it like drafting. This lower density has less total electrical properties. In electricity the higher the voltage the stronger it is. The higher density the stronger it is. So could the density of the atmosphere combined with the airspeed and land speed differential cause the same magnetic attraction as static when the air separate's from the ground leaving a magnetic charge behind? Lightning always goes to ground or a lower charge attracting the electron to the earth like CO2 exiting a fire extinguisher leaving some electrons behind on the tube. Mercury is the smallest and spinning slow and it doesn't have the same magnetic properties as all the other planets. Nascar drafting, Semi drafting, Bicycle drafting, Airplane wing drafting, Rockets use pressure behind it to displace matter, this all seems a bit obvious that density moves stuff and density is based upon total electrical properties not if its a gas or solid. We are constantly in contact with everything all the way outside our own solar system. The density is the common denominator between everything in existence. Not vacuum or pressure or gas or solid by themselves. They all have this same trait. Like a magnetic grid lock
  4. I get what your saying on the scale of things. Ok so to change the total pressure of the air is pretty much not happening. What happens when you rapidly change the pressure at one point of the rotating mass? Will it decrease the speed of it? If so then a second explosion right after could slow it more. Not only the pressure but the direction as well. Plus if you add salt to the mix the density of the moisture increases causing it to drop which could decrease the pressure right after the shift from the explosion directly outside the eye cause an imbalance of motion. What I figure is that if you could increase pressure of just a portion of the rotating area next to the eye it a chain reaction could occur if placed correctly. The salt being added would allow for the moisture thats in the pressurized area to depressurize from condensation. The more the moisture weighs the harder it its to get going in the same path. This is all not done at the size of a hurricane. Its more like just before it begins its rotation. I dont know what stage the rotation starts but its much smaller then those number. The hurricane would be the object to prevent. The actions would have to be taken as preemptive. I by no means think that it could stop a 5 or even a 1. Given that we have lots of records of patterns of when and how hurricanes form there could be a point where a strike would be worth attempting just to change the pace of the conditions. It would allow time to slow its build to a hurricane. The total air direction of travel wont change nor would the conditions. What could change is how much time it has to build before it gets to land. A hurricane as to build up to being one. If you slow the early stages of cloud rotation it cant build. The rotation of the air drags more outside air into it. This is how hurricane builds. Slowing the rotation could keep it from crossing that threshold of being a hurricane because it spent too much time being slow and never pulled in enough by the time it gets close to land. If a hurricane is close enough to land it pulls the cold air in then condenses moisture and so on. So look at tornados. I know they are not the same but the clouds do the same thing for the same reasons. Pressure differentials. The clouds can rotate before its considered a tornado. The difference is that it happens a lot faster with a tornado. A hurricane relies on time to build. I get the general consensus says it wont work. Has anyone tried?
  5. Core of the planet The differential that is happening at the center of the storm.
  6. I dont want to try to change the pressure of the atmosphere. I want to disrupt the differential in the atmosphere. If you get it while its too small and not close to land then you can either slow it or stall it. If you slow it down it could eventually run out of fuel so to speak. Even if the conditions are still there its not a hurricane. Whats worse? The pressure from the bomb will knock what is rotating out of balance so it can collapse or not stay traveling in its path. Newtons 1st law. The system then has to rebuild. Still not a hurricane. I should probably say before a tropical storm is developed maybe not so much hurricane. This is to prevent hurricanes which come from tropical storms. Just an example the Gulf of Mexico is being fed with fresh water from rivers. All this fresh water effects the salt content of the ocean. The lower salt point allows for the water on the surface to evaporate easier. The core is a little off subject but it is also affected by salt. I'm talking even maybe way out in left field type bombs like using salt to dramatically change the variable's.
  7. Dont hurricanes rotate the opposite direction between hemispheres because the air is moving much faster around the equator? The cool air gets drawn in from the north from this faster moving air which is usually more during spring or fall because the axis is tilting. The land around the equator becomes closer to the cooler air from the north. The air doesn't shift as fast as the earth so it causes a mixing of warm and cool air. During summer or winter the sun covers is tracks twice. As it tilts into the season and then back out. This allows time for the air to balance around the world because the sun sits on the hemisphere for longer. During spring or fall the sun only sweeps by then returns after the next season. Its not covering the same area twice during fall or spring by themselves. Hurricanes seam to happen more during the fall for the northern hemisphere. The water temperature effects this. The water is warmer during the fall so it puts more moisture in the air. The cool air is now trying to follows the planets tilt from the attraction caused by the faster moving air that is following the faster moving surface at the equator. So warm moist air colliding with cool air causes the start of storms. I'm pretty sure the salt balance of the ocean effects the temperature of the water. So if the salt content of the ocean is lower, which it is, this will increase evaporation. The heat holding properties are lowered from less salt. Kind of the whole reason why the core is heating up. Should I explain drafting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drafting_(aerodynamics)
  8. Definitely not a nuke. I was thinking more designed for it. So pretty much I doubt any bomb has been made to help. Disrupting the conditions before they can develop into the conditions needed then it will slow it from happening. Detonating a bomb in the area that is low pressure which is in the middle at the correct altitude will effect pressure in the clouds and the conditions that form. Think of a whirlpool. If you fill the middle with water it stops spinning. That is where the pressure gets balance from the inside so a much smaller area then what your thinking. Bombs can be made to do very specific things. The further the storm travels without developing into the category the smaller the storm will most likely be. Lots of stuff happens before a hurricane is called one. The blue line is the air speed and the purple is the pressure for this hurricane. It went from a 2 to a 5 in 2 days. The dot in the line that has been highlighted is where it became a 5. The outside edges are close to land or are over land. Before the system gets to land the moist air has increased its density giving it momentum. The way it increases its density is by warm moist air mixing with cool air condensing the moister giving it more density. As the body of air condenses it attract air into it. Wind speed increases and pressure decrease. At the beginning its very weak without the cool air being supplied. A strategically place explosion during the build just before or as it begins rotation can make it weak and maybe stall it out. Think about the escape velocity of the air following the rotation. If the rotation slows then the escape velocity is lowered. With the air now trying reaching escape velocity the storm now has to pull what trying to leave but it only has the energy thats being supplied. This will reduce what it collects. The storm is not perpetual. It can stall with the right influence. This doesn't mean that it wont be a storm.
  9. I'm calling bull crap perspective on that. That is total accumulated energy not 10,000 nukes going off. I'm purposing a way to prevent it from accumulating that energy. Set those nukes off and see if its even close to the same thing. Energy at an instance is not the same as accumulated energy over time. It cant accumulate if you destabilized it from doing so. Stopping the rotation will keep it from dragging more air into it giving it its energy. Even if it ended up rotating later anyways it would have less time to develop because of this. Its worth shooting bombs at because of the damage that they cause cost more. Pretty typical human response to something that messes crap up. the total accumulated energy of a semi driving across the country can still be stopped by a simple set of brakes.
  10. Why dont we use science to stop Hurricanes? We make bombs to kill people why cant be make them to save them? If a designer bomb was place in the correct spot at the right time of a hurricanes development, could it be possible to destabilize the pressure balance thats going on in there? The eye is 20 to 40 miles wide when a hurricane is in effect. If an explosion were placed in this low pressure area before it develops how could it continue to develop if the whole reason why its there is now gone. Picture a whirlpool of air. Whirlpools can be caused by how the water swirls around an object. No hurricanes move towards the equator. Instead it appears as if its swirling around the air thats being drug into the equator much faster moving air. I found this site showing the average wind speeds and ocean currents. http://www.seos-project.eu/modules/oceancurrents/oceancurrents-c02-p02.html It says the winds is faster towards the north or south poles depending on the season. The only thing I see that is misunderstood is the that the wind speed it the differential from land speed to air. The equators land speed is moving faster then the land that is closer to the equator. This is due to a smaller radius from the earths rotating axis. So if its 5 m/s at the equator it would be 5 plus the rotational speed of the land. This would make it around 453 m/s. If where I'm standing on earth is half the radius then the land speed is half. The arrows in the pictures are the direction of current that the water is typically moving. Its the opposite direction of rotation. This is where the drag against the air is why hurricanes dont move to the equator. They ride the currents away from it. This is an image from NOAA's hurricane site. I'm sure you can see where about the equator is. The air speed is much faster around the equator then towards the poles in comparison to point in space or existence that is not moving. So what I purpose is that if you rapidly disable the lower pressure area when the rotation of the sources that start a hurricane it then will disrupt the creation of one possibly. Of course it would need very specific calculations on what the air is wanting to do around it in order to keep from forming after. This is why is say the explosion should be designer.
  11. is the wing getting the electrons from the air or is the air moving the electrons from the aluminum back and forth? I was thinking I might place an insulator next to a conductor that is actually grounded. I'm trying to find polarity.
  12. Wings of an airplane create static electricity. What I was thinking is that in order for a wing to generate lift it needs a lot of air underneath at a pressure to cause a push. As the air passes the wing it create a low pressure zone to generate a lift effect on the wing. Since the pressure in front of the wing has more total electrical properties from its density it then creates a push once it has enough there based on the weight of the craft repelling like magnetism. In the low density area it has lower total electrical properties so it attracts the high density wing towards it creating a lift like a magnet. As the air rubs against the wings with its electrical properties it then rubs off some causing the collection of electrons on the wings. Then discharging whenever it has the right differential attraction. Everything is made to prevent static electricity. Is there particular material that would increase the static electricity collection or creation?
  13. I'm waiting on some parts to become concentric and I will have a test model of one of these.
  14. It even has a battery. I wonder how free it is when it runs out.
  15. Was a meter used to see what the bulb is getting? also it says free energy.
  16. Let me rephrase the question. Is my logic contrary to reason?
  17. I'm confused. Didn't you ask why the positive flows to the neg? It doesn't. When the electrons start to flow in the conductor it then charges the other end positive. Are you saying that its impossible?
  18. They would only be flowing from plus to minus inside the conductor. The attraction would come from the positive diode when attached to a circuit. The neg diode may have to be away from the area where the armature is rotating. So somewhere in between the positive charged end and the point where the armature ends inside the tube is where the neg diode would have land. I drew it incorrectly in the picture. This is to allow electrons that are not completely pulled into the rotating field within the conductor to be attracted out into the circuit for use. Kind of like its own eddy current. The conductor will heat up and depending on it mass and density will choose how much it can handle. Current rating pretty much.
  19. Did you check out the sketch? Is it impossible? I had thought maybe the circuit that is connected to it would then become an eddy current on its own. Does any of it make sense? I also have an ac version of this. This one would be much easier to make first and to test it is why I'm curious. I'm having a hard time getting just the air to create static electricity. I was thinking of making a bigger wheel designed to create a dust tornado for lack of a better description. It would collect the local dust and air to spin it around. Then I would have collectors and what I'm calling friction pads to create and harness the static electrical energy that gets developed. I couldn't quite find a way to use just the air. I dont know how well it will work on earth but maybe it can work on mars. Mars has a lot of co2 and its pretty dry from what I understand. Could any of this work? I think its going to come down to the material that gets used as the friction pads and collectors on how much it can generate and collect. I have been trying to come up with a way to use Teflon for one pole and aluminum for the other. What materials would create more static electrical energy by the dust in the air then these two? Everything is being made to resist static charges and doesn't really give me an idea of how easy it can develop it.
  20. Perfect thank you Doesn't the voltage build till its enough to jump the gap? If this is so then I should be able to control the voltage by storage only allowing it to build to a point then juggle the storage with another and use the one not connected to charge a bank. This would all be dependent upon how much I can create and collect.
  21. Is this really as far as we have gone with static electricity? So a little off subject. How would I calculate the acceleration rate of somethings weight that has a 23kg force opposing gravity continuously?
  22. Has anyone actually calculated the input and output of one of these?
  23. So a question about static electricity. Whats giving the van de Graaff machine its total current capacity? What I understand is the belt of cotton or whatever its using is carrying the electrical charges between the two drums. Is it attracting and repelling the electrons from the air at the point where the friction is happening? The way I see it is that static electrical energy is a way of multiplying power possibly. The voltage potential created and stored over time when it takes so little to create it. If some dude on you tube can make thousands of volts with carboard and some aluminum foil then I think I can attempt to make something a little more exaggerated. The goal is to make it consume as little as possible so that storage time is longer then consumed. I'm in the 1k watts range available for consumption so I need to work on voltage output and how to control it to beat that. I was actually thinking about using co2 as my air. An issue I'm having is there isn't a lot of co2 in the air here so if I can get one to work with our atmosphere then it should work with others presumably.
  24. This is a cutaway from the side and the top. The red arrows are the direction the electrons should flow and the blue is the direction of the armature. I'm thinking it may need teeth to help excite movement but just by varying the air gap on the sides of the armature. I made one produce 3v dc but the distance was only about and inch and the magnet was much stronger than I think I need. There was to many factors to take into account and the fact that it was open circuit voltage. This is why I'm going to make an armature and possibly stator designed for this.
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