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Status Replies posted by ALine

  1. Book Idea: "The us giving away a daughter, who is an alien from space. Causing the father to make sure they remember his name. "- Ravana's Siloete

    1. ALine


      bad book idea


  2. Yeah.  Well Done you.

    1. ALine


      Did not do it alone. So to speak. I had help from all my friends, family and loved ones who helped guide me through the path analogously. One thing that stays with me though is this website. How is it that every time I come here I always learn something new without learning something new?

  3. Just wasting time today...

    1. ALine


      you and me both kid.

  4. I am just now learning about now learning about how the universe formed, like about gold and what not and dudes and dudeets. Its fucking crazy, there are elements in me from a fucking star explosion that occured billions of billions of years ago. I tell ya, if you learn science from the right source it feels like everything just opens up! Like the universe becomes more and more knowable. Before I had to be on medication to see this amount of beauty. This is epic!


    1. ALine


      also sorry about that, dudes and dudets. The female version of the dude.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. I am just now learning about now learning about how the universe formed, like about gold and what not and dudes and dudeets. Its fucking crazy, there are elements in me from a fucking star explosion that occured billions of billions of years ago. I tell ya, if you learn science from the right source it feels like everything just opens up! Like the universe becomes more and more knowable. Before I had to be on medication to see this amount of beauty. This is epic!


    1. ALine


      can you send a link to it? Been looking on YouTube but have not found it yet.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Accepted for a residency in anaesthesiology!

    1. ALine


      ehh, good job man. This is my first time probably interacting with you but I knew ya could do it. :D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Here is a quote I came up with the other day.

    " The interface from the universe to the brain is a continuous one, the interface from the brain to the universe is a discrete one."

    Tell me what you all think about this quote.

    Thank you

  8. Here is a quote I came up with the other day.

    " The interface from the universe to the brain is a continuous one, the interface from the brain to the universe is a discrete one."

    Tell me what you all think about this quote.

    Thank you

    1. ALine


      that one....seems like it can break the mind. 

      I get the mental image of fluid like fractals when thinking about that. 

      owwwwwwww my braaaaain :D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Here is a quote I came up with the other day.

    " The interface from the universe to the brain is a continuous one, the interface from the brain to the universe is a discrete one."

    Tell me what you all think about this quote.

    Thank you

    1. ALine


      @Alex_Krycek By discrete I am referring to discrete and continuous information. Got the idea from taking signals and systems in college, however it does not really "mean" anything due to it being like a "poetic quote." I am defining poetic quote as being a quote which has only analogous meaning and not real in any sense like a drawing. Apologies for the confusion.

      @joigus I have no idea what aleph 0 and aleph 1 mean and your right why not. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. I have decided what I would like to go into in regards to my field of study. 

    - Mathematical Modeling and Simulations

    - Systems Design and Development

    - Optimization

    1. ALine


      oh, cool! that does sound pretty awesome. I have been a bit obsessive of neurons lately.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. I have decided what I would like to go into in regards to my field of study. 

    - Mathematical Modeling and Simulations

    - Systems Design and Development

    - Optimization

    1. ALine


      ah man, this looks absolutely perfect!

      But I am looking for something more, not just to model the brain. But to model and construct new models of everything using the brain as a basis.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Today I learned: maths is shapes and shapes is math.

    1. ALine


      oh no apologies, this was meant to be more of a comedic understanding of mathematics. By this statement I mean that math is a formation of different structures which come together in order to form more complex structures. Hence why I used the term "shapes." 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. I have decided what I would like to go into in regards to my field of study. 

    - Mathematical Modeling and Simulations

    - Systems Design and Development

    - Optimization

    1. ALine



      - All the Mathematics

      - Systems Design and Development

      - Computer Science


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. My new observation machine really works and in so working proves that possible observations are endless.

    1. ALine


      ah, ok cool. So when I defined knowledge and the acquisition of it I was making the assumption that everything can be considered as a system which can be "placed in order" in order to give a sort of "path to follow." Or going back and forth through ones knowledge. This would allow for an easy interpretation .If that makes any sense. Also no expert as well :D

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. My new observation machine really works and in so working proves that possible observations are endless.

    1. ALine


      ….I am sorry, but I am a bit confused. What are you talking about? Have we spoken in the past about this subject? Have I made a post about this previously? 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. My new observation machine really works and in so working proves that possible observations are endless.

    1. ALine


      I apologize, however I am unsure what you are referring to.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. So I have been working on this idea I call the "princess bubblegum hypothesis" and it states that everything in the universe can itself be considered a system which

    interact with other systems in a way attempts to maintain equilibrium. Here is what I have so far.

    First the hypothesis defines a few postulates, I think I am using that word correctly,


    (1) Everything in the Universe can itself be considered the "possibility" for a system to "exist" by definition. 

    (2) These possibility systems, also known as imaginary systems, are defined by an entity known as an "observer" which turns those possibility systems into non-possibility systems, also known as "real" systems.

    (3) entity observers are systems

    I have more but it is on a notepad somewhere.


    So I have been working from this basis for months now and have discovered that what I am looking for already exists and its called systems theory. And then I did MORE research and discovered that all of what I have been trying to do already exists and works well. I am both proud of myself and mad that I did not do any research sooner. 

    There was that one time where I was super excited about learning however that has died down a little bit, however I am still taking the advice of one of the users on here, forgot his name, well that is not important. He told me to think of it as filling in the holes in my knowledge. Which I got to say worked WONDERS! 

    Anyway, that's about it. Peace

  18. testing math formulas

    /( x^2 + 1 /)

    /[ x^2 + 1/]


    1. ALine


      (Math/) (x^2+1) (/Math)




      f(x) = 2

      [math] y = 2*x [/math]


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. The subconscious is a gateway to another demention

    1. ALine


      I mean let's assume that there are multiple dimensions for each respective consequence for consciousness. You would have your dementia dimension in one category, you would have individuals with higher and lower intellects in another category, and you would have emotions in another category. It is almost as if each dimensional category would create a "dimensional brain" where each category of the mind is inside of its own dimension. So that means that you are creating a brain from a mind from a brain. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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