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Status Updates posted by nevim

  1. Got one of these bad boys for my birthday recently.

    So thank you to whoever posted the link to this video some months ago (maybe Moontanman? Maybe beecee?).




    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. DrP


      Yea it was a male. It got very aggressive - but I think it was sport for it rather than territorial fighting. It's forehead was like a 3 inch thick steel plate. It ate EVERYTHING. My dad put it on the allotment to clear all the long grass and brambles etc. Easier than manual labour - just leave the goat tethered to a patch you want cleared and come back later - it would eat the lot. :-)  I swear it thought it was a baby train. It certainly sounded like one and felt like one when it charged you, lol.  'mee mah'!

      The female one you had sounds a lot more pleasant as a pet. :-) 

    3. koti
    4. nevim


      I can well imagine the train noise your goat made, especially after hearing those turkey noises from the goat in koti’s video - wtf!!! :D:):o

  2. Strange, is it not possible to privately message you?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Strange


      Been off line for a while but back now. So you can all spam me with "interesting" PMs!

    3. Silvestru


      I bet your laptop if physically heavier from all that spam. Don't stay offline for too long at a time, you might miss the next new revolutionary theory that will change physics as we know it. 

    4. StringJunky


      Atoms will evaporate first. :)

  3. FINALLY got my way after 2 years of fighting. Will have a right below knee amputation within the next few months....


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. nevim


      Thank you zapatos. I’m very happy to hear that for your nephew as Crohn’s is also something that makes you housebound. Cheers to his freedom!

    3. Moontanman


      Good luck to you Nevim, I've been told that may be in my future as well... 

    4. nevim


      Thanks Moontanman. I’ll let you know how it goes. Should happen in October...

  4. nevim

    1. koti


      Yep, I saw that. I think the people in these photos are equaly ridiculous as someone who sensors harmless infantile art.
      On the serious side, Kaczyński said yesterday that anyone who raises his hand at the Church, raises his hand at our Nation.

    2. nevim


      Good on him :) . I think..

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