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Everything posted by RedAlert

  1. COOL! SO BLOODY AWESOME!!! When will these be commercially available??!! Plus (sorry if you think I am very paranoid), are you really the inventor, or just someone acting like him?
  2. Yes we are ACTUALLY doing this. However, not many people seem to be interested....there are only about six of us...I don't know whether we should start anyways, or wait for more people to join.
  3. Alright so we have decided on our story idea? Does everyone agree?
  4. This is the idea Phi has given us, and I like it. We just have to make fit in a story now, but it's a good idea:
  5. I LOVE warnings! Whenever I see warnings, my adrenaline begins to flow and my heart starts to beat faster...What did I do wrong?! SFN Warnings provide more excitement than Halo 2 could ever provide! <sirens blare in the background, and RedAlert, the Evil Penguin Troll, laughs in absolute glee!>
  6. Sorry but your french really sucks. The translation for your last sentence is this: I speak you french.
  7. Nope. Je suis CANADIANNE! Shake in your boots with fear now. WE are the NEXT SUPERPOWER!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Really? America wants our oil and attention pretty badly right now. We have a whole bunch in Alberta and you have to make a pipeline THROUGH Canada to get your oil from Alaska.
  9. "Why are men so attracted to breasts?" The same reason as why this thread is popular.
  10. Why? So you can secretly grow all your marijuana plants on Mars?
  11. Will this affect Vancouver in Canada in anyway at all?
  12. How does a scientist's handwriting look like?
  13. Bonjour! Je m'apelle RedAlert. Qui est-ce que parlez en francais?
  14. Ok all discussion should now be done in the SFN Flash Movie thread. The Game is in the trashbin. It is too complicated to make.
  15. Ya my mistake not yours, I did not clarify that we are not having a game anymore, only a funny movie. Sorry. I have another idea too...what about a movie that makes fun of Lord of the Rings?
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