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Sriman Dutta

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Status Updates posted by Sriman Dutta

  1. I got a national rank of 3506 in an exam.

  2. I obtained 95.6% in my 10th standard board examination. I'm really happy. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. imatfaal


      No idea what IIT is - but congratulations on the excellent results - my Dad would have said "what happened to the other 4.4% percentage? Are you slipping?" But it would only be ever said in jest and followed by more hearty congratulations. So well done - be proud

    3. Sriman Dutta

      Sriman Dutta

      Thanks for your congrats. IIT is the Indian Institute of Technology, the university from which the present CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai qualified. It's a chain of engineering colleges.

    4. Raider5678



  3. Hi friends, my exams are over and I'm back.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. imatfaal


      Always nice to get the exams over and done with

    3. Sriman Dutta

      Sriman Dutta

      Yes sure imatfaal

    4. Sriman Dutta

      Sriman Dutta

      But, the more difficult exam is approaching..

  4. My exam starts from 21st Nov.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sriman Dutta

      Sriman Dutta

      Haha...Actually it's the Selection Exam before the main ICSE. Anyway thanks for your wishes.

    3. imatfaal


      Good luck - and remember to read the question. This advise is not as silly as it sounds.

    4. Function


      Indeed, Eric. The Great Honours I've missed due to faulty reading ... Poignant!

  5. Oh man!!! I always forget to charge my phone....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sriman Dutta

      Sriman Dutta

      Good thing for a traveller, not for a student.

    3. Function


      In Belgium, you can see lots (and I do mean, lots) of students carrying a powerbank with them ... Small, easy to carry and helpful in your darkest hours <3


      But I don't have one lol

    4. Strange


      Of course, you have to remember to charge it ...

  6. Just back from Nalanda - the ruins of one of the greatest universities of all time. I felt like I have travelled back in time.

    1. Endy0816


      That must of been cool, I hope to visit India someday :)

    2. Sriman Dutta

      Sriman Dutta

      Yes really cool

  7. I'm on a trip.....

  8. My Puja Holidays is about to end....

  9. It's a great experience to participate in an inter-school debate competition. It gives you an opportunity not only to discover yourself but also to boost your confidence and learn many things. :)

  10. Just back from Sikkim tour.....

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