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Everything posted by paragaster

  1. The American Right claims to be Christian Conservatives. Is it a co-incidence that racist vote for the American Right. Is it White Supremacist in the garb of Christian Conservatives. What is the politically right word for racism?
  2. Zakir Naik says 80% Islam is scientifically provable 20% does not contradict science. Zakir Naik claims Jesus never sacrificed his life, meaning he was never crucified. I want to know what Christians think because Zakir Naik is ready to give evidence.
  3. The Abrahamic religions claim to be scientifically provable.I have researched this topic. The male DNA does not mutate beyond a certain limit meaning if Adam was white, so would be most of his children. I want to know from like minded people the reality of the Abrahamic reilgions.
  4. Is an atomic or molecular machine invention possible which will not pollute but work for us?
  5. Trump has a business approach regarding other countries. Infact he ridiculed the Japanese for not taking financial burden regarding US military forces stationed in the region. The Middle East situation is completely an American deed. Trump needs to get his priority right. Non-interference in any part of the world would be a good start.
  6. I know one thing for sure. Every thought creates a partciular brain pattern. The 'thought reader" reads my thoughts even before I have thought about the thought. It then responds accordingly.
  7. I know people who have read my thoughts and told me verbatim. The number of such occasions is alarmingly large. I have even tried taking medicines thinking it is schizophrenia. They have even scanned my brain using the latest FMRI. No results. The results show that I am a perfectly normal person having ZERO schizophrenic symptoms. The voices originate out of my head. I have changed my doctors. I have been treated with Allopathic,Homeopathic and Ayurvedic medicines. The problem remains. Someone is playing foul. I have also read that an AI(Artificial Intelligence) can learn your thought patterns and adapt. The AI then proceeds to manipulate your brain 'Just by Words' that originate out of my head.
  8. What I gather from Mathematicians is that the application of Mathematics involves creativity. There is no one 'Comprehensive Mathematical Model' that is continuous by logical deduction that explains Reality even of the physical world.
  9. The problem is that they have used a 'mind reader device' to actually know the names and relations of the persons I have fantasized about. This has been quite an ordeal for me as I now have to give explanation for very private matters. I do not think anyone else will go through the situation I am facing. Warning : I have searched the internet and have found out that such a device exists. No conspiracy theory here.
  10. I have fantasized about everyone around me. Is it fantasy or reality? Is masturbation ethical/moral? I have been hounded by the society that my conduct is highly inappropriate. The society has veil of numbers across which it judges other people.
  11. Arguements that make sense are considered reasonable. Logic is different from reasoning. Reasoning may be the domain of the White Man, logic is not.
  12. I am a theist. I am spiritual as I consider humanity to be the only guide in your life. I believe that to achieve a sustainable wealth spiritual outlook is most important. I seek a clear understanding of material realms as well as spiritual realms
  13. Stephen Hawking,Elon Musk and Bill Gates have been vocal about the dangers of AI let loose. There must be some reason for what they are saying and when they are saying. They are reaching conclusions based on our experience. I am sorry. I have no evidence or the position of power to bring forth the evidence. No one needs evidence to tell us that Sun gives light.
  14. I will try to furnish name of the Arab who gave this law. You, too can research this topic. Ibn Bajjah was his name. He gave a crude exposition of the law.
  15. Indians have considered equality of all sexes and have given civil liberty and civil rights to all seixes. Shabnam Mausi, a hermaphrodite was elected member of the Legislative Assembly in an Indian State. Americans have a problem with this progressive move. They keep on thrusting their Constitution on Indians. These Americans with the help of advanced AI have tried tried to divide India on the basis of religion. I have found out that one of the Americans, who is a hermaphrodite even has a moustache. Now, it seems like Our Hermaphrodites Versus Your Hermaphrodites kind of tussle.
  16. If you google you will find that a machine that translates a paralysed persons thoughts to messages is already in place. Americans have threatened to crush all those people under railway engine who give evidence. How can one give evidence if a person with most advanced technology threatens you in such a way. The tsunami in the Bay of Bengal which killed more than half a million people was triggered by technology. Needless to tell you that only Americans have such technology. Moreover, Americans can control the weather and climate of any country/region. The more advanced the technology gets, lesser is the chance of getting evidence.
  17. American Constitution does not supercede Indian Constitution. Americans have created a machine that can listen to your thoughts. Americans are using this machine in India against Indians. They are trying to influence Indians to vote for a particular party. Fundamental rights have been violated. All this only means exploitation.
  18. I have been lead to believe that oil companies decide the freedom of individuals all over the world. The rape of Indian Sovereignity stands out as a battle between largest democracy in the world(India) and Capitalism. The oil companies have made India the 51st State of America with no freedom for the people of India. I can say for sure : "Capitalism is ugly". The other day I was listening to Ayn Rand lecture. Ayn Rand was wrong about Capitalism. I would, say Capitalism is not even an ideology. It is shameless God forsaken attempt to display power of wealth or should I say money. The AI has tried to thrust American Constitution on India. These people are cretins. They need to have their own way. The UN has failed many times due to global economics. Freedom and liberty are at stake in India just because some oil guzzler did not like the face of a person. ISIS is an American creation. It would be appropriate to say that The Security Council Of UN is a puppet in the hands of America. I hope sanity is restored around the world and megalomaniacs are told to restrain.
  19. The last Newtonian law of classical mechanics "To every action there is an equal but opposite reaction" was in fact formulated by an Arab. The law has been wrongly ascribed to Newton.
  20. I think Logic has nothing to do with Math or Science. If you look at human history you will realise that we knew a lot about Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics etc before getting into formal logic. The age of the word "logic" is less than age of words like Astronomy,Mathematics etc. Formal Logic was introduced by Greeks, much after the Sumerians and Egyptians, who were advanced in Astronomy and Mathematics. Logic depends on Science and Math, not vice versa.
  21. The British did well to leave Americans to themselves as they were growing unruly. I have certainly read about American War Of Independence or the american revolution as it is popularly called. It is necessary to realistically evaluate the freedoms supposed to be enshrined in its constitution. The Americans have identified themselves with the Southern States and its ideology of racial discrimination. Even seemingly moderate Republicans like Abraham Lincoln did not espouse emancipation of slaves . It made economic sense to free the slaves. The Whites were responsible for the well being of slave communities. After the Civil War whose results cannot be ascertained, the Blacks were exploited with the burden of their and their families well being now on themselves. The Whites had only the Black labourers to feed. The Southern States had cotton as their mainstay. Modern equipments did not require large scale labour engagement. The Americans today expect to be paid hefty salary for simple jobs. Americans claim to be Christian Conservatives in other words White Supremacist with fringe elements debating on minor issues like the type of furniture in the Church. Human rights record of USA is good as non-whites are considered animals and animals do not have human rights. Now, the perennial itch. The Americans have the ability to have their own at the cost of Democracy. The books I read informed me that the rot set in soon after Declaration of Independence. The ongoing struggle is between the people who view America as a Business Haven and those who have inherited values of Democracy. The latter clearly relying on luck to get election funds. Money Bags decides American policies both interior and exterior. These Money Bags have raped Democracy and seek protection from the laws constituted by the very Democracy that they are raping. The itch is lacking touch.
  22. The problem with Muslims in India is that they want social benefits without social integration. In India Muslim Laws are followed in letter and not in spirit. This seems to be the case world over. In the madness to have single interpretation of their spiritual texts, they are losing sight of aim of the texts, which is non-physical. According to Zakir Naik, Islam is meant to deliver justice, to its proponents
  23. The American Election is moving along expected lines. The FBI, too has joined the fray and wants to have its say. Investigating the dealings of any Presidential Candidate can be understood under only extenuating circumstances. Malintent should be avoided. What do you World citizens, especially Americans have to say?
  24. The belief in God has arisen from the coherent response to our experiences.
  25. Before puberty everybody is able to cope with his/her questions. Post puberty a new dimension is added to the child. He is drawn out(???) and begins to know the world with his senses. His appetite for experiences increases. His expectations are through a viel of intimacy. When they are not met he/she cannot cope as he/she would have pre puberty period. Does your gender reality cloud your judgement?
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