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Trurl last won the day on July 18 2022

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    applied mathematics

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  1. It is a scientific fact that dogs know calculus. They perform it every day finding the shortest path to retrieve the ball that was thrown. So when Newton claimed to “discover” calculus there was much controversy. Not because Leibniz also claimed to “discover” calculus independently. The dogs were much aware of calculus since dogs have lived. Newton observed the dachshunds that he hunted with. Newton ask the wiener dogs how they knew which hole the badgers would go down. That is: the shortest distance to the hole which would often determine the badger’s direction. These interactions influenced Newton just as much if not more than when the apple hit his head. So the arguments between Newton and Leibniz was trival. It should be stated that calculus originated with the wiener dogs.

    1. Eise


      Yes, and a stone falling knows the principle of least action.

    2. Trurl


      Jay Leno was talking about when Columbus discovered America he took back some native Americans with him. But as they stepped on land the native Americans did say, “We have discovered Europe.”

      If you are familiar with Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy you know the mice were smarter than humans.

      Also the dog is in control of his position. The rock is not.😝

    3. bananaharvester


      Where did you find out that it's a scientific fact that dogs know calculus?

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