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    Theoretical physics

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Atom (5/13)



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  1. What I see. Within 15 years you will not recognize this world! Two major splits. Religious & spiritual groups forming around the world drifting toward primitive tribal lifestyles in the wilderness. Techies & scientifically minded begin migrating off planet as commercial space tourism & space stations reach full swing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StringJunky


      You are talking out of your arse.

    3. Theoretical


      Obviously you don't read much tech news. There're 5 major companies with multi billion $ funding working on moon tourism. And not to mention the companies working on orbital tourism. Last week headline news announced the U.S. gov. granted permission for the company Moon Express to land on the moon. They have a launch contract to land on the moon next year. Technology is EXPLODING on earth, from breakthroughs in AI to automated orbital flights.

    4. Theoretical


      So get that amazing Flipboard app on your phone and keep up.

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