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Mordred last won the day on April 23

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  • College Major/Degree
    University of the Caribou
  • Favorite Area of Science
    cosmology and particle physics

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  1. Mordred, I have a technical question here.... my work is a bit more complicated and requires a bit more depth than I am used to - in the case of a projective space, the identity P^2 = P is said to hold -  what does it mean?

    In my case I am looking at, I have an antisymmetric matrix that requires to be squared in the projected space to yield the identity/unity. The projective space looks like


    [math]P = \frac{\mathbf{I} + n \cdot \sigma}{2} = |\psi><\psi|[/math]


    The square of the Pauli matrix should yield an identity [math](n \cdot \sigma)^2 = \mathbf{I}[/math] (unit vectors naturally square into unity). What is the square of the dyad in such a case? 

    1. Dubbelosix


      I have a feeling this isn't the case though, as it is possible say [math]\mathbf{I} = \sum_j |j><j|[\math] where we take [math]<j|k> = \delta_{ij}[/math], so just a bit confused about the dyad. 

      that should be [math]\mathbf{I} = \sum_j\ <j|j>\ = \delta_{ij}[/math]

      with [math]\delta_{ij} =\ <i|j>[/math] sorry. Tired and heading to bed soon.

      It's probably true what I have said, not sure why I thought it needs to square to unity. It seems n|\sigma> = 1 (is this always the case) anyway, good night.

    2. Dubbelosix


      even when trying to do it right, I get it wrong lol... what a mess (and sing relic notation) [math]\mathbf{I} = \sum_j |j><j|[/math]


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