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Everything posted by Ant Sinclair
Dim, a nothing-burger - well done 👏
I posted an article in Science News a few days ago that shows a recently released image from the Hubble Space Telescope of the Bullseye galaxy. This seems a trifle too coincidental regarding a thread I started back in 2016(Could this be our part of the multiverse) considering the distance away that has been calculated for it of 567mly and the distance I calculated to the centre of the Rings in that thread of 565mly. I closed that thread as I was unhappy with how it was being received by members of staff here on SF and so never gave further information on those Rings. Below is a short explanation of those Rings and the 6 other pairs I wrote to a friend a few years after I closed the thread. So not only is there similarity between the distance and also the number of rings. This post may appear to diverge away from my op on this thread but in fact it does not, it follows the light to matter, light is information and equations are information. From skyandtelescope.org; The ring galaxy, nicknamed “Bullseye,” is located 567 million light-years away in the constellation Pisces. It is 250,000 light-years wide, about 2½ times the span of the Milky Way. Bullseye surprised scientists with its many star-filled rings, as previously observed collisional ring galaxies feature a maximum of two or three rings. The Yale-led team found eight rings in Hubble data and a ninth ring in data from the Keck Observatory in Hawai‘i; they also used data from the Dragonfly Telephoto Array, which is designed to image objects with extremely faint surface brightness. The images appear in the February 10th Astrophysical Journal Letters. At the centre of our multiverse are 9 pairs of rings made of a “magnetic” material, they are currently 565 million light years away from us and we're are moving further away from the centre every second. The saying "the earth is the centre of the universe(multiverse)" wasn't quite true but that the earth was at the centre 565 million years ago. Each pair of rings are in proportion to Pi and the √Pi, the largest pair are 3.14159km diameter and 1.7724km, the rings decrease in size by a 1000 fold for each of the following pairs ie the next pair are 3.14159m and 1.7724m, the next pair are 3.14159mm and 1.7724mm, the next pair are 3.14159micrometres and 1.7724micrometres and so on down to the 9th smallest pair. The larger of each pair of rings spin forward creating a wave and the smaller of the pair spins sideways, as the smaller ring spins sideways it creates a wave that collides with the forward wave created by the larger ring creating a spiral wave, this is Phi, the spiral of Life. There was no Big-Bang, it was a Big Switching On. Tesla gave us much information with his 3, 6 and 9, these expand as follows; 3, 3^2 and 3^3 ie 3, 9 and 27, 6, 6^2 and 6^3 ie 6, 36 and 216(216 being half of the divine 432), 9, 9^2 and 9^3 ie 9, 81 and 729, these are the 8 Scalar Waves that create our magnetic ship(our multiverse and life creating/supporting apparatus). The 9, 81 and 729 are Octagonal Centered numbers and the fractal of our multiverse. The 6, 36 and 216 are the Phi properties of our multiverse. The 3 and 27 are "magical" and hard to put into words. When Caltech recorded it's"first gravitational wave" they placed a marker at around 1.3million metres wavelength, divide this into the speed of light gives a frequency of 216Hz, one of the 9 expanded Tesla numbers, "if only you knew the magnificence of 3 6 and 9 you would hold the key to the universe". These rings were placed in the primordial soup, and when they were switched on created the frequency Max Planck spoke of "the vibration that allowed atoms to combine", At-Um = Gate-Design, when the ancients chanted Um(not Aum) they simply were chanting "design" ie the Creators Design. The Mantra the "Green Tara" is as follows; Um Ta Re = Design Star Re Tu Ta Re = Priest Star Re Tu Re = Priest Re Su O I-A = Red Ring Eye-Heavenly
Your words have no value so why bother typing them?
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exchemist, I disagree the laws of nature are man-made but have been found by man and as you say this argument can't be swayed one way or the other yet. "Just is" isn't a scientific statement but you are correct there are no observations to prove what I've speculated, this is something I shall continue to work on, hopefully working through equations and formulas should give insights into these speculations and I can find the answer to what I seek. The big question for me is how the laws of nature which are in the realm of the mental/conscious could possibly create the material, it's said pulsars can directly create matter from light and also light is information as are equations, my answer may come from thought experiments thinking on such things. San Miguel go to your refrigerator and get yourself another bottle, after a little more intoxication you may come back with words worth reading.
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Gonady give over with the play on words, the Sumerians obviously knew of advanced trigonometry which makes the rest of your "no it's not" garbage.
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Genady, so is this gentleman misleading folk? https://www.unsw.edu.au/newsroom/news/2017/08/mathematical-mystery-of-ancient-clay-tablet-solved
Phi for All - "We definitely created the laws and equations", who is the "we", advanced trigonometric equations have been found on Cuneiform Tablets, is that where the Greeks gained their knowledge from which in turn is the root of our modern science because those same Tablets tell of man being created as an hybrid of an existing hominid of earth and those "who from heaven came to earth", if those Cuneiform Texts are not "myth" and portray the truth I again say who are the "we"? The laws we accept as truth today could be the laws of an Adromedan civilisation we haven't discovered yet, isn't the law of gravity considered to be multiverse wide and so therefore Universe wide? Either way it's a chicken and egg scenario.
Phi for All, "our best model"/"Universe" - the JWST is showing that our models need adjustment at the bare minimum, when we speak of the Universe we only discuss what is visible to our instruments and how we translate their readings. What is visible could be absolutely minute compared to what is out there which I believe is highly likely, our multiverse(partly visible to our instrumentation) could be one of trillions. It's what happened before the first multiverse came into existence that I seek. How did math/equations/laws cause the creation the first sentience/consciousness, if they did? Many of the ancient texts tell it was this first consciousness(the Chaldeans'/Brahmins' Invisible Spirit) that brought forth material structure into existence, I can see their logic in this but not yet how. You say I have it backwards, I disagree, I believe we didn't create the laws/equations that fit our observations, we stumbled across what has always been.
Phi for All, I agree with the Hindu texts in that there as always been something, that something was empty of anything material and so the only thing(s) that could have existed at first were the theoreticals that became laws of nature including equations etc. How those laws/equations created what followed the emptiness is my final need to know in science. I have a start on this enigma but the "keystone" eludes me so far.
Phi for All, many Sumerian words survived into modern languages, a Dam was a Lady and every American serviceman loves a Dam-e, Nam meant Order, a word to classify or nam-e something, Su meant the colour Red and how is the American tribe the Sioux pronounced? The word God also must originate from Sumerian, there was no letter O in their 17 letter alphabet but there was the letter U, Gud was the word for Bull which signified strength as in the title Gud-Ea, Ea being another name for Enki(some say). A string of words from Sumerian, En-Gi-Ne-Er meaning Lord-Scribe-Essence-Power, a title I own. Now going back to the word Math, we have that word via the Greek "Mathermatike" which in itself has a direct Sumerian phonetic translation, I think you ought to diverse a little away from your original scientific field.
I believe the Sumerian language holds the answer to the question I posed in my op, here are two "modern" words; math and theory, a man I consider to be wise once told me when we were discussing ancient tongues "phonetics are king when translating the older languages" and I agree with his statement. Ma was the Sumerian word meaning Vessel and Ti meaning Life with Ti/Th being pebbles and smooth stones, also the word theory has a direct phonetic translation from Sumerian as follows; Th-E-O-Ry meaning Life-Temple-Ring-Place. Are nature's laws always present with or without an observer, anything of substance or any form of energy? In the original emptiness were they both always there, that emptiness being a potential for math and theory to create?
Below is a link to a nasa.gov article regarding NGC922 aka the Bullseye galaxy and a recently released image from the Hubble space telescope. It has been described as rare due to that it has 9 rings surrounding it. It has also been said that the reason for these 9 rings is that a smaller galaxy collided into it through it's centre, the remnants of this smaller galaxy can be seen in the image. Do any members of SF that are interested in this field know of the mechanism of how such a collision would cause these 9 rings? https://science.nasa.gov/missions/hubble/hubble-investigates-galaxy-with-nine-rings/
So youre saying the Cube doesn't contain a line, an area and a Volume, some could say "No" is very vague
It's said "a linear quantity cannot be added to an area to a volume.", does the Cube contain all three? Is the Cube not a sum of all 3 values, they all exist within it?
Would you please expand on your reply?
The conversation with the OP I mentioned above continued, another quote he made was "All that exists is part of God", to which I replied "where did the All originate from?" If there was as I mentioned earlier no Atoms, Particles, Electromagnetic Fields, Absolute Zero K, Zero Energy, what would remain - Dimensions and Potential?, if there was a Capacity or say a Volume, and say that Volume was shaped as a Cube of 1m side length, it's Volume would be 1mx1mx1m = 1m³, but what else is present? When you look at the Cube it contains a point to point line, a square and a Cube, could this be written 1m¹+1m²+1m³, would this equal 3m⁶ equalling 729m?
I was recently scrolling down a group's posts who's page name was Intelligent Design, one member of the group had posted telling "Atheists: Life Created itself from Nothing", to which I replied "Do others believe it is impossible for nothing to exist?". The OP replied "I agree, there is no "nothing". I suppose the word Nothing could be highly debatable in itself, but let's presume Nothing means No Energy, Absolute Zero, absence of Atoms, Particles or Electromagnetic Fields, what remains? I read quite a while ago of the Chaldean account of creation in the Chaldean Chronicles, of how the Invisible Spirit at some "time" became aware/sentient, but where was the Invisible Spirit before it became aware/Sentient? The OP quoted at me the following when I told him I was endeavouring to find out what happened at the very beginning when "nothing" became "something"; "That beginning is already there As Vedas say "that which exists can never cease to exist. That which does not exist can never begin to exist " You have been miseducated" I agree there has to be "something" and it is impossible for "something" never to have existed, but, I also believe "nothing" has existed. Something came from Nothing, but how?
Do you know of any Deluges around 50,000 years ago Sensei?
Well clarified.
Care to clarify for the ordinary Folk please Dim.
Correlation means a connection between two things or more, what "Causation" are you referring to Dim? If you're referring to the Earlier Flood Legend of Ziusudra not being the cause of the Biblical Noah's Story I'd agree it probably wasn't, could well be these accounts are retelling more than one event.
Why not read other Ancient Texts to see if there are any correlations with the Bible, many exist, Hindu Texts, Tamil, Akkadian, Sumerian, Egyptian etc, I like the Egyptian Texts which have some beautiful parables in them on Morality such as the tale of The God Hapi and Senmu the Fisherman, in other texts you have the Sumerian and Akkadian versions of the Deluge, in the Sumerian version Ziusudra was the Boat-Builder, the Aztec legends tell of a Flood, they said they had lived on a Large Island in a Big Lake and searched for two hundred years to find their new home, their "New Home" was given to their King in a Vision, in this Dream He saw an Eagle, Perched on a Cactus with a Snake in it's Talon, they had arrived in Mexico - Exists The Pure Land. A lot of good reading and you'll get there.
Why follow the yellow brick road, I thought the Wizard of Oz'iris' tomb had already been found?