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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/18 in Posts

  1. You will find all relevant answers in this excellent resource: http://stopmasturbationnow.org/
    5 points
  2. It's true. I'm not a member of the empty set. Why don't you just explain yourself?
    2 points
  3. @swansont, Kavanaugh is a Judge. As boasted he's a Yale graduate. Providing knowingly misleading testimony, citing partisan conspiracies, and challenging Senators who questioned him is all ugly behavior by Kavanaugh. If this were a trial Kavanaugh would have been found in contempt of court must likely in my opinion. J.C.MacSwell and MigL seem to be saying they don't care about his behavior or fitness for office. Rather they seem to have a philosophical issue with the fact Ford's claim have been included in his nomination process in the first place. I get the impression they feel it is unfair to Kavanaugh that anything he has not been proven guilty of in a court of law would be brought of. Video could come out tomorrow showing Kavanaugh violently hold Ford down covering her mouth and MigL and J.C. MacSwell would still argue that everything up to the release of the tape had been unfair. They don't seem to care whether he is guilty or innocent. They seem to care that he is treated as 100% innocent every second up to the moment he is proven 100% guilty. MigL has repeatedly stated that Kavanaugh's fitness for the bench doesn't matter. Opening sentence of MigL's OP is " This is not about B Kavanough's suitability for the Supreme Court". J.C.MacSwell and MigL are doing mental gymnastics that I find disingenuous . I have attempted to stick exclusively to merits of the misconduct claim but the Senate hearings are purely about Kavanaugh's suitability. It is precisely what the Constitution empowers the Senate to evaluate and vote on. Not his guilt or innocence in any specific crime. Suitability is the purpose of these hearings yet per the OP it is off topic to consider suitability. This isn't a trial the Senate job here isn't to determine if Kavanaugh violated a federal or state statutes. This processes only purpose is to determine his lifetime appointment. Ford wrote her Representative, Senator Feinstein, a letter regarding the assault months before hearing began and her Representative brought it up during the hearings. That is how representative govt works. The way this conversation has been boxed in by the OP does it a disservice in my opinion. I do understand MigL's and J.C. MacSwell's point about being innocent until proven guilty but MigL and J.C. MacSwell don't seem to understand the point of the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearings. As such we are all just posting past each other.
    1 point
  4. I would argue that you cannot refer to "the neighbourhood" of infinity, when your definition of such a neighbourhood clearly depends on a positive real number R, unless you fixate the value of R. Grammatically correct would be "a neighbourhood" otherwise. But since every nonzero complex number belongs to some such neighbourhood, it would seem to add no further information.
    1 point
  5. I think she did at least as well in the softball game as he did in the hardball one. They certainly were not on the same field. She ran circles around no one, much to her credit, but he wasn't even allowed in the room at her request. He certainly evaded some of the questions, many of which were loaded with implications. You can blame him for that...or not...depending on your bias.
    1 point
  6. The picture you post begins to answer the question. All those muscles evolved and they're all vital. Plus every other part of the human body. Why try and reduce a question with the most complex answer to a single sentence? The human body is evolved to do everything you'll read in a human biology textbook. A better question might be to ask how we are different from, for example, the last common ancestor we share with chimps which existed about 6 million years ago. Which Mistermack's post addresses. And you'll get a different answer according to what species you choose to compare us against. For example you'd say we are evolved to have large brains to make advanced tools if you compare us with apes, but you'd say we are evolved to walk on land if you compare us with our fish ancestors.
    1 point
  7. You are probably not in the intended audience for the paper then.
    -1 points
  8. Guys I know "evolutionary design" is not proper term but I am going to use it anyway because I don't know what else to say. Is the human body evolutionary designed for fist fighting? Are our bodies in a way designed for fist fighting and taking punches as well? Could knuckles be evidence of this?
    -1 points
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