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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/19 in all areas

  1. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed you can use Google or simple word association. I explained how electron degeneracy and neutron degeneracy work in preventing gravitational collapse of white dwarf stars and neutron stars respectively. Are you following so far ? Quantum degeneracy is an emergent 'pressure' against further compression which arises when attempting to force quantum particles to occupy the same state ( in the case of electrons, two half spin particles ). This is known as the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Still following ? You can do a little more following at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_degeneracy_pressure This degeneracy pressure ceases to be a factor when the gravitationally collapsing star has a mass exceeding approx. 5 Solar masses. In this case, collapse to a Black Hole with an Event Horizon is mandatory. Now you are all caught up. So, you are right. I didn't consider how unknowledgeable you are, how you didn't care to read it, and how you saw no need to inform yourself by doing some basic research. But I really don't think my 'writing strategies' are the problem.
    1 point
  2. I could have sworn G Cantor used the terms 'denumerable' and 'non-denumerable' for countable and uncountable infinite sets respectively. I stand corrected. However the definition you use for 'absolute' infinity is certainly different from his, and even more so from later work by B Russel and J VonNeumann.
    1 point
  3. It is still difficult to confidently understand what you have written. Does the following come close to your idea? Scientists and engineers do not invent things, or "create" discoveries, they reveal what was already inherently present. Consequently their work is a revelation to which they are not entitled reap all the benefits. Thus all authors are entitled to only a proportion of patents and copyrights. The benefits should be spread between a "support" of nature and the protection of this new system and a portion to the "author".
    1 point
  4. A report by prof. Paolo Vannucci told three years in advance that dust made Notre-Dame's attic highly flammable, that no extinguishing system was present, That the risk of fire was very high, and recommended to install some automatic extinguisher, optionally using powder. (Italian) ilsole24ore.com (French) marianne.net - liberation.fr The French government acted exactly as it uses to and is known to act: It didn't let remove the dust. It didn't let install an extinguishing system. But it made the report secret "because it could inspire terrorists". I wonder if communist Albania was as opaque and compulsory secretive as the French state is. And the result is here. The fire won't change the French state's habits. About lead oxide in the fumes, it acts presently exactly as it uses to. Oh, and Pascal Paillard, head of the Materials and Metals Department at Nante's Institute for Materials, also tells that the smoke was yellow due to lead oxide. The same colour was observed in the cathedral fires of Reims in 1914 and Chartres in 1836, which had lead roofings. More to come
    -1 points
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