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Entrance exam: the verdict


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Hi guys


Those who know me a bit, also know that tuesday (previous week), I had to take my entrance exam in order to be allowed to follow medicine in a Flemish university.


Today, I got the result.


Knowledge and Insight in Sciences (KIS) (10 questions of each science) (a correction for guessing is implied; also, some of the questions were deleted because they wouldn't have been 100% correct; otherwise my result would've been a bit better):


-Mathematics: 2,04/5

-Chemistry: 2,41/5

-Biology: 2,71/5

-Physics: 4,26/5


TOTAL: 11,4/20


Acquiring and Processing Information (API) (exists out of 30 questions on communication between physician/patient, about empathy etc., 30 questions about 6 texts of 1 page where you can keep your texts with you (part 1) and 30 questions about the texts, without the texts (part 2)):


-Communication: 4,57/6

-Reading part 1: 5,44/7

-Reading part 2: 4,23/7


TOTAL: 14,3/20


GRAND TOTAL: 25,7/40



The prequisites to pass are: 10/20 for KIS, 10/20 for API and 22/40 in total.

Conclusion: I PASSED!

Guess I'll be spending the next 12 years of my life on medicine ;)


Now, this message is just to thank everyone once again for their support and help (and patience ;) ) with all my questions.





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Congratulations. :) Is Flemish University in Belgium?



I meant "any Flemish university" ;)

Flemish University doesn't exist :D

I meant: a university in Flanders, which happens to be in Belgium ;)

I'll go to Ghent University, a university in Flanders.. in Belgium

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Congratulations, Function! Now the hard work starts. ;)





Only 12 years?


You will still be a young man when you finish then.




Depends on what you're doing:

3 years to get Bachelor of Science in Medicine

3 years to get Master of Medicine in Medicine

(Sounds stupid, but in Dutch: Master of Medicine in de geneeskunde)


In those last 3 years, you decide whether you're going to be a family doctor, a specialized doctor (hospital doctor), youth doctor, company doctor, ...


After those 6 years, you get to call yourself a doctor... or physician... or whatever term you use for it (but not "doctor" as in: hey I got a PhD)


Then you specialize yourself


If you 'really' specialize yourself, you can pick between a large scala of specializations. Those specializations are rather 4, 5 or 6 years of paid internship and some study, but very few theory.


If you pick family medicine, you get to specialize 2 years


And so on :)


My big dream: neurosurgery :D

That's 6 years, so a total of 12 years :)


Hope it's clear :P



Extra info:


In one way, the entrance exam is good: study success is varying from 85-93% for med students, highest of all studies.

On the other hand, we have too few doctors. Our government has tried to get rid of that exam, but the universities don't want that ;)

(Can you believe there are so few family doctors that starting ones now get a launching aid (or up aid, whatever you call it) of € 20,000!?)

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