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My own artificial genetic life form! well... working on it! please help!

Brett Nortje

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I have, on another forum, been trying to theorise my own life form. it goes a little something like this...


Okay, first off you need to know your nano-science. this 'electrical machine,' is going to need more than electricity and parts - it needs bio mass to reproduce. if it was to be very small, we can already do it. if it was to be done on a small scale, and then made bigger slowly, adding particles to the gluons, then they could slowly give it more attributes and functions. no metal or plastics should be used.

In fact, the 'being,' could be a complete living thing. if it were to be given the attributes that will help it breathe and eat, which should be fairly easy, then it will be alive until it gets old and dies, like us.

We would need to take a gluon 'strand,' and then add electrons to be excited and move around the neutrons. then, we have activity. then we need to 'program' it to be - as it doesn't need a brain, just to live at first - to excite the atoms around it to bond with it. then it will grow! This means we have something biological that grows, like an apple, you could say...

But, how do we get it to bond with other atoms? heat is a great 'growth thing,' but we need to make it generate heat from within. this could be done by 'programming,' the gluons to absorb sunlight, like a plant. this could be done by phospholipids being added to the gluon. then we need to make the energy travel from the gluon, to the other particles, and keep moving like a 'bolt' through the air.

This means that we need to add phospholipids to the gluon, and then make them heat up. this could be done by adding positive ions to the gluon, and they will repel each other, making it grow. This will still be very small though. if you were to have them phospholipids growing too, then they will just absorb and heat up, but the gluon might break!

To keep the gluon from breaking, they need to make it self replicating. then, it will grow, being stretched and heated into absorbing new atoms into it. If it were to be heated from the phospholipids, it would grow bigger and bigger, and with the ions on the outsides, they will keep it stretching as if I were on a 'support beam rack thing,' as if it were a plant in the garden. I believe god created plants first? There is your plant, it is just very simple!


Continuing where I left off, you need to make it conscious now. I suppose all reactive cells are conscious in their own right, as they react. but, suppose you take a traditional life form and hold a flame close to it? plants won't be able to react directly, but, and seeing as how we at the moment have a plant, we would see them wither and get rid of the dead cells when they burn. this is standard to life, and needs no programming, but, for a dog or whatever it will try to avoid the naked flames. how do we program this into our 'plant?'

If we were to try to create a conscious, it works, according to me, on fear. if the fear were there, it will learn, naturally. so, we need to make our plant fearful, and for that we need, first of all, a nervous system.

I have seen the people that be creating computers that are directly similar to brains, in their structure and working. But, we are not ready to stick our plant with a brain yet.

This means we need a nervous system without a brain, like a jellyfish, but a plant. If it were to be that the nervous system works with the 'plant,' we could of course just stick in something we call a nervous system, and hope it works! that probably won't...

So, we need to start off small. If we have a living cell, we could try to grow a nervous system with it. this could be done by installing or growing a set of cells inside our 'plant' that communicates with the other parts of the cells.

Hell, let's divide our plant into regions? If we were to look at the gluon, that is where the plant needs it's nervous system. then, we need to make it so that it sends sensations from one part to the other.

This means we will need to have a message, for communication, of course. if we were to take the nervous system, in structure, we could use a 'nerve,' and stretch it from one part of the gluon, to the next.

Basically I want it to eat stuff! So, we need it to go from one side of the gluon to the other, 'sensationing' a need to eat. this could be done with heat - it could eat heat?

Now, for it to eat heat, it needs to sense that heat is good. it will sense that heat is good as soon as it starts growing, as, all cells are progressive to the point they want to grow as big as they can - they look at this like it was success, yes?

So, we need to make a nerve that has muscles, to get closer to the heat. this cell could live in your body, but, it would be killed as it is foreign. call this xenophobia!

Taking the cells, and giving them muscles, we could do that. take the gluon, and give it two muscles. this will help the 'thing', as it is no longer a plant, as it has muscles, to use the nerve to illustrate where the heat it, and the two muscles could be set to, once the nerve senses the heat, as all cells respond to heat, to get closer to the heat.

An experiment I call for, is to place the 'thing' in a place where there is a light shining onto it. then, we will see if the nervous system and the muscles get closer to the heat source? basically, that is the beginning of life, to me.


The best way to prove that this life is life, is through reproduction. as it is not welcome in our bodies, nor other animals or plants, the best way to make it learn and evolve is in water, as then it has all the things it would need around it.

If we were to give it hormones, they would mate, but, without reproductive organs, it will not reproduce, unless it is through division. this is the most likely thing to do, but, seeing as how it is outside a body that supplies it with oxygen and other fuels, it would need these things in the water. fresh or sea water by the way?

I am guessing fresh water! this means we can make a fish tank and then let it live in there, in the end, when we are finished making this thing.

So, it needs fuel from the light, and that is all the fuel it needs so far. now for the reproduction... this means first it needs fuel to produce offspring and grow.

If you were to observe the cellular feeding of the human body, as we have an organism with a nerve, gluons and muscles, the muscles will eject the new life from it. This means it needs more muscles, but, seeing as how it has no hormones nor reproductive organs, it will not reproduce like that.

I suggest we let it expand, then divide like a cell, parallel to the first cell. this means we can just mos leave it to reproduce under the influence of the light. This means the whole thing has to grow due to the 'light,' that heats it, and then divide when it gets bigger.

So, how do we make it divide? if we were to program the dna to only go as far as... well, does it have dna? I hear it does, so, we can just leave that for someone else to ponder. then we can program it to divide by likening the cell's dna as if it were a white blood cell in our bodies.

I wonder what it is classed as now?

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I have, on another forum, been trying to theorise my own life form. it goes a little something like this...


Okay, first off you need to know your nano-science. this 'electrical machine,' is going to need more than electricity and parts - it needs bio mass to reproduce. if it was to be very small, we can already do it. if it was to be done on a small scale, and then made bigger slowly, adding particles to the gluons, then they could slowly give it more attributes and functions. no metal or plastics should be used.


In fact, the 'being,' could be a complete living thing. if it were to be given the attributes that will help it breathe and eat, which should be fairly easy, then it will be alive until it gets old and dies, like us.


We would need to take a gluon 'strand,' and then add electrons to be excited and move around the neutrons. then, we have activity. then we need to 'program' it to be - as it doesn't need a brain, just to live at first - to excite the atoms around it to bond with it. then it will grow! This means we have something biological that grows, like an apple, you could say...


But, how do we get it to bond with other atoms? heat is a great 'growth thing,' but we need to make it generate heat from within. this could be done by 'programming,' the gluons to absorb sunlight, like a plant. this could be done by phospholipids being added to the gluon. then we need to make the energy travel from the gluon, to the other particles, and keep moving like a 'bolt' through the air.


This means that we need to add phospholipids to the gluon, and then make them heat up. this could be done by adding positive ions to the gluon, and they will repel each other, making it grow. This will still be very small though. if you were to have them phospholipids growing too, then they will just absorb and heat up, but the gluon might break!


To keep the gluon from breaking, they need to make it self replicating. then, it will grow, being stretched and heated into absorbing new atoms into it. If it were to be heated from the phospholipids, it would grow bigger and bigger, and with the ions on the outsides, they will keep it stretching as if I were on a 'support beam rack thing,' as if it were a plant in the garden. I believe god created plants first? There is your plant, it is just very simple!


Continuing where I left off, you need to make it conscious now. I suppose all reactive cells are conscious in their own right, as they react. but, suppose you take a traditional life form and hold a flame close to it? plants won't be able to react directly, but, and seeing as how we at the moment have a plant, we would see them wither and get rid of the dead cells when they burn. this is standard to life, and needs no programming, but, for a dog or whatever it will try to avoid the naked flames. how do we program this into our 'plant?'


If we were to try to create a conscious, it works, according to me, on fear. if the fear were there, it will learn, naturally. so, we need to make our plant fearful, and for that we need, first of all, a nervous system.


I have seen the people that be creating computers that are directly similar to brains, in their structure and working. But, we are not ready to stick our plant with a brain yet.


This means we need a nervous system without a brain, like a jellyfish, but a plant. If it were to be that the nervous system works with the 'plant,' we could of course just stick in something we call a nervous system, and hope it works! that probably won't...


So, we need to start off small. If we have a living cell, we could try to grow a nervous system with it. this could be done by installing or growing a set of cells inside our 'plant' that communicates with the other parts of the cells.


Hell, let's divide our plant into regions? If we were to look at the gluon, that is where the plant needs it's nervous system. then, we need to make it so that it sends sensations from one part to the other.


This means we will need to have a message, for communication, of course. if we were to take the nervous system, in structure, we could use a 'nerve,' and stretch it from one part of the gluon, to the next.


Basically I want it to eat stuff! So, we need it to go from one side of the gluon to the other, 'sensationing' a need to eat. this could be done with heat - it could eat heat?


Now, for it to eat heat, it needs to sense that heat is good. it will sense that heat is good as soon as it starts growing, as, all cells are progressive to the point they want to grow as big as they can - they look at this like it was success, yes?


So, we need to make a nerve that has muscles, to get closer to the heat. this cell could live in your body, but, it would be killed as it is foreign. call this xenophobia!


Taking the cells, and giving them muscles, we could do that. take the gluon, and give it two muscles. this will help the 'thing', as it is no longer a plant, as it has muscles, to use the nerve to illustrate where the heat it, and the two muscles could be set to, once the nerve senses the heat, as all cells respond to heat, to get closer to the heat.


An experiment I call for, is to place the 'thing' in a place where there is a light shining onto it. then, we will see if the nervous system and the muscles get closer to the heat source? basically, that is the beginning of life, to me.


The best way to prove that this life is life, is through reproduction. as it is not welcome in our bodies, nor other animals or plants, the best way to make it learn and evolve is in water, as then it has all the things it would need around it.


If we were to give it hormones, they would mate, but, without reproductive organs, it will not reproduce, unless it is through division. this is the most likely thing to do, but, seeing as how it is outside a body that supplies it with oxygen and other fuels, it would need these things in the water. fresh or sea water by the way?


I am guessing fresh water! this means we can make a fish tank and then let it live in there, in the end, when we are finished making this thing.


So, it needs fuel from the light, and that is all the fuel it needs so far. now for the reproduction... this means first it needs fuel to produce offspring and grow.


If you were to observe the cellular feeding of the human body, as we have an organism with a nerve, gluons and muscles, the muscles will eject the new life from it. This means it needs more muscles, but, seeing as how it has no hormones nor reproductive organs, it will not reproduce like that.


I suggest we let it expand, then divide like a cell, parallel to the first cell. this means we can just mos leave it to reproduce under the influence of the light. This means the whole thing has to grow due to the 'light,' that heats it, and then divide when it gets bigger.


So, how do we make it divide? if we were to program the dna to only go as far as... well, does it have dna? I hear it does, so, we can just leave that for someone else to ponder. then we can program it to divide by likening the cell's dna as if it were a white blood cell in our bodies.


I wonder what it is classed as now?






Ummm let's see.... bullshit?

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  • 1 month later...

Genius hit it on the head.

Do you know how life forms came to be? No?
Let me educate you:

In the beginning, after the formation of the first oceans, these bodies of water were filled with primordial goop, nutrients, and other such things. The turbulence of the waters, the incredible heat of the just-cooling planet, and many other factors contribute to the formation of the very first organisms, which were a crude form of amoeba formed of proteins and nutrients barely strung together. After a long time of slow formation, these amoeba-like thingymajiggydoohickeymabobs eventually started merging, achieving the first symbiosis (and for some, parasitism).This led to the symbiotic relation advancing to the point that they become one whole organism. From there, the process repeated itself over and over, which combined with natural selection and competition for resources, created the first complex life forms, such as underwater plant life and things like jelly fish. Those eventually evolved into fish, and so on and on, etc;.

The point is, creating life is much different from your cock-eyed scheme.

Begin with a butt load of water, electricity, motion, and nutrients and proteins and stuff.

Next, put all ingredients together, and hope in the name of science that something pops up.

Actually, I have no idea how to make life.

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We would need to take a gluon 'strand,' and then add electrons to be excited and move around the neutrons.


What is a "gluon strand"? Why would electrons move around neutrons or gluons when they are both electrically neutral?


Your idea starts out wrong and goes downhill from there.

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