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We now (us--You and Me) have our very own chatroom. There is a Java link, but for those running mIRC or similar programs, the channel is on sorcery net and is #scienceforums.


Now that we have established this, we will be asking for inputs on a schedule of possible Open chats with folks in various fields of science. What we would like is to have some idea WHOM you would like to chat with. Some people require several months warning, some only a few weeks. Sooo the sooner we get started the better.



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As far as guests, Dr. Kreiss would be great (I'm a Neurobiology major actually), and John Nash would be awesome beyond belief.


And schedule... as soon as possible, if we could have 1 guest every month it would be great.

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Originally posted by MrL_JaKiri

Bearing in mind of course the time zone difference, both for posters and non-NA guests.


YES! I have found that to be a slight issue. Often when folks come here to speak or to lecture, I can get them to spend an hour or so with us..as they are on "our time." Elaine Morgan had to chat with us at 4:00pm...11:00pm HER time..and she is nearly 80!!


The things people will do to accomodate me. Bizzare indeed. Will see what I can do..




PS: Stephen does not "do chats" for obvious reasons.

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Guest Decatur

Stephens too GOOD for chats ;)

Yeah I'll be in the chat room probably all the time now.

Can I get you anything Bill? Some soda water? A pillow? :P

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