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Why primary standard solutions wouldn't always be used in standardisation ?


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to analyse the ethanoic acid present in vinegar,i used potassium hydrogen phthalate to standardise the sodium hydroxide (my secondary standard )

why the primary standard in this practical is not suitable for standardising a solution of ammonia ?

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just want to say that you- that is John Cuthbert - whether knowingly or unknowingly have treated Erfan in a horrible manner. i think you should be ashamed of yourself.

sorry - i feel a bit angry about your responses to him (or her).

Erfan - don't get too disheartened. just remember that you don't need to understand 100% of chemistry to be good at it or to pass it or to enjoy it.

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He asked a question that was too vague to answer and I'm pretty sure he asked it in the wrong part of the forum because I think it was a homework question.

Hypervalent iodine asked him to clarify that question, and he did.

I could have just given him an answer- but then so could a textbook or Google.

Instead I tried to get him to think for himself. In my opinion that's a valid teaching method.

The problem is that it only works if the student is prepared to put in some effort.

He didn't seem to have put in a lot of effort, so I gave him another hint.

He still seemed unwilling to bother trying to help himself so I gave up.


That's the only judgement I made- I judged that he wasn't putting any effort into finding out- so why should I do all the work.


I'm quite happy to help people but, let's face it, I don't get paid for this. Why should I do all the work?

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