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Humans, By ScottTheSculptor


The evolutionary step that created humans was the ability to store emotional information in their memories.


But first.

The main evolutionary drive is logic. Yes, the ability to survive is underneath but the only "advancement" in that ability is provided by logic. It is logic that a stronger predator has advantage over a less strong, a faster herd animal will logically survive one that is slower.

Every creature on the planet takes sensory information and "decides" the appropriate action warranted from that collected data. If food is detected a creature has to perform a logical sequence of tasks to procure it. Even an act as simple as reaching out and picking up another cheezy-poof takes a logical extrapolation based on a sensed, three dimensional dataset that contains both the environment and the abilities of the host. This process is also convenient if you are avoiding a predator. The better the ability the better the *individual* can flourish in the environment. The further ahead an individual can extrapolate the more advantages to that individual.


So evolution drives greater abilities in logical extrapolation. Humans are the peak land animal in these abilities.


Then why oh why are we so stupid? :) Let me explain . . .


A basic ability to store emotional information is present in any herd mammal (flocks and schools are a different mechanism). It takes an emotional attachment to another individual to "want" to stay together. All mammals are conscious enough to recognize these emotional attachments. Obviously a cat and a bison have different levels of emotional storage/attachment abilities. The enhanced ability has evolutionary advantage in increased birthrate through constant contact with a variety of individuals across many bloodlines and corresponding protection of the young from the mass of the herd. Though this can lead to mindless overpopulation.


All creatures have their senses directly hardwired to memory, humans can store emotional memory with sensed data and use that to sort the memories for both faster access and to emotionally attach to people, things, places, ideas, etc. The learned ability to “share” these emotional attachments among the pack by representing them with a commonly agreed symbol was a leap of pure genius. The first Leonardo/Galileo/Einstein. Though this did take tens of thousands of years after our homo sapient step it eventually did happen. The evolutionary drive towards more effective logical extrapolation has slowly increased human logical ability and probability that symbolism would be discovered. This also increased capability to manipulate symbols.


Humans use both the logic and pack abilities in their civilization. All human children are in full logic mode. They sequentially write their memories and logically extrapolate from the unsorted data. Their minds are like animals and can learn complex tasks at an amazing rate. This is the mode a squirrel is in. That tiny brain can figure out incredibly complex ways to access food. Magnify that to human size and a few million more years of logical evolution. A human mind at full logic power is Leonardo Galileo Franklin Einstein Maxwell. But humans are so logical and herd-like that they only need to use the full capability of their logic in childhood. As they switch to pack mode and store emotional information with their data it gets permanently sorted in counter-logical ways. Left_brain/right_brain=logical/symbolic.


Humans revert to the earlier evolutionary mode in emergencies. Under extreme physiological stress they store their memories sequentially (photographically and turn off emotional information storage. This also decreases reaction time by bypassing the emotional sorting and gives full access to the pure logic mode of the brain. “I don't know how I survived”. Illness or accident can give full access to the logic core. Extreme logical extrapolation ability combined with over-prioritized memories is the source of many spiritual experiences. “All of a sudden everything made sense”.


This primitive logical core is the source of savants and geniuses. Humans damaged in development are hampered in the ability to store emotional information. They are in both survival and pure animal logic mode. Genius is the minimal sorting of information. Even a slow, small logic ability will eventually come to the correct answer with unfiltered data. If the data is collected. Geniuses have minimal social skill due to the limited ability to store emotional info.

Now the scary part.


Predators are the absolute peak of the logical extrapolation ability. Pack predators add the ability to work together to accomplish the kill. Humans are pack predators. Even wolves/dogs will work with us to accomplish the kill. They share information in much the same way as proto humans. We now use symbols to denote “kills”.


This ability to prioritize information makes that data more important than unprioritized data.

Unprioritized data = reality. Over-prioritized data = hallucination


You can control any human by repeated emotional experiences. Each repeated emotional experiences increases the bond with others sharing in it as well as “belief” in the symbols associated with the experience. This is the pack of pack predator. Sports, religions, political rallies, sex, wars, gangs, teams, incarceration, friends and entertainment based emotional experiences, advertisement, etc.


Pack members identify with others in the pack and against any other packs. They use symbols to identify group emotional attachments. This is society. Members of packs are supportive of the pack and in competition with all other packs. They are emotionally attached to their ideas and increase the super-reality of the idea if challenged by other emotional humans pointing out the illogic in their “beliefs”.


These are pack predators. They all prey on each other. The ones with better logical abilities learn to extract much labor and wealth from the rest. They support their pack while they do it. The rich industrial family pack preys on everyone. The government preys on those companies and the public while pretending to be in the supportive role in the State pack - but in reality is locked up in unsupportable belief wars. Factory workers are preying on their employers, employers are preying on their workers. Stockholders are preying on companies, companies on customers. We all agree how much is too much exploitation and call them laws. The general rule is to take all the money but don't hurt them.


Wars are just predator packs against predator packs. They both want to fight. It is in their evolution. Both “believe” in their fantasy civilizations completely. Any attempt at change results in an overblown emotional response which then elevates the belief even higher. (Let's create a group that really believes god is a big pink bunny and record the war that results).


The common ground between all is logic.

Not science.


Science is a pack and a learned belief system that is not much different than a religion. (A sport team is exactly like a religion and should get non-profit status – emotional conditioning on Sundays). Though science claims to be based on logic it constantly argues. Argument = beliefs. The current illogical belief in the science pack is that light has a speed. .


So start teaching logic.

Realize that humans are one evolutionary step from animals.

Ponder your emotional conditioning.

Protect the uber pack – humans themselves.


Use logic, quit arguing for a moment and look at your surroundings. What are the long term consequences of your packs actions? Are you acting just to identify with the pack or against another?


Money is a symbol for prey. In nature over-exploitation results in curtailing of or death to the predator. Our prey symbol system has no limits. Complexity combined with continuous emotional stress has pushed money to the apex of the worlds symbol systems. It is “believed”. Fantasy financial products are believed.


So. We should pledge allegiance to human survival with stirring speeches, lofty goals to support all humans and emotional examples of heroes to the cause. Every Sunday. This is how humans work.



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fuzzy logic is the most basic type of thinking. (except possibly for some kind of crude 'pattern recognition' level).

fuzzy logic is just like deductive reasoning except that it replaces truth values with expectations.

instead of saying 'all men are vain.

Aristotle is a man therefore Aristotle is vain' we say 'I expect that all men are vain.

I expect that Aristotle is a man therefore I expect that Aristotle is vain'.

the degree to which we 'expect' something can be anywhere from zero to one.

but even if our expectation is total we can still be wrong.



inductive (or abductive) reasoning is an outgrowth of fuzzy logic. in inductive reasoning we 'suspend our disbelief' of some particular idea for a short time in order to get an intuitive 'feel' for how reasonable the idea is.

the result is our subjective 'feelings'.

'feeling' is therefore an outgrowth of 'thinking' (fuzzy logic).

unfortunately inductive thinking feeds back upon itself and is therefore highly subjective by which I mean that we tend to see whatever we want to see or at least whatever we look for. .

we might have a 'feeling' that someone is hiding behind the shower curtain even though we know its unlikely.



if in subjective thinking we tend to see what we want to see then what would happen if we wanted to see the objective truth?

the answer is that that is exactly what we would see and the result is deductive reasoning.

deductive reasoning is therefore an outgrowth of our 'feelings' (by removal of all subjective bias).

Through deductive reasoning we can know beyond a reasonable doubt that something is true.



only humans are capable of objectivity and deductive reasoning.



we can also link the 3 types of thinking with the 3 basic drives

fuzzy logic - curiosity

inductive logic - empathy (motherly)

deductive reasoning - sympathy (brotherly)



Therefore there is a connection between sympathy and objectivity and deductive reasoning.

this may be surprising at first but if you think about it a little it seems less surprising.

both require seeing things from anothers point of view.

Objectivity requires seeing things from the point of view of objective reality

(as opposed to thinking subjectively)

Edited by granpa
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"The evolutionary step that created humans was the ability to store emotional information in their memories."

Not judging by the way a dog greets it's owner.


"The main evolutionary drive is logic. "

Not for any conventional interpretation of those words.

The big evolutionary drive is death. If you get to avoid it for long enough to reproduce then you get the prize.

There's no requirement for logic which is just as well since I don't see bacteria consulting truth tables.


"It is logic that a stronger predator has advantage over a less strong"

Humans are not very strong, but they have wiped out plenty of big fierce predators.


" a faster herd animal will logically survive one that is slower."

I'm prepared to bet that cattle outnumber gazelles in the world.


"Every creature on the planet takes sensory information and "decides" the appropriate action warranted from that collected data."

Nope, sometimes they make mistakes. People, for example, sometimes decide (without needing the quote marks) to eat things that are poisonous and die.


Sorry, but I am now bored of this thread. I suspect I could go on pointing out more errors but there doesn't seem much point.

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