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Picture Alternation Challenge


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well one thing i see is somethign freaky going on on the hide(not on the bellly, i'll get to that), it doesn't look quite real. Then there's what looks like a rip near the belly and some other stuff..other than that i don't think i see anything...cept maybe the pics a little grainy but a lot of pics are like that....

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Which program did you use?


The horse originally had a rider - it's wearing a halter, and the reins are pulling its head back to make it rear, but they go nowhere. You used the clone tool to erase the saddle by copying a piece of horse hide and stamping it on the rest of the horse. Then you used the smudge tool to blend where the shades weren't exactly right.


You can still see a little bit of the girth going under the horse's belly. There is something trianglular left behind the girth that is not a part of the animal - it's too far back to be part of the rider's boot - saddle blanket maybe?



The sky is not the right color blue. I don't know what was originally behind the haybales, but it might have been a barn or some building that the bales were piled against. I don't think the horse is in the right proportion to the bales, although I can't tell the supposed distance because I can't see where the horse's hind feet meet the ground, so I can't tell how far he is supposed to be in front of the bales.


You used the magic wand tool to cut the horse out of another picture and superinposed it on the bales of hay.


Mind you, that's not to say you didn't do a good job with the picture - it's just that I play with this too.

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oh yeah forgot about the reins hehe


used photoshop


You are almost correct. i did not use the clone tool to erase the saddle. it was entirely hand painted. except at the bottom where i used some smudge.


and i used the clone tool to completely cover the rider with hay. no magic tool and no another picture.


This was just a quick job. basically we wanted to make a pic of our mate getting raped by a horse.


so we had this picture. plus a picture of a golfer picking up a ball and my frens face instead of the golfers. it was quite funny actually. the actual picture is this



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I learned on a little $75 program called Image Folio. My daughter gave me Photoshop CX and a Wacom digitizing tablet, but I haven't mastered it yet.


I have many old, old graytone photographs that are faded and have no detail at all. I scan them into the computer, then print them out and enhance them manually with a pencil, then rescan them.


How do you insert an image here? Does the site have a place you can store your photos or do you have to have your own? I can show you a "before" and "after".

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u should be able to attach the images here. but i prefer to store them in my own site. so that i can delete them when i want.


Wacom Tablet??? THAT COST A LOT/ which i had one of those. i have to do with a mouse for drawing and painting purposes which is not very accurate.

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Yes, it was a very nice present. I had been getting "mouse wrist" when I worked on the photos a lot. Now, I've just got to get my act together and learn how to use the tablet. I need to master it before I tackle photoshop, can't do too many things at once. (And I'm already running a machine shop in my spare time.)


I'm outta here for the night - going to dinner with a friend. Y'all have fun now, ya here?

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