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What questions can science never answer?


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Needimprovement, you are a little bit obsessed with stumping science aren't you? There will always be new questions, new knowledge brings new questions, the great thing is that science can deal with the new and change the old if nesesarry, science is flexable, it grows and changes as new evidence comes in.

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Science can never answer why people keep looking for the questions science can't answer when all the "answerable" science questions haven't been answered yet.

Sure it can. It's neuroscience, sociology, and evolution primarily. ;)

Edited by iNow
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Needimprovement, you are a little bit obsessed with stumping science aren't you?

No. I'm just asking questions. I love science. If I recall, Pope John Paul II was always very open to the discoveries of science and even encouraged them, believing that faith and science were mutually beneficial to each other.

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Pope John Paul II was always very open to the discoveries of science and even encouraged them, believing that faith and science were mutually beneficial to each other.

But, just because the deceased pope believed such a thing does not mean it's true.

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I can't help but feel a little bit responsible for originally pointing out the the distinction between "can't" and "can never" <_<


Anyhow faith and science are mutually exclusive. They're completely opposite philosophies of thought, and for them to cooperate on equal footing each must compromise itself and its integrity for the sake of the other, while arbitrarily granting sovereignty over certain things to one or the other. Like when the pope claims that evolutionary science can explain the origin of the human form, but not the human mind or morality. Which, of course, is flat out wrong. Science by its nature has a tendency to debunk &/or remove the need for faith, while faith tends to continue on dismissing whatever science might say that conflicts with faith's predetermined acceptance of this idea or that.


So, as for the original question of what science can never answer, assuming by "science" we're talking a compromised version of science that's been supplemented with Faith, then I would say that such a science can never answer anything at all.

Edited by AzurePhoenix
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Why irrelevant?


Some questions, there is no way to tell if the answer to is correct. If you can't tell whether the answer is correct, then it doesn't matter if the answer is correct. And if it doesn't matter whether the answer is correct, then the question is irrelevant. For example, I can't prove that you "really exist". Maybe you're just a figment of my imagination. But does it really matter? If so, why?

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