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So, You Think Relativity is Wrong


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The red ball has more energy in the reference frame of the yellow ball than it does in the reference frame of the blue ball. Thus energy is dependent on the reference frame and is not conserved from frame to frame.


What kind of energy? There maybe different kinetic energy, yet there will also be different potential energy. What about the TOTAL energy?


Mass, however is the same in every frame of reference. If we consider the three balls as a system and use the same reference frames, we get different values for the total energy of the system.


Same question as above.


How do you measure the equality of mass in all frames?


Why does the question have to refer to an entire "Universe" containing only 3 balls? Why not simply an "isolated system" of three balls?

Edited by swansont
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What kind of energy? There maybe different kinetic energy, yet there will also be different potential energy. What about the TOTAL energy?


The gravitational force was being ignored. There is mass, and there is kinetic energy. That's it for this example.

Edited by swansont
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How much [acr=Kinetic Energy]KE[/acr] does this universe have?
It seems as if you're thinking of an absolute rest frame in which kinetic energy is to be evaluated. That is not the case. There are no absolute frames of rest.

You missed the point, Pete. YDOP intentionally asked an ill-framed (pun intended) question.

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You missed the point, Pete. YDOP intentionally asked an ill-framed (pun intended) question.
I don't know people here that well so I'll be unable to determine who is doing things like that. Even then I'll fail to understand the reason! :confused:



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Say the red and blue ball are side by side and the yellow ball is fifty radius's away. If you are on the yellow ball the other two seem to be moving at 100m/s toward you. This seems as though you have two 1kg balls moving at 100m/s and on the frame of the two balls the yellow ball is seeming to move toward you 1 1kg ball moving at 100m/s. Which is the answer. The answer is 1kg ball moving at 100m/s. This is because the two ball have greater mass and gravity, so there time dilation is greater and there inertia is greater, so they would be still or the center of the universe. If a planet of earth size is in the path of Jupiter. and the collision was going to happen at 10,000 mph, which force is the impact going to have. The answer is the sum is the biggest so it set the dimensions of reality. Some the sun would be center and which one is moving and the energy applied is figured by the relation ship of the sun and if the planets are a lone it would be figured by Jupiter be cause it is center. Thing on earth are figured by movement compared to earth. If the three balls are triangle in their placement then the out come would go by the system of all three and if only two balls hit it would make little difference because the energy would be the same.

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