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Today in lesson we are going to, AHRRRRGGGGGG


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true I guess,

I/WE were taught by a profoundly deaf tutor, she`s lovely person and her husband who helps in class is also deaf, he`s a laff a minute and has a heart of gold too. they KNEW I`de pass (we meet socialy too), so what happened on that day is anyones guess!, I don`t think I`de feel so bad if I knew or were told what part I failed on or with, that way I could at least focus on that area and do my best to improve, but not even a hint :(

in effect I had a letter saying "YT2095 was unsuccesful in ... blah blah"

(name changed to protect the innocent) :)

but... I DID prommise myself that by hook or by crook, I would get that certificate! and so, I`ll do it again this year as well, like I said, I can only get better at it :)

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sorry to interrupt your conversation, but here is my 2 cents worth...

YT2095 said in post #12 :

gimme something that died of natural causes anyday! when I get over the "how can I bring it back to live again" and feeling desperate urgency to do this, I think I could work, but I`de have to be sure it wasn`t done deliberatly, else I`de go ballistic!


yeah, i'd actually probably disect any organism (maybe even humans... if i was almost completely done with getting my medical surgeon's degree, and the dead body was donated to science...). IF AND ONLY IF it died of natural causes (possibly including euthanasia).


with a demand for dead cats, people go around collecting and killing cats? now that is just SICK!!!!!


i would never kill anything (except pesky bugs) unless i am an inch from death, and killing the being will save me (if it's a human, i'd have to weigh out the pluses and the minuses... then weigh them again... then ad extra weight to the minuses... then decide...).

at the same time, i have to remember that most small lab animals are basically bread to die, and all meat products come from animals that are bread for the soul purpose of dying...


P.S. i'm a junior in a public, California Highschool, and all i've disected was a pig heart.

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blike said in post #29 :


Put down the beef. Would you eat meat if and only if it had died of natural causes?

read the rest of my post...


beef comes from cows that were specifically bred to die and be eaten. i'm fine with eating/disecting organisms like that. sure they died of an unnatural cause, but they were also born and lived unnaturally.

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Sayonara3 said in post #8 :

Oh, and moss too. We got to dissect MOSS.



There's something very wrong with this picture if US high school students get to slice up cats and pigs.




I got to slice up cats too, I think we had the only male..I did most of the dissecting, since I seem to take a sick pleasure out of it ;) (or something)


there's nothing really wrong with it, I guess I'm a little specieist myself...since I hate cats....


cat juice (from the fat) and formaldehyde taste DISGUSTING!!!

(I stand with iglak on the issue )

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Must be nice to actually do labs in AP biology. We just listened to the teacher talk. Every day. For a year.

Rather than actually doing experiments, he just described them. It was much more beneficial tho, as there were maybe 1-2 questions on the standard set of AP bio experiments on the exam, none of which required more than a description. Not wasting time with experiments helped me to get a 5 on it.

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...I only got a 3 on my AP chem :-(


but yeah, in anatomy/physiology in high school, we spent a lot of time doing work and tests and stuff, but we made a kadaver lab field trip to WSU (not my choice in schools, UW is better, but oh well) and dissected cats and YAY!

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