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The Rights to Culture


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Sony has its greasy little fingers in all the little media honey pots all over the globe: movies, music, video games and all the delivery systems for these products.


Now they think they have influence enough to ban music from being played in public establishments? Pay royalties? With all the feeling and passion I can muster, I say this. "Sorry buck futters."


Half of these morons' income comes from their music being played in public places by such extablishments, coffee shops, doctors offices and the like, and they have the gawl to charge these people money to play it in the first place?


Does a dentist have to pay daily royaltees for the painting on his wall? Do architects get commission on how many people enter and exit their buildings? Im not paying per picture I draw with the pencils I purchased, per road I skateboard, per person that brushes up on my signature-weaved Armani suit.


I will do one thing from now on, however, and that is buy independant. MP3.com is my new best friend.


Oh I'll still be hearing their precious music. I'm just downloading it directly off chinese pirate radio from NOW ON.


And you know what Sony? Byte me, prove it.

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Taxes... don't get me started.


I pay to work. I pay to buy. I pay to own. I pay to get payed.


The search is over boys, the black hole is directly in the center of the Parliament building. Once your money goes in, absolutely nothing comes out.


Except a pigheaded Heritage Minister who thinks her blind, selfcentered, upstart self is gonna be the first elected female primeminister (get real, you? did I hear that right?), a canadian sovereign who spends more money on vacations than the Queen of bloody England herself (26 friends, including a cooriographer and a film critic, went with her to Russia on taxpayers' money... that wrinkled, old, money-wasting wench performing in a Commie musical or something?), and the moron at the top of it all who's backing out merely so noone can prove he is dead in the water and doesnt have a snowballs chance in hell at reelection ("I put pepper spray on my eggs in the morning").


What drunk idiot in the right mind would vote for a heritage minister to rule the country? I tell you, I'd get putsed in the nunch before I voted her in... posing as she put the ballot in while no cameras were going off... what an idiot.



Oh well, at least its not Arnold.


"I believe gay marriage should be between a man and a woman."


You wont be back. Trust me.

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Hey, back off the Schwarzenegger. There is no evidence of homophobia, apart from calling Democrats "a bunch of girlie men" 10 years ago and getting accused by random activist group #2342 of being homophobic. I think he's better than the normal candidates that are driven by greed and self promotion. I also think Arnie is sponsored by FOX. :D



And Margaret Thacher has already done the 'First Female Prime Minister' thing, years ago.

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