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Is there any benefit in living in a multiracial society?


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I.e. If all humans are 99.5% similar to one another is there much point for a white european intentionally looking for someone who is ethnically african to increase the genetic diversity of any children they may have (e.g. To increase their genetic fitness)?


People say that biracial children are smarter and taller on average. Is there any truth behind this?


I have heard that there is more genetic variability within a nation/continent than between nations/continents. If this is true, is it still worthwhile to look for someone you think might be "less you" genetically speaking, to procreate with?


If you live in a monoracial country is it worth it to go abroad to find a mate so that you will have healthier children?

Edited by mad_scientist
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I think you're on the right track noting that differences within a race are as significant, or more significant, than differences between races. We've built our social conception of race on a few specific variations that happen to produce visible effects. Obviously you can get problems if you start breeding within your family, but other than that I don't think it's going to make any real difference.


If you really want to factor the health, intelligence, etc. of future children into your choice of mate then I'd say try to find a mate that comes from a healthy, intelligent family. At least then you know that the qualities you're hoping for are present in the gene line. But if you wind up choosing a mate on that basis that you're not compatible with in terms of personality, shared interests, and so on then you'll be more likely to have other sorts of problems.


My first wife was Vietnamese; we had two children. My second and current wife is half Latina, and we have three children. All five are healthy and (in my obviously biased opinion) beautiful. My current wife and I are both quite intelligent, but I've seen our kids underperform to some extent in school. I think cultural influences have a lot to do with that particular thing as well.


So, it's more or less a crap shoot - follow your heart and love those kids and it will all be fine.

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