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Everything posted by hewj11

  1. Just to throw this in here: I got the book for my kindle an haven't been flying through it. Its a very fluid read and he doesn't stick with one side of an argument. It can really be read by a layman or someone in the field. enjoy
  2. Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna look into Gravity from the ground up and take it from there
  3. Thanks for the suggestions. To answer proton; I've taken calc and entry level physics classes. But i understand the concepts of gen rel. just dont know the math behind it so much. To martin; I do live near and go to two college campuses so I should def give them a check.
  4. Just wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions for cosmo/phys books that are a little past leymans versions. Something that goes more in depth with the math and beyond just the concepts. Thanks
  5. Thanks for all the replys to this. I have heard an seen alot of the survays that say most Scandinavian areas are top choices, but I could only tolerate so much cold. As for the UK, that doesn't really seem like my cup of tea. Fun to visit but not living for me. I guess I've had my fill of new york and most of the US. Maybe hawaii for the weather, surf and if i can get into that observatory they have that would def be an added bonus!
  6. Do black holes actually suck up space? Or is it more of a twist and contortioin of the fabric of spacetime?
  7. Thanks for the articles. Can't wait till we start gettin data together.
  8. Not sure if this belongs in this section or not, but there is alot of people around the world that are on this site and have a brain haha. I've see a list of articles in what would be the best places to live as far as money, job employment, happiness etc. And i'm currently at a point in my life where i have alot of freedom to pick up and move someplace else and start a new. So my question is where would you guys/gals concider to be the best place to live in the world. With the paramiters of happiness, job employment, low crmie, health care,etc. Not lookin for a utopia but maybe there is something better than this american view that we're the createst and capitalism an so on. Thanks!
  9. iNow and bascule, I see what you're saying. So to edit my question then: What if a person had increased density, more convolution of the cortex, an neuron connection (would this be the folds and creases of the cortex too) how would you see in a difference in there thinking? Also how would you test for this? Thanks
  10. Would it be possiable to enlarge the neocortext? Or have people been found to have larger ones? As well have increased skill in thinking as well abstact thinking?
  11. Don't change your avatar, it's funny! There were a couple of times where I was reading it would catch my eye and throw me for a laugh.

  12. Lots of good information here. Mokele explained how the muscles worked perfectly. But alot of muscle growth, even strenghth and energy is due to what you are eating. You're liftning is only gonna comprise a couple of hours of your week while your diet is 24/7. Be sure your lifting is intense and your food intake is about every three hours with a good source of protein an moderate carbs (not sugar) and fats. You will get great results. Also focus on good form for the excersice. Ex. for bench there is alot o different ways to set your self up to have a mechanical advantage or more of a muscular hypertrophy sitimulas or just bad form leading to injury. Enjoy
  13. Its a good book. He really doesn't say things are impossiable but that you need to be what he calls a "type I, II, III, " civilization to accpomplish what we "type 0" civilization would concider impossiable. Either way he's a great speaker, enjoyable and enthusiatic to listen to. Enjoy
  14. The history ch. with there series the universe had an episode of sex in space. http://www.history.com/shows.do?action=detail&episodeId=389084 If I remeber right a birth wouldn't be impossiable but the biggest issue is the zero G and how it would affect limbs, organs, bodily functions etc. Interesting episode where they go through how sex in Zero G would happen. Not that any asstronauts admitted to but, I wouldn't be surprised is there has already been some "play":eyebrow: in space haha.
  15. Why don't you go for a protein drink that's high in calories and has some carbs (nothing low carb, you'll be hungry in an hour). Or even muscle milk that has a decent amount of cals, filling, good fats. Even bars, I find them to be too much, but met-rx makes a colossal big 100 bar thats about 400+ cals and filling.
  16. A quick thought to this discussion on evolution. Which way would the human race be heading in? If evolution is adaptation to the enviorment and we can create an enviorments, specific living conditions or conditions for people that would normally not make it in life or life in a "natural" enviorment, yet still pass along there genes. Then are we looking at a broad range of people that need specific living conditions, or over population, something along thoughs lines. Hopefully this makes sense.
  17. A friend was discussing it with me an that was my main problem with it. You don't see a ton of energy as well would you see a return for what you spend in parts to convert the machines and facility? Maybe in the long run. But its better for the enviorment, which is a plus. Thanks for the relpy and input
  18. I had a thought and not sure if this is the section this goes in, but I'll post here. On some pieces of cardio equipment (bikes elipticals etc) you don't need to plug them in you are the power source for them. I wanted to know is there a way of taking the engery that one uses and converting it to usable energy that could be hooked up to the town or city provider? Thus giving energy back and possiably using to run your facility. Any ideas or comments? Thanks
  19. I agree. What would anti time be? Non existence? traveling back in time? Or like a anti universe?
  20. Ya i missed it as well. Ended up watching it on youtube in ten parts haha
  21. Did anyone watch this special? I watched it and the visuals and narration was cool, but it was more or less just a giant overview of the solr system and general information on the universe. Still an enjoyable watch
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