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Coral Rhedd

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Everything posted by Coral Rhedd

  1. Anne? I think she drinks a bit. Oh you mean the one who always has her nose up Bush's . . .
  2. The needs of others must be sacrificed to your spiritual matters, must they? But you get to decide when you need to drink again, don't you? Breathing is essential however.
  3. Sigh. A hardliner. An encourager of more uncared for and unwanted children in the world. From my POV, someone has been casting aspersions upon rottweilers.
  4. Let us a assume for a moment that some benefit can be gained for someone with ADHD from a measured dose (non smoked) of marijuana, which is more damaging to the human body, marijuana or Adderall -- which is an amphetamine?
  5. My mad conspiracy theory: Grocery stores and food manufacturers know very well that sugars stimulate the appetite. Think where they would be if all of the overweight people finally understood this and got their eating under control. The food industry would lose billions. Therefore, they are perfectly content to trick us into eating sugar. BTW, I think high fructose corn syrup is utter evil and should be banned.
  6. "An it harm non, do as ye will." -- The Wiccan Rede I am not Wiccan, but I have found nothing better as the basis of my morality. Sounds simple,think. Sounds like one would have a lot of fun and freedom. Think again. And again. For the saying to have any meaning at all in application, there must be lots of thinking before acting. One must try to anticipate whether any significant act is likely to cause harm to another. Moralities that are just a list of rules are the easy ones. Only follow. No thinking required.
  7. As of now, we call this genetic counseling. But even now there is disagreement about what disorders to take seriously. For instance alcholism is highly heritable and afflicts more men than women and is damaging in a multitude of ways. Logically speaking, parents with families with alcoholism in their background should choose only to have girls. But is that likely to quell the eagerness for a son, especially in those whose culture sees having a boy as all important? More people would probably be upset if their children hand an extra finger on each hand, but this is a cosmetic consideration.
  8. At what point in this seduction might a boy assert he has no desire for contact?
  9. You viewed it in the context of a repressive childhood and parents who would not/could not accept homosexuality. May I ask how old you are now?
  10. For now, this is what makes sense, but you would still run into the problem of what constitutes a genetic disorder.
  11. No. I am trying to establish a definiton of coercion. So far, you have neglected to give one. What's okay for adults (because we draw a line to designate adulthood) is often bad for teenagers however.
  12. That depends upon the impact of the drug -- not only upon the individual -- but upon the others around him. The notion that drug use is a victimless crime is completely naive. Drug abusers operate vehicles, have have high absenteeism at work, and generally make bad parents.
  13. Children who are being beaten within an inch of their lives often do not view their parents as abusers. Only when they are beyond the situation and beyond their parents control are they able to evaluate the situation differents. In many jurisdictions, law officers are allowed to make an arrest of an abusing spouse -- even if the battered partner doesn't want them to. Not everything is up to the individual. The government has a right to impose reasonable standards for behavior.
  14. A lollipop to bribe a three year old? Is that coercion?
  15. Geez! I even oppose circumcision. I think what we have to watch out for are these parents who want to make their children carbon copies of their own personal and aesthetic values.
  16. I suspect she is a young woman of many talents -- her sense of humor being quite marked. I am dreadfully, dreadfully sorry. And your avatar is . . . ?
  17. How would one go about determining the circumstances that I have highlighted in red?
  18. Oh, oh! Cultural Red Alert! Many Hispanic parents have their baby girls' ears pierced at a very young age. Should we deny them licenses?
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