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Status Updates posted by Moontanman

  1. I'm just playing in the silly claims forum bascule, be nice, lol

  2. I want a cziltang brone !

  3. Great avatar, I love bender! Great posts too, I agree with iNow on that!

  4. you're a die hard I'll give you that...

  5. I don't think I'm going to hold my breath for an answer to that question you keep asking chandragupta

  6. Wow!I have been nasty today, channeling AronRa, lol

  7. Yup, I could do that, it would be a pain but nothing more than logistical problems, growing coral on the outside of a shot glass would be much easier

  8. I didn't know drone strikes were an option, let's not be hasty in dismissing the idea....

  9. Great minds think alike my friend! 

  10. Great posts about the tides, it is a shame that the person you looked that up for didn't give you the respect you deserved for it...

  11. Thank you very much! Elvis has left the building!

  12. Happy birthday dude!

  13. merry Christmas to you and yours too Jimmy, my wife and I are having a quite Christmas at home alone tonight. Going to Ralieh to see the kids tomorrow and roast oysters,a family tradition at christmas, the guy i know who collects oysters dropped off two bushels a little while ago... mmmm

  14. Zolar if you realy feel like I was trolling you should report me, I still say you are dead wrong!

  15. Neither did you jack ass, you make claims with no evidence, you did not provide one iota of real evidence, If you had I would have countered with evidence. Toasty did you favor by actually looking up what you should have done to begin with so you wouldn't' have asked such a ridiculous question!

  16. Well the way I figure it is "my bullshit is as good as anyone elses bullshit" to get me to look up evidence to the contrary i need to see some evidense that what ever is being said isn't just someone else's bullshit. Now If I think a serious question is being asked then i will go out of my way to provide the information.

  17. I made a pot of shirmp and scallop gumbo for luch today.... mmmmmm... goooood!

  18. A speal cjheker woiuld be good on this....

  19. Rain has stopped but the water is still with us...

  20. Listening to Jessica, the Allman Brothers Rock!

  21. It's coffee time, can't touch this!

  22. Cabinintheforest, you are so sweet, thanks for the kind words, but I can't date you, you'll just have to do without my charms...

  23. Obsession is a strange thing, I've often wondered how some people seem to fixate on others. I think it's the only way they can confirm their own existence...

  24. I am watching the movie "HEAVY METAL" gotta love real animation and metal music!

  25. Listening to Sniff "n" the Tears, Fickle Heart LP, "Drivers Seat"

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