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Status Updates posted by Moontanman

  1. yup I was here.... ;)

  2. "to prepare for a job as a tv evangelist." You are one seriously funny dude...

  3. chin up, chest out, stand up straight... crash! my gut pulled me over!

  4. s'up hillbilly

  5. Got snow? I heard you was snowed in them thar mountains...

  6. OMG! I've found Truth! Finally after a lifetime of searching I've found Truth!

  7. In Truth there is no Happiness

  8. I am pleased to find a Happy Truth....

  9. Astrobiology seems to say it all for me, but I like nuclear power, space travel, and space colonization.

  10. Well this week I mowed grass, build a new aquarium stand for my 75 gallon tank so I could set it up for my paddlefish. I watched the meteor shower from while floating in my little pool. walked my dogs, everything an old retired guy does i guess, lol

  11. We do everything every other guy does, we've just had more practice at it by this time, hehehe (is that better than lol?)

  12. I have three basset hounds, big babies, they are all brothers, two from one litter and one from another but they all have the same parents. They are loud and boisterous, they like to sing for me, I love them and they love me, I have been keeping basset hounds for 35 years.... really great dogs...

  13. They used to have thier own cat buddy but she died a couple years ago...

  14. Pretty good day so far, i am working on getting my 75 gallon aquarium set up for my paddlefish.

  15. I'm not sure I understand your question? Streching it? The 75 gallon tank it 49" long and 19" wide and 21" tall....

  16. I added some details of the 75 gallon set up to the paddlefish thread...

  17. As the man said who jumped off the sky scraper as he passed the 50th floor, "so far so good" :lol:

  18. Aquarium problems, evidently i made suphuric acid in my tank :doh:

  19. The new tank is finally doing well, new video on you tube of the new tank...

  20. The fish are doing well, I transfered two of them to a 6000 gallon pool to see if they could grow beyond being dwarfs. i am slowly doing better in my recovery. I see you've had a visit from cabinintheforest, he wanted a date from me. lol

  21. I'm doing a little bit better each day, thanks for asking.

  22. Just passing through....

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