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Everything posted by Przemyslaw.Gruchala

  1. So.. they were very slowing moving even at warp 9.. I rendered hypothetical travel to stars (post #4) in direction of Sirius at 44% of parsec. 1 parsec = 3.26 light years. 0.44 * 3.26 = 1.4344 light years * 3600 * 24 * 365 =~45.24 millions of c.. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/73584-rendering-stars/ Travel to Betelgeuse (643 ly) from Earth at warp 9 (729 c) would take them 321 days..
  2. Electron capture happens in different situations. Typical fusion in stars: p+ + p+ -> D+ + e+ + Ve D+ + p+ -> T+ + e+ + Ve T+ -> He + e- + Ve D+ + D+ -> He e+ + e- -> y+y
  3. What happens when electron and positron, any particle and its antiparticle collide/intersect? There is made >= 2 gamma photons. Then gamma photon can be absorbed by some particle and emitted lower energetic photon, and at completely other time, particle that absorbed photon, can emit it. From gamma photon with frequency f0 now we have two photons with frequencies f1 and f2, where f0=f1+f2. It can go on and on. And instead of f.e. photon with 1 GHz we can have 1000 photons with 1 MHz (just an example).. Apparently "fundamental" has completely different meaning in our languages.. Their attributes are well known and tested. Frequency for example. Just model of transformation from one set of particles to another set of particles, like photons <-> e+ & e- was not addressed properly (or rather completely ignored).
  4. One particle is giving it's kinetic energy to other particle and slowing down. If entire kinetic energy is given, source particle is stopped, and other particle is accelerated. If just part of energy is given then both particles after collision are moving. With relativistic speeds particle colliding with other particle will create other particles. What will be created depends on amount of kinetic energy. http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/classes/252/particle_creation.html v=0.36c will create additional pion 0 from proton and proton collision (or in other scenario pion+ and neutron and proton). v>0.9c will create additional proton and antiproton from proton and proton collision. It was nicely described in the article I gave link above.
  5. If you have one apple, and split it to half, or triple, newly made pieces will match with others, merged creating initial one apple. So the same with entanglement. If you have two gamma photons that collided, and you measure newly made particle, and find out it's electron, you know already the second one that you didn't measure yet, is matching to this one, and is positron. Otherwise electric charge conservation would be broken. But it must sum up to 0 - initial charge of gamma photons. So the same with the rest.
  6. Susskind. "The cosmic ladscape" i.e. Multiverse (author of string theory) It is clear reading his book that he is searching for explanation why some const is such not other, by creating "infinite" number of universes, with different const value. And any plausible. Or even one universe consuming other universe, by creation of bubble growing in older one. It's (totally) not mine idea.
  7. Entanglement is not transfer of data with speed faster than light... If you split newly born child from parents, child is still their, even on 2nd side of world, still have their genes.
  8. Reverse. Find material capable to intercept neutrinos. And use it, together with aluminium, lead and other cosmic rays stopping materials as walls of our houses and buildings. Each particle from the space which is hitting our cells and DNA is destroying them.
  9. In cosmic space there are neutrinos from the all stars. But of course less than close to Sun. If there is 65 billion neutrinos per cm^2 on Earth from Sun, we should detect 260 billion neutrinos per cm^2 75 mln km from Sun (twice closer than Earth), and 16.25 billion per cm^2 300 mln km from Sun (double Earth orbit radius). and so on the further from the Sun. Experiment confirming or rejecting idea should be launching rocket with radioactive isotopes and decay rate counter in the cosmos, in direction reverse to Sun. And send back decay rate result to us. Radioactive Polonium was already used as power generator in cosmic devices. But wiki is just mentioning about devices with distances from Earth just max. ~400,000 km. Far less to notice significant difference (not to mention that Moon half time is closer to Sun than Earth). Does anybody know whether polonium was used by NASA in devices that are farther than Moon?
  10. They didn't say that photons are made of electrons.. Neutrons can be deflected by electric or magnetic fields?
  11. How can you "think about science" when you don't know anything about science? Even the simplest stuff.. If you don't want to learn science from books, make your own experiments, real not thought experiments. Thought experiments are for experts. You can repeat at really low cost almost every experiment made before XX century. Cost of lasers, prisms, mirrors, video camera etc etc is minimal..
  12. p = h / wavelength so E = h * c / wavelength and f = c/wavelength (frequency) so E = h * f
  13. Current physics energy equation is: E^2 = p^2 * c^2 + m^2 * c^4 for particles with m>0 and v=0 it simplifies to E = m * c^2 for particles with m=0 and v=c it simplifies to E = p * c
  14. Not exactly 3. There are also: 4 plasma (nucleus without electrons which are freely moving) 5 hypothetical quark-gluon plasma (nucleus can't form and sub-particles (whatever they are) are freely moving). But this state of matter is breaking Baryon Number conservation. Surprisingly correctly modern scientists are expecting it with ultra high pressure. They are influenced by gravitation. How otherwise clouds of hydrogen would form and create new star?
  15. There would be effect such that Earth doesn't receive visible light and uv rays thus it's cooling with time without outside source of energy.. But to gravity it has no effect. Nonsense. Moon is orbiting Earth without Earth sending any energy to Moon, Some asteroids are orbiting each other in pairs. And they are extremely cold.
  16. Sun doesn't push, nor touch any planet, but still they are orbiting around Sun. No energy, no force, is need to do so. Just bended timespace..
  17. Attach files option is appearing when you're using Full Reply Editor, not quick one. Press More Reply Options first.
  18. Wikipedia is just showing current state of physics. Regardless if it's correct one or not. You can read it, analyze formulas, recreate experiments, and make your own conclusions and different interpretations if you feel such need.
  19. In what language is this program? Semicolon ; at end of line suggest it's C/C++. But what does mean dot . after a. ? And after sin(). or cos(). dot before * ?? Dot is used to access member of structure or object... a is const, c is const, so arcus sin() with 2 const arguments will be returning always the same result.. t is also const in whole code.. so any sin(t) or cos(t) is const too..
  20. If it's not faith cure, then it should cure also somebody who doesn't believe in homeopathy.. How many people are going to you, paying you money for drugs and saying "I don't believe you and it cannot work".. ? Quite weird. If somebody is not believing, he won't pay, because he would have to be insane to waste money for something useless from his/her point of view, don't you agree? Questions: - are you making drugs by yourself or buying them, or receiving from somebody else.. ? - are you earning money from Homeopathy, from curing people, or it's free for everybody.. ?
  21. Homeopathy is like placebo - if you believe that something will cure you, you are cured by yourself, not by what you took. It can be vitamin, sugar or whatever eatable. For you John, and me, homeopathy would be useless, because we don't believe in success of this method. Smart modern doctors in hopeless situations don't want to tell it to patients. To not take hope. Faith in success of curing is significant factor to result. In smart programs testing success fullness of some drugs scientists are giving patients placebo and real drug. Patients don't know what they received. How to explain self curing somebody who received just placebo and he/she is feeling better or even there are physical indications of it in medical examination. I have not seen doctor for 20 years.
  22. Shouldn't we see this 4th spatial (non-time) dimension by our own eyes, if it exists? I don't want to add anything, making things even more complex. I want simplify things.
  23. This discussion is at deadlock. Isn't 4th dimension time? Shouldn't you speak about >=5 dimension in the first place? One electron can occupy x,y,z,t0 other (completely unrelated to 1st) electron can occupy x,y,z,t1 The only difference between them is time dimension. Completely different particles at two different times. Pauli exclusion is about fermions with equal coords in the all known dimensions in Pauli's time. In 1925 there was known just 4 dimensions. Notice that Sun is moving with time, and galaxy is moving with time, so any single particle in Earth is never at equal x,y,z coords in the "next time". And t coord might be completely unneeded because x,y,z after Earth rotating around Sun, and Sun rotating around galaxy, and galaxy moving in universe, xyz of any particle (or us) is different. If particle is at rest, its distance to core of Earth pretty much same, but not to center of galaxy, or other objects in universe.
  24. Electrons have the same electric charge = same charged particles are repelling. Without any other reasons such as Pauli exclusion needed.
  25. Please first tell us how you connected them:
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