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Everything posted by NSX

  1. I guess so... Especially during a hot day?
  2. Oh, I thought k was constant. hm... I'll check out the mechanics of your work later today...
  3. dave is a monkey hahaa Oh, and the mathematics moderator
  4. NSX

    Walls Balls

    ROTK? I can't google anything with walls balls
  5. NSX

    EA Canada

    Yeah, in the pic, it looks like a 0. But when I did C programming, i had to use the \0 symbol. Afterall, using 0 would copy 0 into the string right?
  6. omgosh... Don't take this too far man... Maybe I'll start a: I <3 apollo2011 club? hm.... Speaking of which, I don't think fafalone posted in this thread yet. Maybe he's blushing, or too flattered.
  7. Okay. I get ya know dave. Although, would it be possible that they found areas under curves empirically? ie., I think it was Archimedes that estimated through exhaustion the area of a cricle by alot of triangles. Just like the Riemann sums (ignore the limit part for the sake of the argument). Someone just made alot of rectangles under a curve and saw the trend? Then made a model for the data, much like eq'ns are created to model empirical data? After areas were done, they did the same for slopes? Then found that you get closer and closer to a value, thus, creating the limit?
  8. To this: (?) I thought it was that exact order, but my friend said the order was: Integration Derivatives limits
  9. THat's what I thought to. Afterall, the def'n of the derivative is: * How would that be possible w/out limits? *http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Derivative.html
  10. Limits, derivatives, or integration? I thought it was that exact order, but my friend said the order was: Integration Derivatives limits why? He says "they just tend to find stuff first and then come up with the reasoning later I'm stumped. Anyone know?
  11. - Engineering Design & Graphical Communication - Calculus II - Materials Science Fundamentals - Physics II -- Mechanics - Physics III - Philosophy of Religion I'm all good except for the Materials Science I think. It's more structural chem
  12. But then you're assuming that y & x have a linear relationship. I don't know if you read over on the other forums they posted here, but 24 = 42 also works. As well as 11 = 11 . 1 / 1 = 1. => k = 1 but 4 / 2 :neq: 1
  13. NSX

    EA Canada

    Wow, EA makes their games in C/C++?
  14. ah....I remember this time. Getting good GPA to get into good post secondary opportunities. Well, my suggestion is to tell her straight up what was your problem. Most teachers understand. After all, we're only what, 17, 18, 19? We're still learning. Tell her you can't afford to have this mark and fulfill your post-sec goal's. Tell her you've never enountered something like this, and it'll never happen again. being in Canada, i'm not really sure what AP is, so...yeah; I hope that helps.
  15. NSX

    EA Canada

    Let's see here: --edit-- What's the character behind the pole? is it the '\0' symbol?
  16. whoa... Well, what is your side of it? You don't want to failL? What arguments have you got in mind? Also, what course are you in?
  17. NSX

    New Theme

    hooya! haha Try not too flashy though. I like the clean sleek look
  18. How can you make that statement? I also asked my algebra prof. this question. He was stumped and then said something about Newton
  19. What do you mean math in general? Math isn't general hehe You mean math problems for fun? We used to have that under the competition part.
  20. Are there any differences b/t java & C? Besides the fact that java can do graphics?
  21. NSX

    Nice SFN Logo

    Topic of #scienceforums: [http://www.scienceforums.net]-[blike is jealous of my life experience]
  22. I was just thinking. Maybe this is b/c of all the notes we take, and how it looks atrocious. I think teachers teaching primary grades would have this skill best since...welll...writing is barely legible haha
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