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Everything posted by 1veedo

  1. double post...I still have the problem with images not loading. It worked for a while. http://scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=12765
  2. They call me this jokingly, but people have told me I'm more, not arrogant, but cynical. I don't care to admit it. In my area it carries a different meaning then the dictionary -- like somebody who thinks he can do shit he cant, I don't know how to explain the local dialect. I'm sure we'd get along if we ever met. I just said that to tell Bittina and that Callipygous guy that I'm not making any of this stuff up. Guys at my school seriously do ask me for advice with women, and this is the kind of stuff I tell them. But to be honest, however this reflects being arrogant, I don't care waht they think or believe about me. Oh, and yes, I'm in high school. 16. My parents are socially not all there, and this used to reflect my personality until around my freshman year. So I know the mindframe for guys that don't understand this. It's all for the starter of this thread
  3. They call me a this jokingly, but people have told me I'm more, not arrogant, but cynical. I don't care to admit it. In my area it carries a different meaning then the dictionary -- like I think I'm all that, I don't know how to explain the local dialect. I just said that to tell Bittina and that Callipygous guy that I'm not making any of this stuff up. Guys at my school seriously do ask me for advice with women, and this is the kind of stuff I tell them. But to be honest, however this reflects being arrogant, I don't care waht they think or believe about me. Oh, and yes, I'm in high school. My parents are socially not all there, and this used to reflect my personality until around my freshman year. So I know the mindframe for guys that don't understand this. It's all for the starter of this thread
  4. You're just being cynical. Girls read love advice a lot. The last time I actually read love advice I was reading a woman's magazine. IMO, I think womens' articles are worse. One of my close girlfriends (just friends) accidental sent me a link to an article that talked about how to "train" a boy to "do anything." The introduction talked about testing, which all girls do, just to see if it could work on the guy. When I was reading the article I just kept thinking "Man, if somebody tried to pull some of this bull on me I'd bust on 'em in a heart beat!" But the striking realization I got is that it would work on most guys. There was one section, which I still think is pretty funny, about holding off on sex to get your boyfriend to buy you something. Lets put two and two together... Guy buys girl gift so guy can get laid. WHORE!! Honestly, what could be worse! I want to say something real fast about testing for guys out there. A test is usually out of place and out of character, most women don't realize this but they're easy to spot. I've gotten to the point where I address the issue directly, "You're kidding?" She's like "Hu?" "I don't put up with that kind of stuff." Anyway, an example: Her, "I don't like you're hair that way. Never do it up again -- in fact, go wash it out." Looser: "But I spent 15 minuets doing this. I think it looks great!" Her: "(whinning) Please, just for me? I don't think it looks good on you." Looser "Oh, all right. If you say so: After all, women know style!" Guess what? He just complied to her rediculous demands! It should've been. "C'mon, you don't like it?" Her: "No, go wash it out!" "You know, we could be out the door by now. I'm not going to undo my hair." By standing up to her you set up this frame that you are in control of yourself, and not her. The reason girls test guys is to see if the word LOOSER is located in the package. If you don't let her be controlling of your life then she wont be condescending. Girls are attracted to dominance. 'Nuff said. This is why I posted my take on the dating scene. Nothing about relationships, just general how to hit on a girl. After all, what could be better then boosting the mood of another person? Women like to laugh and be hit on. Even if it's nothing but the surface of an interaction. They'll go home, call up a girlfriend, and talk about the nice guy they met at starbucks. Even if she didn't give him her contact. Bettina up there may seem kind of sour, but I honestly think this is because she doesn't get a lot of attention from guys. If you ask nicely, I have tips for women as well. Or you can keep being cynical. Hey, if you really want to push it, maybe you could quote me and explain why you don't like my attitude. Other women seem to...In fact, I have a rep for being a pimp at my school. Friends routinely ask me for advice. "How do I get [insert name] to become attracted to me..." This is just who I appear to be on the outside. In all honesty, I'd like to hear a little more detail from you.
  5. From this I think women are more interested in the long term then short term. Some of the things you said I talked about previously: "Sure, I wanna guy who will sacrifice what he wants without my even asking, even if I don't take him up on it, because I wanna do the same for him." This is the whole "do things on your terms, don't be an ass-kisser." "Buy her something when she least expects it..." It's chivalrous. Guide her through a door. Women notice these kinds of things. Oh, and to be honest with girls here, guys don't pay much attention to details. We may notice something but it's not going to have that great impact a gilr thought it would. That extra half hour you spent in the bathroom isn't going to make you look much better to other guys. But guys, you do have to pay attention to details! It's kindof reversed like that. I try to notice diferent things my girlfriend does to her hair, etc, but she's still the same person. (another thing for guys, if you think she dessed up to look pretty for you, compliment her on it) "someone who speaks his mind" "doesn't become offended about little things." "Indeed, someone who's not afraid to mock me on occasion, as long as he can handle a few good shots himself." Treats her the same, etc. I don't want to turn into a psychiatrist here, but some of the qualities that were "girly", anything not active guy stuff is about sensitivity, compassion, and just a guy that considers or thinks about his girl (am I right? At least to some extent?). Most guys would rather kiss with more pressure, but if you really want to get a girl on her feet, kiss lightly. If you hear the sweet, romantic side, etc, even being sensitive does not mean being a wussy or "nice guy" (the kind of guy that kisses up to women). The truth is that women may say they want this stuff, and indeed they do, but the "nice guy" is not what the feel attracted to. Think about this: I've seen women in some pretty bad relationships. The kind where she yells and swears at him walking through the commons because he's a jerk. Everybody wonders why she doesn't just break up with him. Universally, if you ask a women that's in this kind of mess, she'll always tell you "I love him." From a psychological angle, she'll justify this with "I think he'll change." These kind of guys are genuine assholes and treat women like shit. But girls are attracted to them. She may hate everything about him, but she's still sexually attracted. Answer: To do you like Chinese? Italian? Do you like to swim? Mountain bike? People cant just decide what they like. The thing is that women will not "get to know you" unless she's already interested and attracted. The term I was looking for above is called the "halo effect." (http://jamesthornton.com/theory/theory?theory_id=24 It's a short paragraph) They have to have physical attraction or it will not work, no matter how sensitive you think you are. If you look at the link, the opposite of this is the devel effect. If works both ways. This is more important to a relationship then it is to what women feel emotionaly, sexual attracted to a man. IMHO, the first couple times you get together it's much different then when you start getting involved. After the first month or so, it rests on who you are and how you've made her feel thus far (ie, is she attracted AND are you her 'type'). It's in your attitude and beliefs; what you value. If a guy lets hus values be pushed aside, it's not going to work. Even if she desires these values from a guy, if he's a wussy, the bond that would normally take place wont. It's similar, for guys, meeting that girl that turns out to be "not all there" in the end. The difference is what qualities women want, from a husband, and what they find attractive in a man. The latter comes before the first. Some marriages end because the guy will let life push him around. No matter what qualities this poor guy had, his wife just doesn't feel as conferable and secure anymore. Being "nice" is only half.
  6. So you've never really been with a guy before? You might find you love your future boyfriend because of some of this stuff. Not to discredit you, but are there any other women that would like to comment? Anyway, just for the record, this is advice, not some kind of manual for anybody out there.
  7. Some of the stuff in quotes are things I've actually said to women, most more then once. I normally get very positive results, even from complete strangers (I didn't use to believe you could walk up just any woman and start a conversation). You probably didn't like my article based on a couple things I said that you found offensive. Just for the record, this is only part of what I do when I hand out with women. It's the hanging out and getting numbers that some guys have problems with. "How do I get her to like me..." After she likes you, Bubba, the relationship stuff is easy. Just keep doing the same stuff but gain deeper report. Spend "time alone" to just talk. For instance, I can say that most girls are more kin to "getting swept away by the moment." Most stuff like palm reading, tarot cards, and zodiac are more interesting to women then men. Women are interested in different things then guys are. They'd rather be able to "share all their feelings," "be understood," and "feel comfortable" -- trust, trust which is gained with rapport on the first couple dates. None of this kind of stuff I talked about above because it's a diferent category. If a guy tried to gain that kind of report and the girl doesn't like him then he'd just come a cross as weird. Go back and read both comparisons at the top. Put aside everything you pre-consciously think about my ideas and ask yourself which kind of guy you like better. The first, or the second? To what Phi for All said, yes there is no "method" to dating women. There are mindsets that can work. Women respond differently to different things. That's why I don't like telling my friends "lines" when they ask me. It's important to get to know a girl. You can do something and make it mean anything. Real World Seduction is not just "one book" I've read. However, it is the most recommended. Maybe it's your reality, Bettina, that the game works a little differently. Maybe you think that you can get guys to do anything. Some women like being flowered with gifts and compliments. You may not agree with me. That's fine. I can think of other women that have told me I know how to treat them. One thing I like to do is make a note of things they like doing and planing an entire day around that. My girlfriend's just like "wow. What happened?" Every girl that I've been that involved with has said that it was the most fun she's ever had in her life. It show's that you're thoughtful. I was talking about that in a different post. Remember the "let her know you were thinking about her but you don't need to buy gifts to do this"? I like to buy stuff when they least expect it. If I see something that reminds me of her, I'll be like "I was thinking about you, and this just jumped out at me." ..."Oh, I love it! Thank you so much..." And I actually do NOT credit some book. I credit the friend I keep mentioning. I asked him my freshman year, "Why do you get all the women?" He told me stories and methods (you could call them) but before that Saturday night I didn't believe him. I watched him get 6 phone numbers in a matter of just a couple hours from complete strangers at books a million. Maybe you wouldn't be my type, Bettina, but I know first hand what I'm talking about. Tell me, sense you're a girl, what kind of guy do you like? What do you look for in Mr. Perfect?
  8. It used to be Windows Longhorn? Yeah, I head that you're going to have to pay fees to be able to run Windows update. It's really a shame. Not again...Please, goto the forum labled "Linux" if you want to debate. The OP is obviously a discusion about the Windows Vista release of 2006.
  9. Ok, you can kind of treat this like my thread I said I was going to do. I'm not going to go on and on, just a little bit about what I've seen to work. You can think I'm some kind of womanizer, I don't really care. I honestly don't think that I am. Anyway, from the top, which kind of guy do you think is the most attractive to women? A man who barely makes eye contact, stutters on himself, and has no sense of self-value. A man who talks with confidence, stands tall, and is funny. How about... A man who calls his girlfriend twice every day telling her how much he loves her. A man who rarely calls his girlfriend and has other things on his mind. The second group may come as a surprise to the average male. While the first may seem appealing to a woman, the second will be the one she's always thinking about. When it gets right down to it, what do people (everybody) find attractive? Things of high value, interesting, and rare. Would diamonds be worth as much if they were readily available? Sure, they may sparkle, but other stones do this as well. Diamonds are valuable in the eyes of most people because they're hard to come by. It shows you have status. They wouldn't be so interesting if you could get them for $5. Let me ask you this: In a desert, would water or a diamond be more valuable? Value is determined not by price but by a concept of what something is worth through personal experience and needs. I think that women are attracted to fame, money, and power simply because of biological side of attraction. And the thing is that famous and rich men already have an edge because they're initially to be assumed as having dominant traits. People of high status or attraction are assumed to be more intelligent and interesting. There's a term for this but I cant remember it. If you can give her the feelings she wants then she will treat you like a rich and powerful man. Ask yourself how you'd walk if you were famous...how would you act differently. Do this: Hum, not a song, just a note. Move it down to your chest so it resonates. Instead of talking from your nasal cavities, resonate from your chest. Anyway, women want a challenge. Some may be happy being able to real in a nerd, but they don't respect these average guys as much as they do guys that are harder to get. Their personal reality may be that guys kiss up to them. Even if they have to a little bit of manipulation, most women will take what's available. But even if they don't like admitting it, sometimes not even to themselves, they'd rather be in a relationship with a guy that's in control of surroundings and himself. The kind of guy that just might say no to her. And NOT the week guys that give them everything they ask for -- IMO, it's these kind of guys that are chauvinists. (Read Bad Boys...and have you ever seen any lifetime? Girl meets mysterious guy ridding motor cycle. Girl tames guy. Girl and guy live happily ever after...) One boyfriend may be used, yes "used", to buy them things (dinner, perfume, whatever) while another man may be her "boytoy." The difference? One is dominant and the other is submissive. It may seem logical to like the guy who calls his girlfriend twice a day. But it's not the case. Women like sexual tension and tension is created through frustration. Guys respond very differently to frustration then women do; We get mad! The second guy is going to keep her guessing. He will have a higher value then the first and thus she may blow the other guy off, or flake (and he'd probably let her as well) but will probably not want to miss a phone call from the other. If a girl flakes on you, you have to tell her "My time is valuable and I don't appreciate you wasting it like that." Guys just need to be confident enough to take the lead. It's still very "old fashioned:" You approach her, you ask her out, etc. Be confident enough to take the lead. Instead of always being afraid of rejection, "If I say this, will she be mad?" (Just like the first guy that heads every demand from a girl is afraid that his girlfriend would get upset). It doesn't matter if you get her phone number or not. The fact that the first guy is an ass-kisser makes his girlfriend more likely to dump him. It's simple: It does not matter what anybody else thinks! Guys that feel like they have to defend themselves are far less attractive. Be different. Have you ever noticed how women behave when they're getting teased? It can almost look like they get angry. "Aw, throwing a temper tantrum..." I met a girl at an engineering camp a couple weeks ago. The very first day she's like "I slept on the way up and now my hair's messy." Bingo! I said, "Well, I didn't really want to say anything about it..." When we saw each other latter I told her that I didn't want her hanging out with me. "Everybody keeps looking at your hair!" "I'm getting embarrassed standing beside you!" A little latter she had a blue butterfly holding up her hair in the back. I remember saying something about it... But teasing does not mean to taunt her until she gets pissed off. It's the perfect amount of frustration you create so she's having enough fun to be more interested. It shows, on top of everything else, that you're not afraid to have fun. The key to any interaction is being indifferent to women. It makes you different in a very attractive way. Instead of other guys feeding compliments trying to get something, all of the sudden you come along and you don't pay that much attention to her. She doesn't know why she isn't attracting you, so she'll try harder. Now the game is turned around because she wants the guy. Instead of the frame being guy trying to get validation from girl, the entire communication is changed to girl trying to get validation from guy. It creates frustration and she'll be having much more fun then she would be with guys "dancing around like monkeys"; which she looks down upon. Another way to build anticipation is to start a story but finish latter. Tell her that you can finish on the phone. Oh, and learn how to pause in the middle of a sentence. Anyway, this isn't really profound stuff I'm telling you. Some guys bust on women instinctively, I bet everybody has seen mister pimp doing this. Hanging out or not, women will still test you. On a conscious and subconscious level. They talk about it with each other, like it's some sort of game -- maybe it gets them report with their peers? Some talk about how many guys hit on them in the bar, about the nerdy guy that said something really retarded, etc I guess it boosts their ego to have men hitting on them. (Actually, one thing that some men think is that women respond negatively to being approached by a stranger. But they're actually flattered and will react positively to good body language) Anyway, after some report (date report), when I meet those kind of people, I wait for them to consciously start their little act that normally works to get other men wasting money and say to the effect, "You don't have me fooled." She'll look at you funny and be like "What?" "Well, most guys probably fall for your 'I'm aloof and pretty so I get my way' but I know something that they don't. There's another side of you, one that is sensitive. Although you act raw I bet when somebody says something negative about you, it really hits you on the inside." The reason this works so well is because it's true! It will change a cold woman so fast that you'll instantly see an entirely new person appear. Women will test you to see if you'll comply to them. The second you "fail," they're out. Do things on your terms. You don't have to act like a jerk, just don't turn into a wussy. Women can get anything they want from most men so why would somebody be more interesting by doing this! It's O.K. to say no if you don't want to do something! Another thing that interests me is humer, so I'm going to share some pointers. Any good comedian will tell you that it's the character and not the jokes that are the most funny. If you're known to be funny by other people then they'll laugh at stuff you say even if it's dumb. It's like they anticipate that you're going to do something entertaining. Close to the end of school last year somebody asked to use the restrooms. I blurted out "Good luck!" But right after I said it, I was like "That's really retarded" and got worried about what other people were thinking (even though I've been saying not to...) And to my amusement everybody started laughing, even the teacher who was normally very cold to me! When I look back on it, if one of the more quite people had said that, it probably wouldn't have been very funny. It was the situation that was funny. And this is why telling stories is effective. By telling a story you get people in the mood or frame to find different things amusing that normally wouldn't be. They start anticipating for something to happen. I'm sure there are plenty of funny thing's that have happened in the past. Make a story out of it. This is something you can try, as a pick-up line, just to prove that it works. Look at somebody really serious and say "Will you please stop touching me?" Normally you'll get two responses. One is where they get it. They'll say something back to you if they know you're kidding. From here you can start the conversation, keep the same joke going -- flirt. The other is along the lines of "[timid]Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was touching you..." Just keep going "Yeah, well you did! And I'd appreciate it if you'd touch a little higher." Then hopefully they'll get that you're joking and will really crack up! This isn't actually mine. It was my friend that first tried this. He actually got a very negative response. And, I guess, sometimes people aren't in the mood. The real key to humor is just being creative. Read a book and watch some comedy. Laughing puts you in a better mood and most women like guys that are confident enough to get them laughing. I could keep going...Anyway, you can think what you want. But this is wholehearted advice to any nerd on these forums. It works, first hand. Two books that I recommend: Real World Seduction (psychology: conversation frames) and Comedy Writing Secrets.
  10. 1veedo


    Unfortunately it did not come with a CD because it was made to work with plug and play. Windows tried to install it that way, several times (reboot after each, sigh...), so eventually I decided to go to their website. From there I got the SB4100 drivers. Oh, and yes. I do know that USB would slow down your transfer rate. They used to have hardware for ethernet but couldn't get that recognized by Windows either... As for ME, I thought there was a second addition 2000 or something that supposedly fixed all these original bugs? Yes, I know that. And this is what I've been trying to do. I even tried the little troubleshooting help guide. Ironically, on Linux, the only thing I had to do was change the workgroup. No wizards. No reboots. Took literally about 30 seconds if you include adding my /home and printers -- it can do these tasks as fast as you can possibly click. The two computers down here are connected via ethernet. We use wireless for the 98 computer upstairs. Linux has this thing called samba that connects over the same protocall, or whatever, as Windows. Windows itself does not have the capability to be on any other kind of network but Windows. I wish I had the news link handy but in this whole europe microsoft mess, one of the compromises was to open up Windows networking standards but only to closed source companies. Samba is an open source project and there is no other client (except Windows) that can work on a Windows network without hacking. Hows that for marketing practices?
  11. This has nothing to do with chauvanism. I had to look the word up and I can assure that I'm not conservative.
  12. It has to be in the right frame, that's the key. I gave the example of a girl thinking to herself "Dance monkey, dance!" The reason this guy doesn't have any respect is because he's trying to make her like him. Very different frame then just hanging out. I don't really want to get into body language (could go on forever) but that's what it amounts to. Voice , conversation frames, etc. You could act like an ass-hole by saying "Poor baby is throwing a temper tantrum." -- If she really is pissed off and you're being serious. But there is always more then one way to say or imply something. If you just said something and she's acting offended then that sentence caries an entirely new meaning. That's where we're getting confused at. I've seen studies that show only 25% of communication is actually in the words themselves. The rest of communication is in voice tone, body language, and frames. For instance if you say "Can I get through!" it can be interpreted as (sarcasm) "You're wasting my time and I'm annoyed at you" or, with less harsh tone and open body language, "Let me past." In the same way somebody can say something and make it funny or just sound retarded -- if they're nervous and say something that's witty or funny, then they just come across as sketchy. Same words, different language. Try this: Say aloud "Excuse me" like a formality, like you're annoyed, and like you want something from somebody. You can say it powerfully or you can say it week and timid. But it's the same phrase. Comming across the Internet with out these kinds of frames and body language, I can see why you thought I meant something completely diferent. I seriously do know what I'm talking about. Me and a friend like to go out and "hit" on women. I find this kind of stuff interesting; even, like I said, read a couple books. Not really on dating but on comunication, frames, NLP, etc.
  13. I was talking about in nature. Society carries a lot of memes. On top of this, most guys actually do have different opinions about dating more then one woman then most females do. This is because of the economical difference between men and women when it comes to passing their genes down to the next generation. Most guys don't actually cheat on women but this is because there is social pressure against it. That difference is, like I just said, modern society. You guys just don't get this kidn of stuff, do you? At the very least you guys have to accept the biological aspect as attraction. Trust me, to go back to my example: Next date do not cling to her like a some needy male wanting attention. Spend a bit of time a way from her. This is probably the most common mistake I see men making. Girls like guys that are in control of their surrounding and themselves. They like dominant men. That's how nature works. The more masculine, cocky, and confident you are, the more women will respond emotionally to you. Women may demand things and act like a bitch but most likely this is all just a "test." If you're submissive, week, and shy, get over it. Walk a litle taller and be more self-centered. The reason women test guys is to see if he's in control. Most men mess up when girls start acting bratty. They'll say soemthing stupid like "Oh, I'm sorry..." and act very nervous. You just have to stay in control. Instead of getting nervious be like "Poor baby is throwing a temper tantrum." Women like to be teased. For example, I like teasing dates about holding my hand. I'll take hers, maybe to lead her through a door, and then will acuse her of trying to hold mine. "No hand holding this early..." Later I might hold my hand out for her to take it then be like "No, really..." It's all the inner game. If somebody tried to say the same things that they'v notice working for other guys, they may get a positive response from the woman. She may be acting interested and laughing her head off, but all she's really thinking is "Dance monkey, dance!" Just trust me. Sometimes guys at my school will see me talking one on one with a girl and will ask me what I say to them. The thing is that most people are looking for lines. I can't just tell them all my stories because that doesn't help them in the long run. What other guys need to understand is the inner game, not the outer because eventually she'll find out that it's all just a show -- which demonstrates lack of confidence to the woman. Walk tall. Be a man.
  14. 1veedo


    I think there are. I know there's some Java *nix OS in development right now that has a demo running off a floppy. But then again, I think this is more of a unix OS then Linux. The XP computer across the room runs a pentium 4. I don't see a big difference over there. Sometimes nobody will use it for a couple days (hense it was never rebooted) and when somebody finally does get on, XP complains "Not enough system memory to complete the requested function." (something similar at least) So I have to reboot, which takes forever btw. Not too long ago IE automatically popped up with an add upon starting the computer. Ad aware fixed that, though. The real reason I think Windows was done very poor by Microsoft is because everything just gets jumbled in there. After any length of time a typical installation of Windows and software gets into a complete mess. Linux on the other hand has a much better way of dealing with files, programs, etc. Generally the only way to clear out a Windows install is to reformat and install it, and then your software, all over again. 6 months later and it's running extreamly slow again. I generally never saw the diference in speed progressing, but let me tell you, after I reinstall Windows I notice dramatic improvement on speed. PS: As for BSD being ancient, you probably get this impression because it's more of a "text" install. I personally have never ran FreeBSD, but I know of some Linux distros that appear old while installing it but turns out to be awsome. Those were the exact thoughts when I was installing FC3 for the first time, even though that's actually a graphical install.
  15. Do any of you guys actually understand how male - female interactions really work? After all, we are in a science forum and this is a completely biological and psycological field. Guys look for youthful looking women. That's it. And most of the time, the only thing a guy wants is sex. Men will also, normally, "cheat" on women if the opertunity arises. This is because, for a man, it is very economical to spread seed for many women and not just one. Women on the other hand have a completely diferent idea about sex. They perfer to have one guy and for him to be fidelical. Think of it from a woman's point of view: If her "husband" has three families to support, then her resource are more limited. Eggs are big and scarce while sperm is ready. When a female is pregnent she can't concieve another child. Because of this, evolution kicked in so that humans, unlike most species, will be "horny" or will have sex even during pregnancy. This keeps the guy interested. Women don't actually juge a guy as much on his looks as guys do women. They're attracted to other things: Confidence, abition, chivalry, etc -- mainly personality. This is why women like rich guys: If you're rich then you're ambitious. You show a lot of confidence. Conservative, but ambitious. They look for the boyfriend, the relationship. This developed over millions of years of evolution. For instance, the reason guys are better then women at math 6 to 1 is because men had to be able to feed their wife... The same skills required to catch game are also the same skills needed in math. If you couldn't support a family, you wouldn't be having sex with anybody. No children. Your Not-good-at-math gense don't get past down. However, if you can support a wife and children, then your good at math. Your genes are past down. There was never a need for women to hunt. In a group (whatever) of lions, most of the sex is with the leader. The dominant males. While the other males in the group go with out. In fact, in almost every species of mammals it's like this. Even leaders of countries used to do this. They'd have a bunch of females with the only purpose of having sex with. To protect these girls laws were passed on monogamy. I remember one movie, during the middle ages, had a funny scene with unixes protecting a bunch of women... Even in the Bible, Kind David did this. In one story he sees an attractive female and eventually has her husband commanded to death in battle -- The general had everybody fall back while the enemy killed him. And this is just the more sciency part of it. I could go on...maybe one of these days I'll write an article for the nerds of this forum that cant pick up women. To be completely honest with everybody, I've read a couple books What's under everything is very different then what they appear. For instance, most guys think they have to buy gifts and kiss up to women. While some girls like being put on a pedestal most of them would prefer a relationship with somebody that wasn't always kissing up to them. Women like dominant men (remember the lions...). Just portray traits that are dominant (like confidence). If you back down from something you said because she seemed offended, you just lost a lot of respect. [pathetic voice] "Oh, oh. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me..." [/voice] (honestly, any woman want to back me up on this?) It could be a "test." It's all an act and she wants to find out if you have the balls to stand up for yourself. If you don't want to wast money on gifts, this is how: Just let her know that you were thinking about her (but not by calling her every day*). Just be like "You know, I was thinking about you, and"...conect something, plane a date, whatever. If you really want to be chivalrous, send her gifts on unexpected, random days. Never on Christmas, but when she least expects it. Instead of giving a gift on her birthday, plan a fun day with her. Be unpredictable. They may seem illogical at first but once you understand a little bit, interacting with the opposite sex becomes very easy. Look for a thread by me in the next couple weeks. *The reason you shouldn't stick to her like glue is simple. Obviously it demonstrates lack of confidence, but if you're at a date and are always stuck to her and if you call her 4 times a day it shows that you're needy. Don't be needy. Whenever you call her for a date list off days that you're busy. The last date you mention isn't booked yet, and you can hang out with her then. But the second that you become always available you lose scarcity and thus loose attraction. You start to look needy -- needy for sex and now she doesn't respect you. (again, any women? Back me up that you don't like needy guys drooling all over you...)
  16. 1veedo


    Ubuntu is definitely my favorite distro. I installed FC4 over it and was rather disapointed considering FC3 was my first distribution. Actually, herme3, you may be interested in why I, personally, left Windows for Linux: http://scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=7915 I was telling you earlier how I fix computers around my neighborhood. Just a couple hours ago there was a 98 computer that started IE with popups upon loading (without telling it to start). It was extremely slow. Random programs running in the background kept "performing illegal operations," and IE would randomly start while the computer was running. Plus there was this really wierd error: Explore.exe has told explorer to stop in an unusual way... at which point there was just a background. I ran ad aware and found 979 objects, erased some of them "successfully". The computer booted a little quicker but it was still in bad shape. These problems were all caused by IE. Proof is actually that all the spyware according to adaware was contracted from IE. I actually installed firefox and it ran 100% faster then IE did. They said that they loved firefox! Anyway, I came back the next day with an unused 120g HD to backup her 20g (16mb free -- very clutered, one reason it was running slow). Windows didn't recognize the HD even after spending around 40 minuets installing a CD that came with it. (furthermore, 98 doesn't recognize above 30 or so gigs anyway) Eventually I booted Ubuntu live, which required 2X RAM then they had (64 -- 128) but managed it by creating a SWAP on my 120. From there I backed up their entire disk. Anyway, I reinstalled Windows. It runs just like new. A little slow, but not too bad considering it's a pentuim 3. They run firefox now and agree that it's better then IE. I explained how by running that instead of IE would keep their computer running fast and free of scumware -- They think I'm some kindof genius but I'll be the first to admit that I'm really not (I'm not even going into computers for a career). It's problems that I saw in Windows fixing computers that eventually caused me to turn to Linux. Hehe, now I always have to point out to my customers (you could call them) that Linux never has these kinds of problems. And this is completely honest. You probably wouldn't believe the problems I've had to deal with in the past! As a computer specialist you probably fix a lot of problems that arise in Windows. I'll tell you right now that none of these issues ever pop up in Linux.
  17. 1veedo


    Wow, a lot of posts sense I was her last. Anyway, I already wrote up this post... I'm sure you're right. That's why Windows will eventually be a thing of the past Oh, and BTW, M$ is number 1 because of their marketing strategies. You can find all kinds of "50 page books" about Bill Gates. Read one; I'm sure you'd be surprised. Lol, I've done the same thing using knoppix. Around my area I have a report for being able to fix computers and one day I got a call because windows kept crashing telling her "Disk is corrupt." Not knowing at the time, I called up a local computer store asking them about it. He said, quote "We get this all the time. I normally charge $100 to save their data but all I do is boot knoppix to put their files on an external HD. When I reinstall everything their computer good as new" Actually, most specialists according to him know about this little trick. I think it's kind of funny. I mean, 100 just to transfer files? I guess most computer users don't really know all that much. Btw, as a computer specialist, knowing Linux could be very valuable for your career. Many corporations, includign the US government run *nix. Even if you still decide that Windows is better, playign around with it a bit could save you at a very unexpected time.
  18. A word of advice: Accept culture. Otherwise you'll just be wierd and uncool, cynic or not.
  19. Question: Is WMA a music file? Xine plays just sound, and if I remember right, has a visualisation. Is there perhaps an open source or Linux program that does this?
  20. 1veedo


    There aren't really that many people on any Linux forum (well, possible a gamers forum) that are trying to get Windows programs to run on Linux. Why? Because on Linux, we don't need software from Windows. We have our own, much easier to install, set of applications. In fact, most distros come with literally hundreds to thousands of programs pre-installed. KOfics and OO is, in my opinion, much better then M$ office suit. I have a computer running Windows just across the room so I know. I have never seen a program on Windows that out-performed a similar program on Linux. Actually, on my Windows computer, we don't use a lot of Microsot's stuff. For video, we have BSPlayer (IMO better then Windows Media), we do have Microsoft's office, but we also have Word Perfect (again, IMO, better). Like I said above, we have firefox instead of IE. And you know what's ironic? I didn't install any of it. My sister, dad, and mom did. And my parents both prefer M$ over open source. (actually, if my sis had it her way, that computer would be running Linux too) Just try a live CD of Linux (or the BSD link). There is software for almost everything you can name that "will not work on Linux." Guarantee it. There are more reliable statistics that are compiled from several websites to gather similar statistics. No offense, but your website probably dousn't have the number of visitors to make a very educated estiment of what people use. Just to show you what I mean, here are the statistics for my site: (compiled) 59.42 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) [/sV1: .NET] (XP running IE, pro and home) 26.43 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko [/Gec and Windows 9x] (I think all Windows Firefox users) 3.85 (other Windows, IE) 5.37 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/200 (hehe, that's me. lol) 7.06 (other *nix) the rest are search engines and small numbers So it looks like, about 65 IE, 33 firefox, 90 windows, excluding me. But honestly, you're trying to prove something bassed on your website? Look how diferent our statistics are! --- Hm.. this is interesting... MSIE 6 is labled Mozilla/4.0 Firefox is labled Mozilla/5.0 IE is using Mozilla or something...?
  21. "How can you know" is exactly why a copyright holder could hack a system on just "suspitions." Go to the actual bill, I just covered it's definitions to illistrate what it meant by "p2p networkds". The definition applies to almost everything on the Internet! Seriously, read this. It's absurd definitions like this that make it illegal to listen to music or whatch a movie on computers.
  22. I had trouble signing up too. I think I gave up and never tried again.
  23. 1veedo


    Linux is not perfect. Most newbies are quick to point out the problems in any distro. Beeing new, they don't yet understand the power to fix these problems. A quick post in the forums and just like magic, the problem is fixed. Any look in a Windows help forum just prooves that you have to install programs to fix it's bugs. Most programms just uninstall others to get Windows working properly. One I saw actually disables IE's ability to read web standards. You cant uninstall IE (or MSN) because these prorams are integrated in Windows. But you can stop if from being stupid with 3rd party software. As for the IE "fanboy" as Pangloss called him, install firefox and look at the "features" it has compared to IE. I remember running Windows and seeing the Screen Savors talk about how much better it was, so I installed it. I never went to Firefox because IE had security issues, I went just because Firefox is cooler. Tabed browsing is just plain awsome. You can install plugins with ease (literally, just tell it to install Java and it does it for you), and there are these things called extentions. As far as Firefox goes, just trying it is enough to use it over IE. My sister even uses it on our older computer (XP celeron) above IE, and she know nothing about spyware or security. All she looks at is eyecandy, speed, and features. However, firefox isn't perfect. Yes there are security holes. Yes 1.4 had a crashing problem on x86_64, but it's problems are far less then those of IE. (as far as I'm concerned, IE has crashign problems on EVERY version....)
  24. On the Internet, yes, but the bill is concerning data contained on an actual computer. Many artists, for example, have music in some sort of flash thing. You can listen to it, but extracting the music (if it's possible) would be illegal. Technically speaking, the article (or anything on my site) is not copyright work, but it illistrates a point: Simply, if it were copyright, a person reading the article would have an unauthorized copy of material contained on their hard drive via cache. Try copying an article from another website and posting it on these forums. A moderator would be quick to edit your post and inform you that it's a copyright violation.
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